AIJR Books
<p>Submit your book manuscript for publication with ISBN and DOI and disseminate worldwide.</p>en-USAIJR Books<p>Author(s) retains full copyright of their article unless otherwise transferred to their institution or other third party and grants non-exclusive publishing right to AIJR publisher. Author(s) can archive pre-print, post-print and published version/PDF to any open access, institutional repository, social media or personal website provided that Published source must be acknowledged with citation and link to publisher version.</p> <p>For more information on Copyright, click <a title="Copyright Info" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p> <p>For more information on Licensing policy, click <a title="Licensing Info" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">here</a>.</p>Abstracts of the 2nd Academic Forum on Volunteering and Public Welfare for Older Adults
<p>This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the 2<sup>nd</sup> Academic Forum on Volunteering and Public Welfare for Older Adults (<em>VPWO</em><em> 2024 </em>), held on 7<sup>th</sup> December 2024, by the Institute of Ageing Studies, Peking University, China. The forum offered an interdisciplinary platform to explore new ideas, showcase cutting-edge research, and promote collaboration across various sectors. This year’s forum focused on several key topics, including volunteer-driven care for older adults, the role of public welfare organizations in enhancing the well-being of older adults, social policies for aging populations, and the development of age-friendly communities. </p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> 2<sup>nd</sup> Academic Forum on Volunteering and Public Welfare for Older Adults<br /><strong>Conference Acronym: </strong>VPWO 2024<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 7<sup>th</sup> December 2024<br /><strong>Conference Venue: </strong>Beijing, China<br /><strong>Conference Organizer: </strong>Institute of Ageing Studies, Peking University, China</p>Zixin ZhouXiaoxuan LiangBo LiangShuhan MiaoQianyi ZhangJiyao LiJing HaoJiamou XiYunhui LuHang ZhuZhinan LiuWenhu XuJue WangLe-Shui ChaiXiang LiLiling ChenBaoyu XuXiaohong WeiBin WuZhaoxue LiTinghan JiangHuimin ShiZhenzhen WangLeqi ChenYutian ChenWanning TianDingchun HouYuxing ZhaoChang LiuLijun PeiZhenli DaiXiaohan ZhuHuameng TangChaoyu ZhangYushan DuChao GuoGong ChenChengmeng Zhang
Copyright (c) 2025 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2025-02-222025-02-22Radiobiological Model-Based Plan Evaluation for Patients Undergoing Radiotherapy Treatment
<p>Radiotherapy treatment becoming essential in the treatment of most of the cancers. It is realised that technology is advancing rapidly which also impacted the advancement of radiotherapy techniques. With new modern techniques evolved with time, complexity as complementary attached to it. Modern techniques demand accuracy, knowledge of additional parameters and new approaches. Keeping in mind present thesis focused on efforts that how the radiotherapy treatment can be improved for the benefit of patients. Radiobiological models started to appear in 1980s since then it is continuously evolving. Medical physicist community is now understanding the importance of radiobiological models and many vendors started to incorporate radiobiological models with their treatment planning system. Still, most of the Medical physicist of the community hesitate to use radiobiological models because of uncertainty and complexity. Therefore, radiobiological models remained the topic of research. But with the efforts of researchers plenty of data have been produced with respect to biological models which is strengthening the reliability of these models. This work is motivated from the discussion during plan evaluation when one of the organ at risk (spinal cord) received dose beyond tolerance limit and it was impossible to achieve. The discussion moved from physical parameter based assessment to basic radiobiology of specific tissue of interest. It gives a kick, to study radiobiological models to handle complex scenarios during plan evaluation. Presently number of radiation oncologists are practicing altered fractionation depends on many clinical trials, changes in fractionation regimen drastically changes the treatment outcome. Therefore, if it is possible to understand the probability of outcome before it appears, it can lead in improvisation of treatment. There are number of biological models exist in literature and varies in terms of biological parameters. It is needed to choose appropriate biological model for better outcome and its validation before implementing in routine clinical practice. Present thesis work tried to answer doubts of radiobiological models and intended to bring in general practice.</p>Ganeshkumar Ramesh Patel
Copyright (c) 2024 Ganeshkumar Ramesh Patel
2024-12-202024-12-20Proceedings of the Science Conclave 2024
<p>This proceeding contains articles presented at the Science Conclave 2024 (SCICON2024) organized by the Departments of Computer Science, Computer Applications, Mathematics, and Physics at Auxilium College of Arts and Science for Women, Tamil Nadu, India on 12<sup>th</sup>-14<sup>th</sup> December 2024. The theme of SCICON2024 revolves around fostering interdisciplinary research, promoting innovative thinking, and addressing global challenges through scientific inquiry and technological innovation. The conference serves as a platform for intellectual discussions, knowledge exchange, and collaboration, encouraging participants to share their cutting-edge research, insights, and discoveries. This prestigious event brings together a diverse community of scholars, researchers, academicians, industry professionals, and students to explore recent advancements and emerging trends in science and technology.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title: </strong>Science Conclave 2024<br /><strong>Conference Acronyms:</strong> SCICON2024<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 12<sup>th</sup>-14<sup>th</sup> December 2024<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Tamil Nadu, India<br /><strong>Conference Organizers: </strong>Auxilium College of Arts and Science for Women, Tamil Nadu, India</p>Jenitha GPaulraj Jayasimman IK. Christy RaniV. MekalaS. Little JoiceAmarthya AS.Maria Jesu RajaO. Uma MaheswariS. YesuraniA Leema RoseA ManickamC SenthilkumarMeher Taj SSudha MG. Krishna PriyaT. AparnaT. DhivyaI. Paulraj JayasimmanS. Arul Amirtha RajaS. PadmavathiM. SubashiniD. AashaK. SujithS. VishnupriyaM. Mohamed ShajithkhanN. VijayalakshmiK. SujithAyshwarya PK. SujithG. DivyaV. ManirajM. MenahaJ. LavanyaM. SekarK. SaravananBharathi Bernadsha SAleena RajuNimmy Treesa ThomasSreemol K. K.Simi N. J.V. SudarvizhiA. KrishnaveniT. BalakrishnanC. Kelvin AdaikalamS. GowriKaviyaSivaranjaniP. Evangelin TeresaG. SankarB. SathyaC. PavithraS. ManimegalaiS. ChitraDeviM. SuganyaA. R. BaluSr. V. Santiagu TheresalS. Bharathi BernadshaJoseph ClementS. Arul Amirtha Raja
Copyright (c) 2024 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2024-12-122024-12-12Abstracts of the Second International Congress on Energy and Industrial Processes Engineering
<p>This book presents Volume 2 of the extended abstracts from the selected contributions to the Second International Congress on Energy and Industrial Processes Engineering (<em>ICEIPE’24</em>), held on 14-16 May 2024 by the University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algiers, Algeria. ICEIPE'24 serves as a catalyst for innovation and collaboration, accelerating advancements in sustainable energy, industrial processes, and resource management.</p> <p><strong>Congress Title:</strong> The Second International Congress on Energy and Industrial Processes Engineering 2024<br /><strong>Congress Acronym: </strong>ICEIPE’24<br /><strong>Congress Date:</strong> 14-16 May 2024<br /><strong>Congress Venue: </strong>Mercure Hotel, Algiers Airport<br /><strong>Congress Organizer: </strong>Research Laboratory of Matter’s Valorization and Recycling for Sustainable Development (VRMDD), University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algiers, Algeria.<br /><strong>Link to Volume 1:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>Boudjemaa GhouilFerhat BouzeraraMustafa M. DemirAlberto FigoliAiouaz FatmaBensadok KenzaChader SamiraAiouaz FatmaAiouaz FatmaBensadok KenzaChader SamiraSiham HennaouiKhadija AyadiKhaled ElmiloudiRihab BoussaidGoussem MimanneHayat MokdadManel Abdallah TouatiAicha BrassiYoucef RokiaSabba NassilaTaleb Ahmed MouradBenhadji AmelAsselah AmelAfricano Cani ZuaAbraão Manuel Buzi NunesBalit SarahKecha MouloudBoudraa ReguaiaTaleb SouhilaOughilas AhmedMimanne GoussemHiba SadatNadia GuettaiHamza FenneriHafsa BourayYassine KadmiEl Hanafi NawelIghilahriz KahinaZaabar AidaAoudjit FaridMoulla NabilMessoudi FaridaLounici HakimBenlemmane WidadBenlemmane SamiraMustapha ChabaneNacer FerrahRiad MansourChikh MelkaouiKhaled RahouiBenamar DahmaniTadjine SoumayaKies FairouzFekkai AbdallahMadji SérineBelmedani MouhamedMekatel El HadjVieillard JulienChabane LeilaBouras OmarSabrina NaamaAfaf BrikKhaled DerkaouiSihem BouanikSoumia BenredouaneSeif-Eddine FrihaToufik HadjersiFarch SabrinaLefnaoui SoniaNadji Houssam EddineLefnaoui SoniaMansouri AssiaBendjaballah-Lalaoui NadiaGhemit khaoulaRouibah KarimaAkika Fatima ZohraYoucef RokiaChaya MayaSabba NassilaTaleb Ahmed MouradBentaib NoureddineBenhadji AmelZenati AbdelfetahBelalia FatihaHarichane AlyaMerakchi AkilaKarima CheballahLynda MiticheSarah Ould HammoudaAmar SahmouneFeddal ImeneSekkal HannaneBennabi SouadSardi AminaKradra Brahma Khadidja Kefif FatimaZouai AblaAit Ouaissa YasmineBouafia SouadBouafia SouadChabani MalikaBillal BrahimiElhadj MekatelMounir MellalBouaziz AyaGherbi NaimaHadjar HafidaRoumaissa ChouiebMalika ChabaniSouad BouafiaYasmine AitouaissaMourad CherguiDjilali Mohamed AmineMellal MounirBoudiaf SalimMekatel ElhadjMahmoud OmarBouaza DjamilaMiloudi HafidaMoumene TaqiyeddineBoudiaf SalimNasrallah NoureddineMellal MounirM.A. DjilaliN. BoukhelataL. KaradanizN. BensalemN. BadniA. HamitoucheAmel BoudjemaaK. BachariAbada BachiraEtienne MathieuL. Merabti O. BenhabilesS. MahidineZ. TigrineD. TassalitM. MellalN. ChekirI. KhouniZ. TigrineS. HoutO. BenhabilesL.MerabtiS.MahidineF.K.BenabdelazizZ.BelgrounF.Z.YahiaouiC.TorkiD.TassalitBenaissa RadouaneHadj Djelloul MohammedKazi Tani HychemBenhabiles OuassilaMerabti LeilaKesai MakhloufTassalit DjilaliMadjene FaridTigrine ZahiaChekir NadiaMehdi AmineMahidine SarahMahmoudi HaceneHout SarraTigrine ZahiaAburideh HananeBelgroun ZoubirYahiaoui Fatima ZahraTassalit DjilaliOthman Mohd Hafiz DzafrenLebik HafidaMahidine SaraBoutra BelgassimElhadi RafikChekir NadiaSabba NassilaBenhabiles OuassilaMerabti LeilaMessaoui AsmaBouzeboudja Aicha AinounaZemmouri HassibaMarou AlmiNadia ChekirNaima SahraouiNassila SabbaDjilali TassalitImene BouchelkiaNassila SabaAbchiche HassinaMounir MellalSouhila KademNadia ChekirSadjia BertoucheOussama KoulougliMedina MEHENAOUINadia CHEKIROuassila BENHABILESYasmine Atika HAFSANassila SABBADjilali TASSALITWalid RezigMohammed HadjelAzli. MosbahZineb KhebliFerhat BouzeraraSadek ChahredineCheikh KadiriFarhet BouzeraraLouadj AmelEzzeroug KaoutherHouari MohamedMessoudine BouchraBouras OmarSidali KourdaliDjebra-Belmessaoud NadiaBoudieb NaimaTaïbouni NabilaAmokrane ArezkiBelouadah NaimaZouad HamzaAzli Tarek Izerrouken MahmoudBoukeffoussa KhelifaMedour Y. CameliaBenchouk AminaIghilahriz KahinaMoudir DalilaKamel Nour El HayetMouheb YasminaLarbah YoucefAouchiche FairouzMaachou AichaAmrane AminaAmariche LamiaBouaza ImaneBensemma NouarBayou NaimaHouhoune Fatima Senouci MarouaBensaada IkramImene KadriRanya Zamouche-ZerdaziAsma BoutaghaneAdel BoulebdNabila GuenouneMoussaab Bencheikh LehocineHamza FenniriNadia GuettaiHafsa BourayHiba SadatBrahim BouarganeYassine KadmiHouhoune FatimaBertouche SadjiaBelguezzane AdelBerramdani LynaTurkman MeriemBadaoui BouthainaMezyane RayaneBouras OmarFateh SedratiFadila KhaldiHana BouzahouaneMohcen MenaaTayeb BouarroudjKheireddine OualiHouhoune FatimaHadjaoui Djamel EddineChabane-Sari MeriemChabani FadelaAmrouche YasmineRehal ManalMelikchi RedouaneKaous NassimaOusfi Amira Semaoune FaridaChabane Sari MeriemBoulahia NadjibaHank DalilaBoumezough YasserArris SihemViscusi GianlucaFatima BenbelaidBoubkeur Seddik BouakazAbderrahmane HabiAbdelhani AouaitiaA. DjermouneOudjer FaizaOudjer FaizaKhemaissia SihemBendjeriou FatihaBalamane HassinaBentruk AsmaBennemla MessaoudNaima BelouadahNabila TaibouniTarek AzeliRyad ChahdaneNadjet OsmaniFatiha KademMaloufi MohammedSeif El IslemDjellouli Hadja MebarkaMarwa BensalahHichem Kazi-TaniSi Tayeb Nor El HoudaChafi ZahiaAbdelhak SerouriZoubida TalebSafia TalebBellaloui MouradBennemla MessaoudBoudaoud NaceraSelma SaidSidali KhedidjiOmar ArousNoureddine YassaaDebab AyaSonia Boudjabi Haroun ChenchouniBouray HafsaGuettai NadiaFenniri HamzaSaadat HibaKadmi YacineBendellaa Ramila ChahinezRekkab AfafDidi AmelFarch SabrinaBenlakehal Fatma Zahraghardaoui DahbiyaA. BoutaghaneR. Zamouche-ZerdaziI. KadriS. KouloughliR. LachacheA. BoulebdN.Guenoune M. Bencheikh LehocineKhelifi Mohamed NadirSaouli OuacilBouzeraib AnisBasta KhaledBouanaka MounaDjedouani DjamilaChabani MalikaBenanane SihamCheikh NawelBendehina Nour El HoudaRahou IsmahaneBerbaoui NaimaVillemin DidierBoumendjel AhceneRezzak SLaoufi Nadia AKhayra MersellemDjamila BouazzaHafida MiloudiPedro Maireles-TorresYasmine HamriouiDjamel Eddine AmezianiZouhira HirecheLyes NasseriRachid NebbaliYali Guo Henia SaibFenchouch LouaiBechiri MohammedZeghaba NadjetteBousseliou MahyeddineBechiri MohammedHireche ZouhiraNasseri LyesAmeziani Djamel EddineTeguar MarwaLounici HakimaKebaili MayaHachemaoui Mohammed Mokhtar AdelBoukoussa Bouhadjar Soumya SaidiNour El Houda MalkiSomia HamilSihem ArabAbir HasnaouiMustapha ChikhiFouzia BalaskaWalid SeraghniLokorai KanzaAli-Khodja HocineF. SahraouiN. HaddadJ.F LamonierAbderrahmane ZiariAbderrahmane MedjerabMellah FaridaBoutaleb AbdelhakHenni BachirBerdous DalilaMellah AbdelhamidHanane AburidehDjamila ZiouiZahia TigrineSarra HoutMohamed AbbasBelaid FatmiAbdelkrim HazzabMahida BadraBenyounes HassibaMedjahdi MalikaBaidar LokmaneRenad Rabie Ahmed BelgacemHocine HadounRemil KhedoudjaArabi MalikaMansouri BelkacemMelikchi RedouaneToumert IdirNacer Khodja AssiaTalbi NadiaOuld Ouali MohandNekmouche Aghiles F LoulouBidjou HaiourMaloufi Mohammed Seif El IslemDjellouli Hadja Mebarka Bennabi SerineBoukhelkhal DjamilaGuendouz MohamedMelikchi RedouaneHadjadj MoussaNedjma KhelifaSouhila AithamoudiSophia Ait AbbasNacera DahmaniAbdelkader Boudali-Belkheir H Miloudi, D Bouazza Tassist AminaHenni Youcef Arbia WassilaKhelil Cherfi Zinebsadfi NaimaReghmit HaddaBoughazi NarimanMahdad M’hamedHammas AghilesChalah KaciBelouni Hadia Soufyane. DjellouliEl Ghalia FilaliLeila DjekouneAziz MaaliouDalila ZianiAbderzak MoussouniAbdelouahab BouttoutAmina SlyemiAmel LimamAhlemTahariEl Bahri Ould ChikhAbdel-Nour ZaimAli Boudjlall MoulaiMEKIDECHE SalihRokbi MansourKHALDOUNE Abd Raouf Mouffok Samir Kaci MustaphaHassinet LiamenaBouchekouf Saloua Si-Ameur MohamedBoulahya IbtissamMakkani AbdelkadirTafraoui Ahmed Ait ahsene-Aissat fettaBendou SamiraBougherara salihaHalima ChaaAmar Khelfane Sarra MokaddemFatene Bechiri-BenmerzougOuassel SafirKhemaissia SihemChabane Sari Meriem Melikchi RedouaneAknoun Abderrahmane Guettaf HayetNibou DjamelTahtat DjamelNacer-Khoja Assia Benamer SamahSabba NassilaDaas Yasminabaali LyndaRebehi KheiraAbdel-Nour ZaimEl Bahri Ould ChikhAli Boudjlall MoulaiAlya HarichaneDalila ZianiAziz MaaliouLeila DjekouneAbderzak MoussouniAbderzak MoussouniAmer ZeghmarLeila BenchaibaAziz MaaliouDalila ZianiLeila DjekounGherissi RadiaKazi-Tani HychemZegnouni AymenBelalia FatihaMalek Zineb Chekir Nadia Sabba NassilaTassalit DjilaliYaddadene ChafiaaGuettaï NadiaSabba NassilaKadmi YassineBouargane BrahimAmina BouguerouaKhedoudja SoudaniAli SMAIDAKhadidja KrolkraSmail HaddadiImene BouchelkiaHacina AbchicheRais MohammedSadjia BertoucheB. BouiderMounir MellalNassila Sabba
Copyright (c) 2024 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2024-12-092024-12-09Abstracts of the Second International Congress on Energy and Industrial Processes Engineering
<p>This book presents Volume 1 of the extended abstracts from the selected contributions to the Second International Congress on Energy and Industrial Processes Engineering (<em>ICEIPE’24</em>), held on 14-16 May 2024 by the University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algiers, Algeria. ICEIPE'24 serves as a catalyst for innovation and collaboration, accelerating advancements in sustainable energy, industrial processes, and resource management.</p> <p><strong>Congress Title:</strong> The Second International Congress on Energy and Industrial Processes Engineering 2024<br /><strong>Congress Acronym: </strong>ICEIPE’24<br /><strong>Congress Date:</strong> 14-16 May 2024<br /><strong>Congress Venue: </strong>Mercure Hotel, Algiers Airport<br /><strong>Congress Organizer: </strong>Research Laboratory of Matter’s Valorization and Recycling for Sustainable Development (VRMDD), University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algiers, Algeria.<br /><strong>Link to Volume 2:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>Adam BahishtiBOURENANE KarimaKHALFOUN SelouaMEKHALEF BENHAFSA LeilaAZZAZ YahiaHENNI Hayat BENRABAA Rafik ROSSEL.PascaLLOFBERG Axcel Bouchra DIAFAbdelfettah KERBOUAFouad BOUKLI HACENENawel HEDEILIKawther Fatima Zohra. Ezzine Fatma LitimeinMohammed Chams Eddine EzzineGhodbane HassinaKhaldi FouadDeraadji BahloulFatima Zohra Bochra AmraniBenaissa BekkoucheHARCHE RimaBenredouane SoumiaIfres Madjid Naama Sabrina Hadjersi ToufikDIDOUCHE Yasmina-FadilaBOUDIEB NaimaAZRI Yamina MouniaTOU InsafBEROUAKEN AmineSADI MeriemMadina KechkarRahma BessahMajda AzizaTebbouche LatifaSabah AbadaKarima IBELAIDENEOuardia REBASHamza BOUABDALLAHSofiane KACIOuardia REBASChems Eddine CHITOURSamir FEKRACHESabrina BERKANINassima KAOUSOuardia REBASMohammed BESSALAHMohamed ABDI Nour Elhouda BELADJINEManel AIT YAHIALalia Abir BOUHENNIFatima Zohra BOUHENNIMeryem OULD-ROUISSMohamed ABDIManel AIT YAHIANour Elhouda BeladjineFatima Zohra Nedjda BouhenniLalia Abir BouhenniMeryem OULD ROUISSMohamed ABDIFatima Zohra Nedjda BOUHENNILalia Abir BOUHENNINour Elhouda BELADJINEManel AIT YAHIAMeryem OULD ROUISSDjouama NadineLabsi Saliha RoumaissaBendjaballah-Lalaoui NadiaKhodja KhadidjaChaib KhaledMohamed ABDI Belhouari Abd Elkarim bekhtaouiAmina Ould MohamedRemache Rebaia LeilaZitouni HamzaFatima MelitNedjemeddine BounarShabana P.S. ShaikhManish DeshpandeMarlu Cesar SteilHamza MEDJADJIAli BOULAHOUACHENassima SALHIBRAHIMI FaizaGUEMMADI MessaoudaMAZARI MoussaH. Bencheikh LehocineA. Djoudi GherbiNawel KANOUN-BOUAYEDFaiza MERADAhmed-Ali KANOUNMohammed Amin RABAHYoucef BenabdellahNIHAL NecibMOHAMMED. BenkheddaEMREHAN GürsoyENGİN GedikSELLAMI KarimaLABSI Nabila BENKAHLA Youb KhaledNadjla CHERIFIZineb BENHENNIFEDDAOUI M’barekNADIA AllouacheMOHAMED BelmedaniBellal Mohamed NazimSaouli OuacilBelhamideche KheiraLaredj NadiaMustapha MalikiMissoum Hanifi Mahi Eddine BrahimiDjihad BennaceurLABSI NabilaABDELLAOUI ChakibDERRADJI SaidBENKAHLA Youb KhaledAmel OunnarF. KaidiO. BouzidF. TlemsaniD. ZitouniSoumia BoudjeradaYamina BenseridiTOUMI MeriemABDELLI Islam SafiaABDELMALEK FatihaRayane LakrouneDjamel Eddine AmezianiYahia Adbelhamid LakhdariLyes Nasseri Mohamed Djallel El Idrissi SeghierZ LaouichiM. AksouhY. SalhiDJEFEL DihiaMAKHLOUF SaidLEFEBVRE GillesGhaitaoui Essama AhmedNassour Kamel Bouroumeid YassineNemmich SaidOlad Naoui Ibrahim KhalilTilmatine AmarGhaitaoui TouhamiAmel LIMAMAbdelouahab BOUTTOUTAmina SLYEMILotfi DERRADJIFATIMA BachirAHMED HafaifaNADJI HadrougBOUHADEF YasminaBELHANECHE NaimaTIGHILT Fatma ZohraBELHOUSSE SamiaLASMI KahinaSAM SabrinaHanane CheradiFarida IachacheneKacem MansouriZoubida HaddadS. BenomarA. MassoM. D. SorianoJ. A. Vidal-MoyaJ. M. López NietoT. Blasco A. ChieregatoR. IssaadiMounia BelacelNassima SalhiAmar HadefNaima BOUDIEBMohamed LOUCIF SEAIDZohra GHEBACHEBOUDIAF AhlemBENKAHLA Youb KhaledLABSI NabilaKarima Benfadel Sabiha Anas BoussaaLamia TalbiAssia BoukezzataYahia OuadahSamira KaciHocine Moussouni Mourad MechouetJalal GhilaneLaichi AmmarBouhezza AichaKholai OmarTOUMI IkramSARI HASSOUN ZakariaALIANE KhaledHichem HafdaouiNasreddine BelhaouasNadira MadjoudjHouria AssemFarid HadjriouaFateh MeharebAMAL ElfiadMADJID IfiresSOUMIA BenredouaneBaya DjebarriNadia AiderFouzia TouahraDjamila HallicheV. M. Gonzalez-DelacruJuan P. HolgadoAlfonso CaballeroK. BacharriBentaieb NoureddineL. KerraiF.R. ZirourS. TebaniBenarima Zine EL AbidineMekatel EL HadjSeddaoui NaoualBoulouma SabriSmail ToufikCheikh RidhaBelmili HocineBendib BoualemAlmi Mohamed FaycalMARIR AimenABCHICHE HacinaBouchelkia ImeneKadem SouhilaBertouche SadjiaMellal MounirBakouri YasminaChekir NadiaArab MarouaLakehal AmiraTassalit DjilaliC. YaddadenM. BerouakenO. DjemaF. BoudefarA. ManseriL. TalbiA. MameriK. Ayouz-CheboutN. GabouzeBerouaken MalikaYaddadene ChafiaaDjema OussamaLasmi KahinaCheriet AbdelhakTalbi LamiaAmar ManseriNoureddine GabouzeOussama DJEMAAbdelghani BouchehamAbbes marrefBoutaleb LabdelliKheira BekheddaAbdelkader DjelloulLyes BenharratSeif-Eddin FrihaAbchiche HacinaBouchelkia ImeneBertouche SadjiaMellal MounirHalaz HafidaHaddadi FerielTakhroubt FaziaAmeur AmaraAmina TouatiMessaoud BenounisAbderrezak SabourAissa BenselhoubBoucelha LilyaDjebbar RédaBentayeb Ait Lounis SaïdaCheref ZahiaCherifi ThiziriLoulou FatmaBidjou-Haiour ChahraGhania Kaanin-BoudraaFatiha BrahmiLila Boulekbache-MakhloufNaima Djerroud-MohellebiLourdia-Nouara KernouCristina NerínKhodir MadaniBenyoucef MekhanegMohamed HemisCherifi-Naci HalimaAKSAS HamoucheKhemis AsmaTrea SalihaKsentini HanaMeddad Hamza AmelTassist AminaAbouseoud MahmoudTadjine NacéraBenlemmane SamiraBenlemmane WidadOulad Naoui Brahim El KhalilNemmich SaidTilmatine AmarNassour KamelNassour KamelGhaitaoui Essama AhmedBouroumeid YassineKhelifi ElmabroukLakhdari Yahia AbdelhamidNasseri LyesAmeziani DjameEddineLakroune RayeneNadia AguerssifBouchelkia ImeneBoudjellab YacineBelguerdouh YacineAbciche HacinaMellal MounirKadem SouhilaNadia ChekirSaba NassilaBertouche SadjiaFarouk OuanisSaiah Wassila Saiah Halima Allaoui Khalida Bertouche SadjiaKadem SouhilaSabba Nassila Sahraoui NaimaAyachi NabilaNadji Lykhlef ilham iméne Tlidjani nada yasmine Madaoui batouleGuenaoui RadiaBelhadji LindaHadjsadok AbdelkaderFATIMA ZOHRA Ziri ABDERREZAK BenghalemHAOUACHE Sara MAZOUNI SoumiaBERKACHE KamelGanghoffer Jean François Deghaoun MohamedKadem SouhilaMohamed Amine KacemBertouche SadjiaChekir NadiaSabba NassilaBouchelkia ImeneAbchiche HacinaOmri HananeBelaid Chaima AnfelChahrazad ABIR Hocine BOUTOUMI Bachir BOUZIDBouabane HouriaKanoun Khedoudja Meddah BoumedieneMouheb YasminaKamel N El HayetKamariz SoumiaAouchiche FairouzMoudir DalilaMaachou AichaChabou AzizaCheknane BenomarZeffouni ZakiaZermane FaizaKhanfri NassimaBoucenna AliSadi MeriemAzri Yamina MouniaTou Insaf Aissaoui. Lydia Benchohra Hadria AmelKhelif MeriemBouchenafa Saib NaimaMohamed Amine KacemKadem SouhilaBertouche SadjiaAbchiche HacinaChekir NadiaBouchelkia ImeneSabba NassilaMellal MounirSabrina KoribecheSadjia BertoucheNaima SahraouiHadjer MabroukiKatia LouniciRoufaida Aissa BrahimDjamel Eddine AkretcheMadaoui BatouleBelhadji LindaHadj Sadok AbdelkaderAyachi NabilaHouari WalidBoutoumi HocineMazouni SoumiaHaouache SaraGanghoffer Jean FrançoisSahoui FerielBerrama Tarek Ibn ZiadAit Oumeraci MohamedBalouli AbdelhalimKadmi YassineWafa TachouaMohamed KabrineMamona MushtaqZaheer Ui-HaqSaadoune ZinebLaribi HassibaBenorif OumhaniDjedri SafiaHachama Kamel Khadraoui AbdelkaderAyachi NabilaMadaoui BatouleMadaoui BatouleGuenaoui RadiaBelhadji LindaHadjsadok AbdelkaderH.Benalia D.BarkatTeggar HadjiraMeziane Ahmed MalikaAyadi Khadidja Agrouche SakinaAbdullah Al-Mishari Belyagoubi-Benhammou NabilaMedjdoub HouriaBenmeliani FatihaGuermouche BayaHabi salimMerzouk HafidaBouleghlem HocineZidane SalimaBoukhalat SaidGuelil Abd El-HamidAmina Ben BouabdallahNacer-Eddine DjelaliDjamel AlioucheThinhinane HamacheNasser BelboukhariKhaled Sekkoum Zaid Mohammed El AminDjawhara Haddad Nasser Belboukhari Khaled SekkoumMeriem BouaniniHalima Oulad AliNasser BelboukhariKhaled SekkoumMebarka BelboukhariLamia SeddikiSarra ZouaouiMohamed Miloud MazariAzziza Chabane ChaouchFarid. Benkaci-Ali Lynda AbdelliMalika. NouadjiSaida MarmiBrahim-Abdelli Meriem Bouhazam AsmaAssen ZahraKettal Meriem El BatoulChemlal RadiaLaribi HassibaBEYAZ KhaledMelouki soriya Zeghough djidelOuali YasmineHamzaoui-Dahmani NaceraGhouila ZahiaBerrekia MissoumGasmi Sara Nawel Oumouna MustaphaBourouba MehdiOuchelli YamenDahmani NaceraAfaf BrikChemat ZoubidaNadia ChekirSouhila KademImene BouchelkiaNassila Sabba
Copyright (c) 2024 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2024-12-042024-12-04Proceedings of the 8th International Visual Methods Conference
<p>This proceeding contains articles presented at the 8<sup>th</sup> International Visual Methods Conference (<em>IVMC8</em>) organized by Sapienza University of Rome - Saperi&Co. and Melting Pro, Rome, Italy on 29<sup>th</sup>-31<sup>st</sup> May 2023. Visual methods use a variety of visual tools (images, maps, drawings, graphic novels, photos, films, videos, etc.) to communicate complex concepts. These tools are generated through participatory activities, research and planning activities or even through using already existing visual materials in an original way. The topic of this 8<sup>th</sup> edition of IVMC was <em>Transition: Preparing for the Next Generation.</em> In the evolving scenario visual methods play an important role, embracing much more than the simple communication of results.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title: </strong>8<sup>th</sup> International Visual Methods Conference<br /><strong>Conference Acronyms:</strong> IVMC8<br /><strong>Conference Theme:</strong> Transition: Preparing for the Next Generation<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 29<sup>th</sup>-31<sup>st</sup> May 2023<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Rome, Italy<br /><strong>Conference Organizers: </strong>Sapienza University of Rome - Saperi&Co. and Melting Pro, Rome, Italy</p>Carmen RotondiMelike ÖzmenDimitra TheodoropoulouCarol MaddockMinna Sunikka-BlankKhushboo AhireSoledad MunizAndrea TalesMarianna MichałowskaM. Federica PesceLaura BoveSilvia PunzoMaura RomanoSusana BarretoHeitor AlvelosAna Miriam RebeloLuciana LopesAvi AroraBryn LudlowMarina Andrea ColizziFederica CeciFederica MiceliMariangela TroianoVincenza FerraraFrancis JohnsAdam MorganGianna Piazzini GrajalesAmber De CoenNiels HendriksAndrea WilkinsonCheri HugoJohannes CronjeAlessandra TalamoSilvia MaroccoFabio PresaghiValeria VitaleLetizia TripodiSamantha CedroneLorenzo Di NataleSamuel WicombJohannes CronjeMattia Francesco UcchielloHoda Mohamed AmanMariel DomínguezAlessandro MucciAleksandra KosztyłaHeitor AlvelosPedro CardosoSushrut VartakGaurav SomwanshiPuleng SegaloVeronica MitchellNazlican KaymakOzge Merzali CelikogluJan-Henning RaffRenata Maia ArezesJoana QuentalAnabela PereiraRaquel GuimarãesDilek GürsoyGandharva PednekarSabrina LucibelloFederica PesceAlessandra Talamo
Copyright (c) 2024 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2024-09-202024-09-20Abstracts of the 9th PKU Graduates Student Forum on Ageing and Health
<p>This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the 9<sup>th</sup> PKU Graduates Student Forum on Ageing and Health (PKUGSFA 2024), held on 3-4 July 2024, by the Institute of Ageing Studies, Peking University, China. The forum provided a platform for young scholars to present their research on topics such as the development of health services for older adults, social security systems, community-based health interventions, ageing-friendly environments, and geron-technology.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> 9<sup>th</sup> PKU Graduates Student Forum on Ageing and Health<br /><strong>Conference Acronym: </strong>PKUGSFA 2024<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 3-4 July 2024<br /><strong>Conference Venue: </strong>Beijing, China<br /><strong>Conference Organizer: </strong>Institute of Ageing Studies, Peking University, China</p>Qi LiuLuchen HuangShaoting LiChen ZhangYanjun RenYing CuiJiale TianJingrui TaoShimeng DaiQiongying XuYao ZhangXuewei ChenChaoqun DongXing HeJosephine YiJing XieGong ChenLei WangRunqing LiTianzhu ChenChen ChenTianyan ChenYong ZhangYihuai ZouYing XuXiaoyu DongXinying HeYifan YangYuxin ChenZhe YuanShu JiaLuotong GuanZhitao LiuQian MoWu BinYuanyang WuConghui MaWeile ZhangMin SuWenyi GongChengmeng ZhangGong ChenZhenzi ZhangYonghai ChenHao RenWenhu XuChenrui ZhangWanning TianLinbo LuGong ChenYimeng PengWenhu XuZixie ChenYanying ChenZiyan ChenGong ChenGong ChenChengmeng ZhangWenyi Gong
Copyright (c) 2024 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2024-09-012024-09-017th International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications-2024
<p>This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the 7<sup>th</sup> International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications (RAMSA 2024), held on 29 February- 02 March 2024, by the Department of Mathematics, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India. RAMSA 2024 aims to assemble esteemed mathematicians, scientists, engineers, researchers from industry, and scholars, facilitating a platform for the exchange of ideas and discussions on recent advancements across various areas of mathematics. RAMSA-2024 provides an opportunity to delve into research findings and breakthroughs in mathematics, sciences, and engineering. This conference serves as a forum to address practical challenges encountered in different application domains and explore potential solutions.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> 7<sup>th</sup> International Conference on Recent Advances in Mathematical Sciences and its Applications<br /><strong>Conference Acronym: </strong>RAMSA-2024<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 29 Feb-02 March 2024<br /><strong>Conference Venue: </strong>Hybrid Mode (JIIT Noida & Online)<br /><strong>Conference Organizer: </strong>Department of Mathematics, Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida, India</p>Gaurav Kumar NigamJohn SebastianShaini PulickakunnelDivya SharmaDinesh C S BishtPankaj Kumar SrivastavaSumit Kumar SharmaNeha AhlawatGaurav SawantVarsha RathiArchana ChauhanManju KashyapJitendra Kumar KushwahaRadha VishwakarmaSarvesh Kumar MishraMukesh Kumar ShuklaAkhilesh Kumar SinghKomal Singh YadavSaurabh BajpaiBhagwat SharanAshish VermaSaurabh BajpaiKomal Singh YadavNirmal SrivastavaAshish VermaLaxmi RathourLakshmi Narayan MishraKrishna KumarJyotshana V PrajapatAnoop VargheseSudhir MaddheshiyaJulee SrivastavaRadhamadhavi DuggarajuAbhinav SinhaChitwan BindalRhythm ShandlyaAshish KumarShruti GuptaYograj SinghSanskriti SharmaShantaram Narayan SalunkheA SugirthaY Therese Sunitha MaryNimishPaarth BharwajVaibhav BhargavaShivendra SinghGeetika MunjalAnshumaan GargSagar WadhwaShriyans Srivatsan TirucheraiVivek PandeyAditi BishtVidisha SharmaShristi KharolaAkshay KumarMangey RamDivya ChauhanShilpa YadavM Daniel RanjanSanjit DasGeeta ChandS B SinghAyush SinghGowtham Sidharth MSanjit DasMahalakshmiKrishnaprabha RPreeti GuptaSunil HansGunjan GoyalSunil K. SahuManish GuptaN Kumar SwamyDinesh BishtManjula RanguNaveen ChauhanM SoujanyaE AravindRenu GautamSangeeta GuptaSweta SrivastavAayush SrivastavaAmit RawatAnanya SinghNayanpath JhunjhunwalaAadhi NareshSuram AnilM Sagar KumarM. Gopal NaikSrinivasulu AleFouad H JaberMane S R RohithR Srinivasa KumarAadhi NareshG RamakrishnaK LavanyaSaloni FathimaG Shankar LingamPankaj BorahAnchal DhillonSurbhi Goyal Hari Darshan AroraDebasmita SarkarVikashKhursheed AlamAjay Kumar AgrawalYogesh GuptaNeha ChandraAnuj BhardwajAnshika AgrawalNeha SinghalRiya BabyBarkha RohtagiRajkumar VermaEman Fayz A AlsheheryEman Salem AlaidarousRania A AlharbeyMuhammad Asif Zahoor RajaShivaniNeha BhardwajGeetikaAnkita GaurAmbuj KumarOm Ji ShuklaShailesh Mani PandeyRajnish SinghParveen BawaVirendra KumarSurabhi TiwariRashmi SinghPrakhar SinghJahanviAkhilesh Kumar SinghSrishti VashishthaSuchika SachdevaManisha SainiPooja AnandMayank SharmaAnil SaroliaSumit SrivastavaAnantika JohariSourav ChoudharyRifaqat AliNeeraj BhagarvaDeepshikha SaxenaM. Harini ReddyN VinodaM KarunyaM Harini ReddyN ManikumariM Harika ReddyG Balaji J B V SubrahmanyamSayak PalMoses SimonPrashant ChauhanAditya Pratap SinghAmita BhagatRama ShankerJyotirmoyee BaishyaMousumi Ray Hosenur Rahman ProdhaniRiki TabbasumKamlesh Kumar ShuklaDinesh KuteArundhati WarkeAnil KhairnarYograj SinghHimani JunejaAnuraj Panwar Nisha SharmaSumit Kaur BhatiaShashank GoelSucheta YadavBhagwati Prasad ChamolaKhushi SinhaEshan MarwahRicha GuptaDinesh KumarNidhi SahniFrederic AyantB MangkuM SrivastavaKanika VashistVanshika GuptaAyush GuptaRicha GuptaM KarunyaA NareshSweta SrivastavAshish MohrSunil HansVikash GhlawatRicha SharmaKhursheed AlamDebasis KunduS K TomarSandip BanerjeeShruti DubeySudipa ChauhanT SomEnrique ZuazuaPankaj Kumar SrivastavaDinesh C S Bisht
Copyright (c) 2024 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2024-02-292024-02-29Proceedings of the International Workshop on Social Impact of AI for Africa 2022
<p>This workshop proceedings contain articles on the various research ideas of the <em>International Workshop on Social Impact of AI for Africa 2022</em> (<em>SIAIA-22</em>). This Workshop served as a critical juncture in the academic exploration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within the African context. As an auxiliary event of the thirty-sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-22), the workshop was positioned at the forefront of ongoing international scholarly discourse on the social implications and equitable deployment of AI technologies in Africa. SIAIA-22 was Organized by the AAAI Diversity and Inclusion Program, United States on 26 February 2022.</p> <p><strong>Workshop Title:</strong> International Workshop on Social Impact of AI for Africa 2022<br /><strong>Workshop Acronym:</strong> SIAIA-22<br /><strong>Workshop Date:</strong> 16 February 2022<br /><strong>Workshop Location:</strong> Online<br /><strong>Workshop Organizers:</strong> AAAI Diversity and Inclusion Program, United States</p>Ron EglashOpeyemi OsakuadeCatherine L. NakalembeHannah R. KernerOlubayo AdekanmbiWuraola Fisayo OyewusiWarrie WarrieAdedayo OdukoyAbimbola OlawaleOpeyemi OsakuadeMary SalamiFolorunso, S. O.Banjo, O. O.Awotunde, J. BAyo, F. E.Yetunde FolajimiOlayemi O. CatherineOlasehinde O.OlayemiAlowolodu O. DayoBelete BerhanuEthiopia Bisrat ZelekeYolanda GilDeborah KhiderMaximiliano OsorioVarun RatnakarHernán VargasYetunde FolajimiMemo EgezerSalem OthmanDurga Suresh-MenonDanielle ShackleyBrendan DaoSalem OthmanZainab Olorunbukademi AbdulkareemYetunde FolajimiSulyman Age AbdulkareemAndrew GalvinAndrew HoganSydna MundyCameron DuganYetunde FolajimiMehmet ErgezerSalem Othman
Copyright (c) 2024 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2024-02-172024-02-17Abstracts of the International Conference on Business, Accounting and Finance 2023
<p>This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the second International Academic Conference 2023, held on 25-26 February 2023 by the International University of Malaya-Wales (IUMW), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. IAC 2023 is the coming together of researchers and industry. It’s a place to gather and share groundbreaking ideas, discoveries, and experiences on a variety of thought leadership topics covered under this year’s conference theme, “Embracing New Business Paradigm Shifts".</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> International Academic Conference 2023<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> IAC 2023<br /><strong>Conference Theme: </strong>Embracing New Business Paradigm Shifts<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 25-26 February 2023<br /><strong>Conference Venue: </strong>IUMW, Malaysia<br /><strong>Conference Organizer: </strong>International University of Malaya-Wales, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia</p>Ainin SulaimanNadisah ZakariaFoo Siong MinAik Nai ChiekLim Boon KeongNazrul Hisyam Ab RazakFakarudin KamarudinSuresh RamakrishnanNanthakumar LoganathanTini KartiniHari GursidaHendro SasongkoDwi GeminaEndang SilaningsihMas Nur MukminEko Ganis SukoharsonoYeney WidyaCheng Mui GekValsala KrishnanSharmila SethuNur Syahirah Bt RamzanSiti Mazwita Bt Mohd ZamriSri HariniAtika MaryamSudarijatiErni YuningsihNispi YaniKok Peng ChiewStephen GriffithsChang Mui ZehMasitah Binti ZulkepliUmaDevi RamanAhmad Ariffian Bin BujangAzizah Binti IsmailWilson Rangga Anthony JiramAminatul Saadiah Abdul JamilAzira KhalilSofina TamanHasbah JuwainiDP Christabel KarunanayakaRamat Hidayat Bin IthninThilageswary ArumugamDeeparechigi VashuMusaiyadah AhmadunSiti Arni BasirOsman Md RasipJohari Ab LatiffZalina ZakariaSa’adan ManNoreena NordinSiti Qhairunissa RamliNina Sakinah Ahmad RofaieAinin SulaimanJack Ng Kok WahThilageswary ArumugamMimi FitrianaHawa AhmadShamsatun Nahar AhmadEvi Indriasari MansorKamilah KamaludinZuhaira Muhammad ZainJaspal SinghNoor Azlinna AzizanNevi DanilaShrikant Krupasindhu PanigrahiLee Chin YeeTengku Eleena Nur ImanS.S PuadahS. HambaniI.C. KusumaMaria M MelaniMimi Fitriana ZainiNauman MajeedAbdul Hakim Abdul RahmanJasmine AhmadKholod AggadMuhammad Amiruddin Bin Abd KhalidSharifah Fatimah Syed AhmadNur Athirah Binti GhazaliIsmartayaRachmat GunawanAlfahmi RistiantoFadilla Trisna DiniatiYulianingsihNur Ilma AmboMusaiyadah AhmadunSumathi SubramaniamM. Muzamil NaqshbandiThuraya Farhana SaidAdilah HisaLim Yue FeiMohammad ZainuddinMasnun Al MahiShamim Ahmed KhanMuhammad Remy Bin OthmanSayidah Asma BasirNorhidayah PauziAhamed Kameel Mydin MeeraMohamed Mahees RaheemAbu Ubaidah KeminNursyamimi Zawani Mohd ShoidDeden TarmidiYulis Diana AlfiaSekar MayangsariDhina ArriyanaRien Agustin FDeden TarmidiAan SukmaNurul HidayahMuhammad Luqman Mohd NazariNoor Hafizah HassanChristian Anthony C. AgutayaLevy B. Arago, JrNoor Ismawati JaafarAinin SulaimanBambang SumintonoMuhammad Asif KhanAli HanafiahAhmad SupriyantoFauziah Sh. AhmadVishyalini VanessaAinul Zariney AzizShivananthini SathasivamFarzana Parveen TajudeenFebrina MahlizaMarchela Indah AtrisiaDiyanti PratiwiMuhamad Ridwan TriantaraNurul Huda MustafaNor Raihan MohamadAkmalia M. AriffSedigheh MoghavvemiKwang Lee ChenS. KamalanathanAbeeha FarooquiRachel Wong Mei MingZairilChristina Catur WidayatiErna Sofriana ImaningsihIrmaniar ChaniagoCaroline JawadHafsah binti SamsudinSarjit SinghSharmila SethumadhavanAshley Ng Sok ChooDavid Yoon Kin TongNadisah Zakaria
Copyright (c) 2024 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2024-02-092024-02-09Abstracts of the First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 2023
<p>This book presents extended abstracts of the selected contributions to the First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICAECE'2023), held on 15-16 May 2023 by the Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi, Tebessa-Algeria. ICAECE'2023 was delivered in-person and virtually and was open for researchers, engineers, academics, and industrial professionals from around the world interested in new trends and advances in current topics of Electrical and Computer Engineering.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> First International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering 2023<br /><strong>Conference Acronym: </strong>ICAECE'2023<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 15-16 May 2023<br /><strong>Conference Venue: </strong>University of Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi, Tebessa-Algeria<br /><strong>Conference Organizer: </strong>Faculty of Science and Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Echahid Cheikh Larbi Tebessi, Tebessa-Algeria</p>Amel BouchemhaAbdelhamid DjariNoureddine BouaarroudjYehya HouamAkram AdnaneElhassen BenfrihaMohammed Yacine YousfiMohammed El-Amine CherietRima RoubacheMohammed Arezki Si MohammedAmeur LatrecheRidha KelaiaiaAhmed ChemoriAOUICHE AbdelazizSOUDANI Mouhamed SalahAOUICHE El MoundherKhaled TELLIOkba KRAABOUMEHRAZ MohamedMarwa BoudanaJean Jacques LoiseauMohsen Mohamed HadjiMoufida SaadiDib DjalelMeghni bilelRabiaa HouiliMohamed Yacine HammoudiAbdenacer TitaouineREZAIGUIA Mohammed DjihadGHOUDELBOURK SihemDIB DjalelSafia KissoumSamir LadaciAbdelfath CharefSakina AOUNLaatra YOUSFIAziz BOUKADOUMSalah Anis KrimHamza AfghoulFateh KrimFeriel AbdelmalekDjallal Eddine ZabiaTaha Lamdjed BelahceneSmail BoudabGhania DebbacheNoureddine GoléaWafa AouadjRachid SeghirZineb BoulaarasAbdelaziz AouicheKheiredinne ChafaaAhcéne AbedAissa AmroucheAhmed BouchekhlalAbdelmalek BiraneAbderrahim Si SaberChouaib MaaroukHichem HaouassiMohamed Mahdi MalikKarima SaidiFarouk BoumehrezAbdelhakim SahourHanane DjellabFouzia MaamriMounia DjoudiMohamed Lamine TounsiMustapha C.E. YagoubNada DJEDOUANISaddek AFIFIRachid CHELGHOUMZitouni MESSAITarek ZOUACHEAbdesselam HOCINIAbla BouguerneAziz BoukadoumMohamed Salah DjebbarMeryem BENTATASofiane DOUDOUBezzar Nour El HoudaMeraoumia AbdallahLotfi HouamBilal SoltaniNedjeme Eddine BenchouiaAbdelghani GuechiMohamed SaaidiaAbla BouguerneTahar BahiMohamed Salah DjebbarBrahmi OussamaBouchemha AmelKahla SamiChaouch SaadBoutaghane AmarNEZZARI HasseneMETATLA SamirHasni MouradKaouther SELMIMohamed BOUALLEGUEKais BOUALLEGUEMelalkia LokmeneBerrezzek FaridKhelil KhaledNebili RadouaneMerabet HichemBahi TaharDrici DjalalBedoud KhouloudBoukadoum AzizMohamed Yacine RachediDjamel BechkiYacine MarifHamza BouguettaiaMourad ZebboudjDjamila RekiouaToufik RekiouaNadjib MekhazniaRiad KhenferNour El Houda KORBAAAhmed Wahid BELARBINadir BOUCHETATAOualid DjoudiSofia Lalouni BelaidSalah TamalouztSihem DjebbriSihem GhoudelbourkAbdelkrim RechachMounia TalebYousfi LaatraBenayad NizarAouiche AbdelazizDjeddi AbdelghaniFeriel AbdelmalekHamza AfghoulFateh KrimDjallal Eddine ZabiaTaha Lamdjed BelahceneSalah Anis KrimYounes DibTahar SeghierBelkacem YousfiBoubakeur ZegniniAhmed HadjadjSouhaib CherrakAbdelhakim RidouhFayçal ImedjdoubenSarra MahiMustapha YahiaouiAicha AGGOUNELoubna SeddikiAhmed Rami BouguettouchaAmel BelbelAmara BekhouchNoureddine DoghmaneFazia KaraouiAmar DjeradiRachida DjeradiHama SoltaniMohamed AmrouneIssam BendibMohamed-Yassine HaouamImene OthmaniLamia F. H. CHAOUCHE RAMDANEHabib MAHIMeraouli Hadjer RaniaSlimane ZohraAbdelmalek AbdelhafidMeriem MebarkiaAbdallah MeraoumiaSeddik KhemaissiaOMANI KatiaCHERIFI MehdiLAHDIR MouradSafia AZZOUGUIAicha REFFADKamel MEBARKIASENAÏ BesmaRAHAL Sidi Ahmed hebriKHIAT SalimSofiane Abdelkrim KhalladiAsmâa OuessaiMokhtar KecheTahar GherbiAhmed ZeggariZianou Ahmed SeghirBENDAKIR AbdelhakimDIB DjalalBachir BendjediaSaad Chouireb
Copyright (c) 2024 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2024-02-052024-02-05Abstracts of the International Conference on Separation and Purification Technologies 2023, IIT Patna
<p>This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the International Conference on Separation and Purification Technologies 2023 (ICSPT 2023), held on 7-8 December 2023 by the Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India. ICSPT 2023 aimed to highlight recent scientific developments in the area of separation and purification techniques and to bring together researchers working in these areas. The primary focus of the conference was on technology developments applicable in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Agrochemical Industry, and Food Industry.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> International Conference on Separation and Purification Technologies 2023<br /><strong>Conference Acronym: </strong>ICSPT 2023<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 7-8 December 2023<br /><strong>Conference Venue: </strong>IIT Patna, India<br /><strong>Conference Organizer: </strong>Department of Chemical & Biochemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Patna, India</p>Jose V ParambilMamta BhandariChhavi ChauhanSanjeev Kumar PrajapatiWinny RoutraySubhanki PadhiShristi Shefali SaraugiAbhirup MitraSomak ChatterjeeG. MuthuramanAijaz Ahamad DarPushpa JhaE. NakkeeranPriya BishtSushil KumarNivedita BhardwajNancy TripathiShreyans Kumar JainSanju KumariJac Fredo ARSana PerweenSandip KhanHarshit TiwariKapil Dev MahatoS S Gourab Kumar DasChandrashekhar AzadUday KumarJeshurun ASamuel G LVipin Kumar SharmaT. Sunil Kumar ThamidaB. Naveen Kumar ReddyShashi Prakash GuptaSujoy Kumar SamantaArpita PadhanVickramjeet SinghAlok KumarSwasti MedhaDevargya ChakrabortyDebashis KunduMohammad IrfanPardeep KumarKSMS RaghavaraoNarendra SinghAbhishek Keshav Sharan SaxenaA.B. SoniAnandkumar JayapalMaan SinghMadhukiran R. DhondaleDinesh KumarChahat JainSameer V. DalviChaitra Chandrakant ShanbhagRegupathi IyyaswamiTshering SamdrupPrajna Rao KrishnapuraPrasanna D. BelurMonika C. DiwatheBidyut MazumdarAparna SinghSoumya Koippully ManikandanVaishakh NairNeelesh NandanAnindita SahaRashi Srivastava
Copyright (c) 2024 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2024-01-162024-01-16Proceedings of The HKIE Geotechnical Division 43rd Annual Seminar: Towards a Smart-Green-Resilient Geo-Future for World-class City
<p>This seminar proceedings contain articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at The HKIE Geotechnical Division 43<sup>rd</sup> Annual Seminar (<em>GDAS2023</em>). This seminar<br />provides a platform for policymakers, practitioners, and academia to share their insights and brainstorm ideas with a view to seizing future opportunities and shaping the new future of Hong Kong. <em>GDAS2023</em><em> </em>was organized by the Geotechnical Division, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers on 19<sup>th </sup>May 2023.</p> <p><strong>Seminar Title:</strong> The HKIE Geotechnical Division 43<sup>rd</sup> Annual Seminar<br /><strong>Seminar Acronym:</strong> GDAS2023<br /><strong>Seminar Date:</strong> 19 May 2023<br /><strong>Seminar Location:</strong> Hong Kong<br /><strong>Seminar Organizers:</strong> Geotechnical Division, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers</p> <p><strong>Link to the GDAS2021 Proceedings:</strong> <a href="">Proceedings of The HKIE Geotechnical Division 41<sup>st</sup> Annual Seminar</a></p> <p><strong>Link to the GDAS2022 Proceedings:</strong> <a href="">Proceedings of The HKIE Geotechnical Division 42<sup>nd</sup> Annual Seminar</a></p>Z.Q. YuePenny KC ChoyTerrence YK TseRicky HT WongJukka AhonenVictor LiBoyu WangKelvin TseClifford PhungKeith LeungSimon LamJasper LeeDerek SoAllen TaoRyan YanAnthony C.T. SoLouis N.Y. WongTony Y.K. HoL.W. WongM.S. KangK. W. CheungK.T. HungJohn LaiMichael W.L. NgJ. ChinD. ShutN. WangP. WuGavin SH TohJohn LatterAlan WL WanDennis TS HoElaine CL ChanIlias TsaparasR.B. CookCh. VenetzG. LeeK CK ChiangV YN WuTommy KY LeungJoe YC SamTe XiaoLi-Min ZhangS.A. FaiziU. MajeedR. TseSammy PY CHEUNG Lawrence KW SHUMRaymond CH KOO R.W.M. CheungCheung, H.W.M. LiE.K.H. ChuSunny TC SO Leo CY SHULinda YW IULawrence KW SHUMTim CHUK T. YRingo SZE W. HMike FUNG S. HSimon NG P. HFrankie YEUNG H. WK.F. JiaoC. ZhouTommy C W WongT O IsholaStephen T M MakChris C.WChanRex L.Y. IpJackie C.K. LeungTerry K.F. LukRaymond W K ChengDavid C W MakAgain Q J WeiJoe J P YanQuentin H Q PanClayton Y. K. ChanBilly W. L. SiuFranklin K. L. ToTim M T WongCharmaine LeungJack Y. KWOKJackie C.K. LEUNGLEE Siew WeiC. MatthewsLEUNG Yat Fai Andy
Copyright (c) 2023 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2023-12-302023-12-30Proceedings of the International Conference on Frontiers in Desalination, Energy, Environment and Material Sciences for Sustainable Development
<p>This proceeding contains articles on the various ideas of the academic community presented at the International Conference on Frontiers in Desalination, Energy, Environment and Material Sciences for Sustainable Development (<em>FEEMSSD-2023</em>) & Annual Congress of InDA (InDACON-2023) jointly organized by the Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur, KIPM-College of Engineering and Technology Gida Gorakhpur, and Indian Desalination Association, India on 16<sup>th</sup>-17<sup>th</sup> March 2023. FEEMSSD-2023 & InDACON-2023 focuses on addressing issues and concerns related to sustainability in all domains of Energy, Environment, Desalination, and Material Science and attempts to present the research and innovative outputs in a global platform. The conference aims to bring together leading academicians, researchers, technocrats, practitioners, and students to exchange and share their experiences and research outputs in Energy, Environment, Desalination, and Material Science. </p> <p><strong>Conference Title: </strong>International Conference on Frontiers in Desalination, Energy, Environment and Material Sciences for Sustainable Development & Annual Congress of InDA<br /><strong>Conference Acronyms:</strong> FEEMSSD-2023 & InDACON-2023<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 16<sup>th</sup>-17<sup>th</sup> March 2023<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology, Gorakhpur<br /><strong>Conference Organizers: </strong>Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology Gorakhpur, KIPM-College of Engineering and Technology Gida Gorakhpur, and Indian Desalination Association, India</p>Vitthal L GoleShivam SrivastavaPrachi SinghAnjani K. PandeyChandra K. DixitBrijesh K PandeyTripti YadavShivangi YadavAnupam SahuDeepak Kumar SharmaKrishna Murari PandeyDevlina ParaiVindu GautamVikas UpadhyayJoy Prakash MisraM A SiddiquiJ SharmaV L GoleSantosh Kumar YadavDevesh KumarSurajSuraj SinghPriyankesh KumarVarun Kumar SinghRam Ji TripathiSanjay Kumar GuptaSaurabh KumarKopal KashaudhanPoorn Prakash PandeJyoti SharmaAmar NathRavi ShankarSrishti MishraSupriya UpadhyayPrashant SainiDivyanshi SrivastavaPrashant SainiKumari RitikaShubhanshu RaiBhasker PandeyAyush DubeyMangesh GuptaRam Bilas PrasadAbhishek SinghJigyasa SinghDheerandra SinghMahfooz AhmadAzharuddinAhmed SabeehMamta SaiyadNimish ShahMilind JoshipuraAnkur DwivediShibu PillaiAyoni PandeyNivedita RaiShivendra Mani TripathiSudhanshu MishraSupriya YadavMridani TripathiSmriti OjhaPratik Kumar VishwakarmaP S PanjaMd. Rahbar JamalS K SamdarshiMandeep SinghMd. Aaquib Ullah AnsariSubodh Kumar SharmaArunesh ChandraK. V. OjhaPuneet Kumar SrivastavaNitesh TiwariAmar Nath TiwariAlok SoniShivangi AgarwalAnkesh Kumar MishraAjay Kumar MauryaPawan SenAshutosh YadavSarvesh PatelMaharshi YadavJyotiVinit SharmaAkanksha MishraRam ChanderVaibhav DubeySarvesh UpadhyayAryan Pratap SinghShekhar YadavVitthal L. GoleGanesh Shankar ShuklaNiranjan PatelSatyaprakash SharmaAmar SinghManish KumarRahul PatelM. Z. R. KhanVivek MallAditya Pratap SinghAnshika PandeyAditya KumarAnju ChaurausiyaRishabh KashyapArstu GautamMukul SaxenaHrishikesh SinghHariom GondAman MishraManvendra SinghAnuj ShuklaRajesh Kumar YadavRavi ShankarPrateek KhareJyoti
Copyright (c) 2023 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2023-12-292023-12-29Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Modern Trends in Engineering Technology and Management
<p>This proceeding contains articles on the various ideas of the academic community presented at The 2<sup>nd</sup> International Conference on Modern Trends in Engineering Technology and Management (<em>ICMEM 2023</em>) organized by the Sree Narayana Institute of Technology Adoor-691554, Kerala, India on 4<sup>th</sup>-6<sup>th</sup> May 2023. ICMEM 2023 aimed to provide a forum for the exchange of ideas, issues, challenges, discoveries, opportunities, and applications of Modern Trends in Engineering Technology and Management. The ever-changing scope and rapid development of science and technology generate new problems, questions, and curiosity, necessitating the exchange of brilliant ideas and raising awareness of this vital research field in a variety of directions. </p> <p><strong>Conference Title: </strong>2<sup>nd</sup> International Conference on Modern Trends in Engineering Technology and Management<br /><strong>Conference Acronyms:</strong> ICMEM 2023<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 4<sup>th</sup>-6<sup>th</sup> May 2023<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Hybrid Mode<br /><strong>Conference Organizer: </strong>SNIT Adoor, Kerala, India</p>Abhijeet DasAbhirami SureshAmal AnandLekshmi Priya RAnjala ShajiManoj C MArchana AAnsal NoushadMekha JSivakrishna RAnju ThulasiArya SatyanReshma CAthira SurendranRiyana M SDevika Dev SPreena PraveenJiji Jacob GN UnnikrishnanLiji Anna MathewAshily M JNikhil AntonyMuhammed Fibinsha M KKevin NohaMekhana GopalChaithra SRejivas V APraveen AAjitha TRiyana M SS ShruthiAbhinath PSreelekshmi SVishakh AReshma CSneha JAnju ThulasiAkhila RadhakrishnanAmal SSona RiyasSreehari RRiyana M SSreethu parvathy S SAnanthu SAshima ShajiMerlin Susan VinojWilson K CPreena PraveenAbhirami SVishnu DSreelal SSajeena AAnu AssisAbhishek R MenonAmritha AravindAdwaith B VasanthGargi G SSuja PauloseDivya RAshly PLekshmi Chandra KAiswarya Krishna MAnugraha SFahad MAnjali RSneha Anna JohnJerry K ThomasSyama RSumi Mary ShibuShilpa S PrasadArun PAnto ManuelDana FathimaElias K PhilipMaria ShajuSuryadeep PAnand V JJ BenitaNathasha K VAdila Farha P KAdithya T KVismaya Vinoth KumarAbhiram PAleena JayanGodwin George UMuhammed Juvail PSaranya RVibesh V PanickerHarishankar AjiDiya SandeepRoshan RejiNeethu RAdhila FarsanaAmeena Fouz KMohammed IjasJohn FrancisJobina JosephJobins JosephJerin RejiDivya R SAnju SajiRisana ShajahanJudin JoseSuja PauloseNisha M SasiBanjo C BabuManikandan VArjun SAthira VisweswaranSruthi NLija ArunSumi MMeeraAnjana KrishnanKeerthana B SivadasNamitha MohanMerry JamesChinchu MAthira Krishnan T RNeha RSreehari CZenaaniKrishna Kumar KishorV BalamuruganNikhil G KurupK S Vijula GraceP SreelakshmiRithu KVaikash M BAnilkumar K RSankar ReghunathSreelekshmi S MonySreeyuktha MSaranya RArya R KrishnaSankulesh Narayanan MBarath RAneesh KBalamurugan VSuja PauloseD Veera VanithaShahanas K SSruthy RRahna K RSumi MHarikrishnan A ISreedeepa H SSumam Mary IdiculaSreelekshmi KPranitha JUnnimaya K AVijitha SVarsha SantoshAswin PArchana V RS AnandVijitha KhanBalamurugan VAmrith VasundharanSarathkumar SAiswarya SAlbin Hanok ShajiAnandhu RajAdarsh A SAryalakshmi CDeepa M UAswathy Mariam MohanLekshmi R NairAiswarya SReena ChandranDivya GGayathry P RSreehari SAlan Mathew GeorgeMalavika VSRemya KPAnna BabyManjima RShaini APRoshini MathewAneesh V APranav SSarath Kumar SSneha BijuLimin MonachanJofin JoyBoby BAkhil GhoshVishnu U P NairGreeshma RJohn Paul ThomasAravindson RV NijiAswathy SomanNoufiya NAhalya APradeep SundaresanAnju ChoudharyHarsh PurohitVimlesh TanwarMegha SAnju PAryamolAbhin AchankunjuAnandhu VARobin ThomasAbey Vishnu NarayanaAkash SStanly AugustinVishnu S NairAnoop CRegi Kumar VAmal C KumarAbey Vishnu NarayanaAthul BAlwin S JosephAmal MVishnu M RJoobith BanarjiSooraj SSuhail SDivya GLekshmi Priya RHari Sankar SKrishnarjun K GChaithra SDileep K DasAbey Vishnu Narayana
Copyright (c) 2023 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2023-12-222023-12-22Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Creativity in Innovation
<p>This proceeding contains articles on the various ideas of the academic community presented at the 14<sup>th</sup> European Conference on Creativity in Innovation (ECCI 2022) organized by the European Association for Creativity & Innovation (EACI), Netherlands on 9<sup>th</sup>-10<sup>th</sup> November 2022. During the ECCI 2022 conference, practitioners and academics were connected to deliver workshops together. Teaming up and engaging in deeper relationships fostered different backgrounds and points of view. </p> <p><strong>Conference Title: </strong>14<sup>th</sup> European Conference on Creativity in Innovation<br /><strong>Conference Acronyms:</strong> ECCI 2022<br /><strong>Conference Theme:</strong> Connect2Create<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 9<sup>th</sup>-10<sup>th</sup> November 2022<br /><strong>Conference Location: </strong>Delft University of Technology, Netherlands<br /><strong>Conference Organizers: </strong>European Association for Creativity & Innovation (EACI), Netherlands </p>Katrina HeijneMorten Bierganns Carsten DeckertAhmed MohyaEleonora FioreGabriela GoldschmidtKatrina HeijneBirgit Helene JevnakerJohan OlaisenLisette Charlotte LangenbergMathijs BotmanMarjoleine G. van der MeijSharon D. ZandbergenJonathan LugerJörg Rainer NoennigBalazs CserpesFrancesca CeolaJan BarskiKlara-Maria BrandenburgerMarie MalchowSeweryn RudnickiMathilde Sarré-CharrierLieke SchneijdenbergKatrina HeijneGianluigi SegalerbaKathrin BouvotMaren BaermannGuido EnthovenCarla Sofia G MachadoFernando C SousaJoao PissarraIleana MonteiroAntonio Juan Briones PenalverJohnathan J MarquisJörg Rainer NoennigFilipe Mello RosePaul Raphael StadelhoferAnja JannackLuc De SchryverJan LahuisMarcel A. van der Ven
Copyright (c) 2023 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2023-12-182023-12-18Abstracts of the International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computer Science 2023
<p>This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the <em>International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computer Science 2023 (ICRTMCS-2023)</em>, held on 19-21 October 2023 by the Auxilium College of Arts and Science for Women, Regunathapuram, Tamil Nadu, India. <em>ICRTMCS-2023</em> was a multidisciplinary conference organized with the objective of bringing together eminent academicians, research scholars, and students to exchange ideas, communicate, to discuss research findings and new advances on recent and emerging trends in the field of Mathematics and Computer Science. Moreover, the conference would also enable the participants to explore new fields and gain immense knowledge.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> International Conference on Recent Trends in Mathematics and Computer Science 2023<br /><strong>Conference Acronym: </strong>ICRTMCS-2023<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 19-21 October 2023<br /><strong>Conference Venue: </strong>Hybrid (Online and Auxilium College of Arts and Science for Women, Regunathapuram, India)<br /><strong>Conference Organizer: </strong>Departments of Mathematics and Computer Science, Auxilium College of Arts and Science for Women, Regunathapuram, Tamil Nadu, India</p>U. ChinnaduraiA. VinayagamS. PadmavathiPreethi KRamakrishnan MV. PrabaK. KrishnaveniM. P. KarthikeyanK. KrishnaveniK. PushpavathiK.L. ShunmuganathanBharathi SDurgadevi PR. DhivyaN. ShanmugapriyaAmal KumarPiyush Kumar SinghJainath YadavVansh AroraN. Sengamala SelviD. KeerthiSurya V.M. Sowmiya SaliqV. Sheela Angel HarishB. RoobashriR. Allirani Pagidela Siva Krishna Chaitanya ReddyPrahadeeswaran M.Pragathish V.Sandhiya RS. RenildaDebasis MohantaJainath YadavD. Seema Dev AksathaR.PugazendiL. M. MuthulakshmiRam Naresh SinghB. S. SisodiyaMayasar Ahmad Dar Deepmala SharmaLoganathan S.Thamizhsudar M.Muthucumaraswamy RDudheshwar MahtoO Uma MaheswariA BalrajJinny Ann JohnJayakumar JayaramanR. GomathyT. Arputha JoseT. AparnaK. Asmiya BanuShailesh SinghVilas KharatManish AgalaveM. DeepaD. SasikalaM. DeepaP. Nandhini SriM. PoojaD. ReshmithaNikhil Vikas JaipurkarRam Naresh B S SisodiyaC. R. ParvathyS. DeepaSonia SharmaManmeet KaurJaspreet KaurArshpreet KaurMeenal N.A Mary Priya DharsiniP. Joselin LavinoJ. John FlaviaTheertha Nair AD Antony XavierAnnmaria BabyAkhila SY YogalakshmiU MaryS SreejaR.UmadeviD. ArivukkodiK. VijayalakshmiD Antony XavierAkhila SAnnmaria BabyTheertha NairK SumithraK.K. SaranyaS PriyankaA Leema RoseArockia Jancy KC SenthilnathanS. Karunanithi T. R. ThirumavalavanS. KarunanithiP. JanavarthiniI. Antonitte VinolineParimaleswari RLeema RoseJ Singh JuniasJoseph ClementS Arul Amirtha RajaV Santiagu TherasalKavin JacobJoseph ClementPancras PeterJoseph ClementM P RahulJoseph ClementK. ShakilajaK. BhuvaneswariM. Sebasti Jeya PushpamAnnmaria BabyD. Antony XavierTheertha Nair AAkhila SSantiagu TheresalS. Arul Amirtha RajaP. IlakkiyaA Mary Priya DharsiniJ JarvisvivinM Sakthiannalakshmi S. DhanalakshmiM. Sebasti Jeya PushpamSantiagu TheresalS. Arul Amirtha RajaC. SenthilkumarA. Leema RoseAtmaram NigwalR SathiyapriyaSathesh Kumar N.A. Leema RoseA ManickamO Uma MaheswariS. YesuraniC. Bala MuruganR. Sri DeviV. ArivazhaganM. VijayaM. AnusiyaG. SivakumarS. Kulandai ThereseAndrew ArokiarajV. Santiagu TheresalS. Arul Amirtha RajaJoseph Clement
Copyright (c) 2023 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
<p>The very word ‘administration’ may be defined as the system of management of affairs of a state by the government machinery, whether that holds the de-facto or the de-jure power to govern over it. In the contemporary terms of modern history its meaning is more akin to a set of duly enacted ‘law or statutes’ and its execution by some ‘officials’ or by ‘public institutions’ upon which the power, authorities and responsibilities have been vested. Different factors of administration analysed through this study in historical perspective are: the authority to legislate, the subject matter of legislation, the extent of administration limiting or expanding the rights naturally enjoyed by the inhabitants. Not all of those legislations made during British Raj were drafted to serve commercial or revenue interest of the Colonial Government but quite a majority were made to brought orders in the system of management of the natural resources. The demand of timber for laying the rail-roads which claimed to be responsible for reduction of aged timbers was a sine-qua-non for bringing the society out of the darkness of history and may not be denigrated as manifestation of the vested interest of the Colonial Government for exploitation of its resources. South Odisha which comprises the undivided Gañjam and Koraput districts was then under the administrative control of the Madras Presidency. The policy of systematic forest conservation began very slowly in the region. Form 1850 onwards, some forest officers were employed under the Collector of Gañjam to exploit the forests for sleepers and firewood. In 1861 a ‘forest tax’ was introduced and forests were begun to work under the ‘permit system’. Many forests were leased out to sleeper contractors who worked in an arbitrary manner. In 1879 the Conservator of Forests of Madras Presidency inspected the forests and classified them into four categories. After the passing of the Madras Forest Act 1882, it was implemented in the areas of south Odisha. As a conservation measure some areas were declared as reserved forest where the access of people to graze, cultivate or to fell trees was curtailed but their interests like collection of minor forest produces or the basic means of livelihood were often protected. Most of the unreserved forests were free from such encumbrances. Gradually the British became aware of the dangers associated with over exploitations of the forests, designed conservation measures. First of such measures was made in 1901 for ‘fire protection’ and the effort was later systematised in the form of ‘Working Plans’. After the creation of separate province of Odisha on the 1st day of April 1936 four divisions namely, Russellkonda, Chatrapur, Paralakhemundi and Balliguda were formed. Similarly, the forests of Koraput district which were once owned by the Maharaja of Jeypore were brought under the ambits of the MFA, 1882. After independence, the Orissa Preservation of Private Forests Act, 1947 was extended to many of the ex-zamindari estates. Although the MFA was ultimately repealed by the Orissa Forest Act, 1972 it is witnessed to have borrowed most of the fundamental features of the MFA.</p>Pramila Khadanga
Copyright (c) 2023 Pramila Khadanga
2023-10-102023-10-10Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development
<p>This proceeding contains articles on the various ideas of the academic community presented at The 3<sup>rd </sup>International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development (<em>ICCEESD 2022</em>) organized by the Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia on 7<sup>th</sup>-8<sup>th</sup> December 2022. ICCEESD is a biannual forum for sharing, benchmarking, and discussing HEI’s activities in developing Education for Sustainable Development towards community engagement. Education for Sustainability as a teaching strategy for resolving community challenges through formal, informal, or non-formal education is expected to benefit from various community service best practices by academics, researchers, and students. The 3rd ICCEESD has <em>“Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community Engagement” </em>as its theme this year. It is expected that the 3rd ICCEESD will provide a forum for the presenters and participants to exchange best practices, policies, and conceptual implementation of Education for Sustainability towards better community engagement and explore ideas to address community needs. </p> <p><strong>Conference Title: </strong>3<sup>rd </sup>International Conference on Community Engagement and Education for Sustainable Development<br /><strong>Conference Theme:</strong> Strengthening Education for Sustainability Towards Better Community Engagement<br /><strong>Conference Acronyms:</strong> ICCEESD 2022<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 7<sup>th</sup>-8<sup>th</sup> December 2022<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Grand Rohan Jogja Yogyakarta, Indonesia<br /><strong>Conference Organizer: </strong>Universitas Gadjah Mada, Indonesia</p>Adib Fakhruddin YusufHari PurwantoAgussalimIna Nur HidayatiPrima Sekti KusnandaTantri Ajeng Salma SalsabilaM. Syafiatol HudaNabila ShafuraWahyu Eka SaputriIgnatius SudaryadiAdrianaMochamat Gunawan WibisonoArom FigyantikaAgung BudiyantoErif Maha Nugraha SetyawanDwi Sunu DatriantoDony NurcahyaBudi PramonoAmbar PertiwiningrumCatur SugiyantoLilik SoetiarsoAlva Edy TontowiSoedarmanto IndarjuliantoTeguh Ari PrabowoMargaretha Arnita WuriNavi'ah KhusniatiMareta LarasatiAndung Bayu SekaranomAmbar KusumandariSuratmanAnggoro B. HartopoEffika N. PutriMaria P. InggrianiJajah FachirohFatwa S.T. DewiAni SetyopratiwiKarna WijayaWega TrisunaryantiTriyonoIip Izul FalahIqmal TahirSri SudionoAkhmad SyoufianMokhammad Fajar PradiptaAulia Sukma HutamaNiko PrasetyoArmaidy ArmawiAhmad ZubaidiSubejoSyafiq EffendhyShinta Dewi NovitasariKiki ApriliyantiArman WijonarkoEka Tarwaca Susila PutraTaufan AlamPriyono SuryantoAsep RopiudinAtrida HadiantiLeni Sophia HelianiWidya NayatiAdhy KurniawanBambang RetnoajiJoko Nugroho Wahyu KaryadiFajar SofyantoroBambang SuwignyoMiftahush Shirothul HaqSlamet WidiyantoSiti HelmyatiCerry Surya PradanaNovi Siti Kussuji IndrastutiSusetyo Hario PuteroRustamajiChandra SetyawanEndita Prima Ari PratiwiNgadisihNur Endri EkawatiAryanis Mutia ZahraPrieskarinda LestariMuhamad Khoiru ZakiChandra SetyawanEni HarmayaniSri RahayoeJik Chang LeongDjoko SantosaSiwi IndartiIndah PurwantiniLilies SetyowatiDwi Tyaningsih AdriyantiAswati MindaryaniAgus PrasetyaHimawan Tri Bayu Murti PetrusVincent Sutresno Hadi SujotoMukmin Sapto PamungkasTri Winarni S PutriHendri SusantoWulan Tri AstutiArdhya NareswariDewi PuspitaTiffany WinataTiara Evita SariFariz Attar AuliaKeysa Izza KurniaRania BanurisyaHeri SantosoArqom KuswanjonoSuronoDela Khoirul AiniaKusuma PutriIgnatius HardaningsihSenny HelmiatiEga Adhi WicaksonoNur Indah SeptrianiIrya WisnubhadraAnggoro Cahyo SukartikoRendayu Jonda NeisyafitriJumeriIswandiSilmi FauziatiPrapto NugrohoKarna WijayaWega TrisunaryantiIqmal TahirNasih Widya YuwonoDidik HaryonoUke FransiskaEko DaryantoMumu Mujahid FatwaTyas Sekar NingrumRizqi MahmudahRaditya Hanandika AgharadatuLaila Kholid AlfirdausLaksmira K. AdhaniGerard B. RemijnLatif SahubawaAbdul RohmanSartoSuwarman PartosuwiryoWahyu SupartonoBintang Diniar Kurnia AlamLilik SutiarsoUmi HapsariLaila RahmawatiAryanis Mutia ZahraBadi’atun NihayahDidik PurwadiEndang S. RahayuMakbul HajadEko YulfiarnoMuhammad Haykal FikriNur Raudhatil JannahMaun BudiyantoCandra Febri KurniawanEko PrasetyoFelixtianus Eko Wismo WinartoMuhamad MuhamadNafis KhuriyatiAdi Djoko GuritnoMuhammad Prasetya KurniawanNurulia HidayahJans HendryNata Dwi Annisa NizmaNur Indah SeptrianiNia Fararid AskarDian HerawatiDinar Nugroho PratomoSusilawatiUswatun KhasanahNiko PrasetyoKarna WijayaWega TrisunaryantiTriyonoIip Izul FalahIqmal TahirAni SetyopratiwiSri SudionoAkhmad SyoufianMokhammad Fajar PradiptaAulia Sukma HutamaTyas SekarningrumRaditya Hanandika AgharadatuDyah Yekti IndrajatiNovita Erma KristantiNafis KhuriyatiAgustinus WinarnoSintia Putri PraditaNur Indah SeptrianiNurulia HidayahAhmad BaidlowiKaren Slamet HardjoTiara Uji LishianawatiPutu Chris SusantoPutu Chrisma DewiNi Luh Christine Prawita Sari SuyasaPeter Wayan MinheerePutu Chris SusantoI Made Dwi ArdiadaGek Wulan Novi UtamiLuisa HergertPutu Chris SusantoNi Made Diana ErfianiI Putu DarmawijayaPutu Indah LestariI Gede Ngurah Wira PratamaRedika Ardi KusumaRadiArifin Dwi SaputroArima Diah SetiowatiRochman Hadi MustofaRefa Putra UtamaSurantoNoor Syahidah Mutiara DzikraRr. Siti MurtiningsihArie SujitoIva ArianiHastanti Widy NugrohoAgus Himmawan UtomoSilvi Nur OktalinaRina WidiastutiDevi Oktaviana LatifSudaryatnoNanung Agus FitriyantoDjarot Heru SantosaAchmad MunjidMoh. MasrukhiGarda Kalari YustisiansyahErnani Uswatun KhasanahSugiyantoHandokoNurulia HidayahSuratmanRika FatimahAndhika Puspito NugrohoSusan S MagallanesJulie Marlina HasanValentina Dwi Suci HandayaniI Gusti Bagus Budi DharmaFathi Alfinur RizqiNajmu Tsaqib AkhdaIman SabarismanWahyu SupartonoMuh.Prasetya KurniawanSatria Bhirawa AnoragaWahyu SupartonoAnnisa Dwi AstariSatria Bhirawa AnoragaWidya RositaAgus Budhie WijatnaAlexander AgungAndang Widi HartoAnung MuhariniEster WijayantiFerdiansjahHaryono Budi SantosaKusnantoNunung PrabaningrumSihanaSusetyo Hario PuteroYudi Utomo ImardjokoSita Gandes PinastiArif NurcahyoWiwin LismidiatiHappy Indah KusumawatiAkhmadiLutfan LazuardiDimas SEW SumunarMia PurnamaYekti Asih PurwestriDini Wahyu Kartika SariTri Rini NuringtyasFita NilasariTan Sri Dato' Dzulkifli bin Abdul RazakMario T. TabucanonIrfan Dwidya PrijambadaHui-Nien LinLaretna Trisnantari AdishaktiDebasish NayakNanung Agus FitriyantoZuliyati RohmahBernadeth F TicarRr. Siti Rokhmah ProjosasimtoLisna Hidayati
Copyright (c) 2023 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2023-10-102023-10-10Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Civil Engineering
<p>This conference proceedings contains articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and technical researchers presented at the 6<sup>th</sup> International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Civil Engineering (ICMSC 2022). ICMSC 2022 was organized by the Department of Civil Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala, India on December 1-3, 2022. The main aim of this conference is to bring together leading academicians, researchers, technocrats, practitioners, and students to exchange and share their experiences and research outputs on all aspects of Civil Engineering, especially related to the modeling and simulation in Civil Engineering. </p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> 6<sup>th</sup> International Conference on Modeling and Simulation in Civil Engineering<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> ICMSC 2022<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 1-3 December 2022<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> India<br /><strong>Conference Organizer:</strong> Department of Civil Engineering, TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala, India</p>Althaf MohammedDasari Sandhya RaniYogesh M. DesaiFebina A ManafPriya K LSunil C. BehananBindhu K. R.Adithya D. A.Chinnu Mariam NinanRamu RadhakrishnanK. P. RamaswamyR. SajeebKavitha A KJijin AMunavar Fairooz CNikhil JoseGokul MohanMohammed ZayanMansoor AliIndu M SShahnaz Beegum S.Karthik S.Bhadra JKarthik S.Mervin Raj M.Munavar Fairooz C.Anaswara RKarthik S.Parvathy S MSai Niveditha M GApoorva KrishnaAjmal S NThushara RajuRamaswamy K PSangeetha M. S.Anu V. ThomasReshma SChinsu Mereena JoyThushara RajuRamaswamy K PBushra M AArathy Nair G RAdarsh SMeera G. MohanSreedevi VShamna SAmina BSurya SureshArun Krishna PJAnjali RaviAswin VijayAlan Verghese IttyeipeSajeeb R.Alfiya A.Pranavya J. R.Sajithkumar K. J.Mohammed ZayanAnandu V. G.Gouthami R.Anandhakrishnan M.Asif BasheerAncy MathewAbhinand R. S.Harith Suraj D.Umarohini S. R.Mohammed ThowsifAnna MathewSeema K NayarSanthosh SathyapalAswani V.Shobha Elizabeth ThomasBasithali E. K.Biju BhaskarSenthil Kumar P.Aaliya AzeemAlbert ThomasAshok SSeema K NayarRamaswamy K PMunavar Fairooz C
Copyright (c) 2023 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2023-09-152023-09-15Abstracts of the International Halal Science Conference 2023
<p>This book presents the extended abstracts of the selected contributions to the <em>International Halal Science Conference</em>, held on 22-23 August 2023 by the International Institute for Halal Research and Training (INHART), IIUM, Malaysia in collaboration with Halalan Thayyiban Research Centre, University Islam Sultan Sharif (UNISSA), Brunei Darussalam. With the increasing global interest in halal products and services, this conference is timely.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> International Halal Science Conference<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> IHASC23<br /><strong>Conference Theme: </strong>Halal Industry Sustainability Through Science<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 22-23 August 2023<br /><strong>Conference Venue: </strong>International Islamic University (IIUM), Malaysia<br /><strong>Conference Organizer: </strong>International Institute for Halal Research and Training (INHART), International Islamic University (IIUM), Malaysia</p>Nasyitah AhmadNur Thaqifah SalihahNurul Farhanah HamdanNorkhairiah HashimAmilia Yuni DamayantiNadia Mira KusumaningtyasAndriani AstutiAulivia AhmaDk. Amal Habriyatulain binti Pg. AsmadiRasyidah binti Haji MatnorDatin Hajah Norliza binti Dato Seri Setia Haji MahalleChe NurHidayu Che NohNorazilawati Md DahlalNaeema HalimNur Jannah HassanNurul Auni Mohd NoorNoor Yuslida HazahariNorshazila ShahidanNoor Soffalina Sofian SengAzura AmidAiman Samhani Abdul HalimZeiad Amjad AghwanNorkhairiah HashimRiwan RamliZaleha KassimNurliyana SubliNabilah Ulfah MujibSiti Majidah RahimNur Jeslina HasnalFahmi Ilman FahrudinNur MaiyahDaniel Tua PurbaShowole Rafiu K.Muhammad Irhammudin Bin IbrahimMohamad Aizat JamaludinBetania Kartika MuflihSiti Syahirah SaffineeNur Liana Izzaty RosliMohammad Aizat JamaludinAnis Najiha AhmadAvicenna YuhanAtidira Dwi HananiErry Yulian Triblas AdestaAmal A.M. ElgharbawyAfaf Syakirah Md RosdyMohammad Aizat JamaludinNurrulhidayah Ahmad FadzillahNur Leyni Nilam Putri JunurhamNor Saadah Md NorNoor Yuslida HazahariNorfarahin Mohd RasidiFarah Faiqah FazialAzfar Al Ariff AhmadRahma OctavianiAzhari Haris Al HamdiMohammad Aizat JamaludinFitry MayantiMd Mahfujur RahmanDina LusiantiRozaq YasinAhmad Munachifdlil 'UlaSharizainor Sharina Mohamed ShariffAzizan RamliNazikussabah ZaharudinIrshad A CaderMohammad Aizat JamaludinBetania KartikaRaihana Mohd RaffiDinie Musfirah MusliSaheed Abdullahi BusariNadzirah JulkifliZeiad Amjad Abdulrazzak AghwanUmmu Athiyah Mohammad TormiziNurhusna SamsudinYumi Zuhanis Has Yun HashimAnis Najiha AhmadMohamed Faiz Asyraf RazaliAmalina Ahmad TajudinAhmad Syukran BaharuddinUmmu Hani RoslinLama AlafandiAmal A.M ElgharbawyNur Hanie Mohd LatiffAinaa Eliah Abu BakarRashidi OthmanFarah Ayuni Mohd HattaRazanah RamyaWan Syibrah Hanisah Wan SulaimanWan Syibrah Hanisah Wan SulaimanRashdidi OthmanHaslin Hanani Md ZainiZalikha binti ZamarudinMuhamad Shirwan Abdullah SaniNoor Faizul Hadry NordinAzura AmidAmalia Mohd HashimNurkhurul AinSiti Roha Ab MutalibNurhazirah AzmiAishah BujangSiti Aimi SarahFatimah Azizah RiyadiMuhamad SahlanMasafuhmi YohdaIrwandi JaswirSiti Nazerah binti A. HanniNorkhairiah HashimZaleha KassimMohd. Razali Md. RazakNoor Yuslida HazahariKamaruzzaman YunusMuhammad Irhammudin IbrahimMohamad Aizat JamaludinBetania Kartika MuflihSiti Syahirah SaffineeNur Shamira Jamil NasriAnis Najiha AhmadYumi Zuhanis Has Yun HashimIbrahim Abu BakarSa’adan ManMuhammad Haikal AufarAmelia Yuliana Abd WahabNurhidayu Al-SaariZulhilmiMohd Hafidz Mahamad MaifiahAnis Najiha AhmadAnburaj AmaladossMelissa MeowTracie NarayanKadamb PatelShabbir MoochhalaSetiyawan GunardiElsa ApriliaMushonnifun Faiz SugihartantoDewie Saktia ArdiantonoHaruna Babatunde JaiyeobaHamzah Mohd SallehNadia Mira KusumaningtyasBerlian OktavianiAnugerah SuciatiNurul Marfu’ahKhumairoh Nur SafiraNadia Iha FatihahFaqihah SallehAzura AmidNoor Faizul Hadry NordinNazurah AbdullahYusilawati Ahmad NorWei Chern AngNoorsyahiruh Abdul KhadirNurfatin Amira Sofia LahazirAlia Hayati BaharudinJawad AlzeerMuibat Bolajoko BusariNusaibah Anuar MusaddadElistina Abu BakarUswatun Hasanah ZaidanMohd Daud AwangYasmin Hanani Mohd SafianWalaa A AbualsununWaad M. AlzahraniRefan H. AlbaitiHaneen F. Al mewalladAlaa K. AlNouriEngku Normi Engku IsmailNooratiny IshakNoor Yuslida HazahariNurhusna SamsudinHaruna Babatunde JaiyeobaNor Asila Nazmi
Copyright (c) 2023 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2023-08-222023-08-22Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Language Teaching and Learning
<p>This conference proceedings contains articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at the 5<sup>th</sup> Conference on Language Teaching and Learning (LTAL-2023). LTAL2023 was organized by the Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Vietnam on May 7, 2023.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> 5<sup>th</sup> Conference on Language Teaching and Learning<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> LTAL-2023<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 7 May 2023<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Vietnam<br /><strong>Conference Organizers:</strong> Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Vietnam.</p> <p><strong>Related Proceedings: </strong> <a title="4th LTAL" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Proceedings of the 4<sup>th</sup> Conference on Language Teaching and Learning</a></p>Tran Tin NghiPham Ngoc SonNguyen Thi XuyenVo Thi Thu ThaoNguyen Thanh HienTong Thi HueNguyen Giang HuongNguyen Thi Mai HuongNgo Thi Ngoc Hanh Nguyen Thi Kim AnhNguyen Thanh HuyenDang Thi Hong NhungGiang Truc MaiLe Vu Ngan HaVo Thi Quynh TrangTrinh Thu HangLe Thi Minh PhuongNguyen Ngoc TramNguyen Thi Luu HuyenNguyen Ngoc Bao VyPham Đoan Tuyet HuongVo Thi Tuong VyDuong Tuan KietPhan Tu UyenNguyen Giang BinhVo Ngoc Bao ChauNguyen Thi TrungDoan Phan Anh TrucLe Van TienTran Tin Nghi
Copyright (c) 2023 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2023-06-172023-06-17The Impact of Technology on Equity and Inclusion in a COVID World
<p>This proceeding contains articles on the various ideas of the academic community presented at The 3<sup>rd</sup> Annual Faculty Senate Research Conference organized by the University of the District of Columbia (USA) on 11<sup>th </sup>February 2022. The 3<sup>rd</sup> Annual Conference brings together community leaders, industry professionals, faculty, and university administrators to discuss issues important to the University of the District of Columbia and its many community, national and international stakeholders. Participants use the Conference Theme to consider how the explosion of technological tools impacts the academy. The keynotes provided examples of how these issues are addressed in the community, while industry professionals discussed how faculty/industry partnerships address equity and educational issues. Conference presenters, describe how new methods impact teaching, scholarship, and service. Many of the submissions articulate the continuing impact of COVID-19, especially as it relates to equity and inclusion, and documents how scholars are incorporating these pressures in ways that benefit the academy.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title: </strong>3<sup>rd </sup>Annual Faculty Senate Research Conference<br /><strong>Conference Theme:</strong> Challenges for Education and Employment<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 11 February 2022<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> University of the District of Columbia, USA<br /><strong>Conference Organizer:</strong> University of the District of Columbia</p> <p><strong>Related Proceedings: </strong> <a title="2nd Annual Faculty Senate" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Proceedings of the 2<sup>nd</sup> Annual Faculty Senate Research Conference</a></p>Phronie JacksonChristopher Thomas AnglimAnthony MazzaAndrea AdamsAndrea AdamsJillian L. WendtWilliam A. Hanff Jr.Angelyn Spaulding FlowersAndrea Adams
Copyright (c) 2023 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2023-06-062023-06-06Abstracts of Conference on the Fundamentals of the Physics of Ultracold Atoms and Ions
<p>This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the <em>Conference on the Fundamentals of the Physics of Ultracold Atoms and Ions</em>, held on 19 August 2022 by the Russian Quantum Center and the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom in parallel with the eponymous summer school. </p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> Conference on the Fundamentals of the Physics of Ultracold Atoms and Ions<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 19 August 2022<br /><strong>Conference Venue: </strong>Office of the Russian Quantum Center (Moscow, Bolshoi Boulevard, 30, Building 1, G7)<br /><strong>Conference Organizer: </strong>Russian Quantum Center, Russia</p>Zarutskiy SLakhmanskaya ODyadkin K. DRuzaikin T. D.Khoruzhii K. A.Goloshchapov M. Y.Gorshenin V. LAnikin E. V.Shlykov P. Y.Chadov I. A.Ilia YukhnovetsSilaev V. D.Evgeny AnikinSemyon ZarutskiyVasiliy Vinogradov
Copyright (c) 2023 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2023-05-232023-05-23Abstracts of AICTE Sponsored International Conference on Post-COVID Symptoms and Complications in Health
<p>This book presents the selected abstracts of the International Conference on Post-COVID Symptoms and Complications in Health, hosted from the 28<sup>th</sup> to 29<sup>th</sup> of April 2022 in virtual mode by the LR Institute of Pharmacy, Solan (H.P.)-173223 in Collaboration with AICTE, New Delhi. This conference focuses on the implications of long-term symptoms on public health, ways to mitigate these complications, improve understanding of the disease process in COVID-19 patients, use of computational methods and artificial intelligence in predicting complications, and the role of various drug delivery systems in combating the complications.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> International Conference on Post-COVID Symptoms and Complications in Health<br /><strong>Conference Sponsor: </strong>AICTE, New Delhi.<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 28-29 April 2022<br /><strong>Conference Location: </strong>Online<br /><strong>Conference Organizer: </strong>LR Institute of Pharmacy, Solan (H.P.)-173223.</p>Pinkal PatelAmarjeet KaurPriya MishraSandeep YadavRitika AgrahariDevesh Kumar PandeyArchan GuptaSurya Pratap GondAnju SinghYidhanSunil Kumar SinghSaleha AfsarAimen SalmanMehak JamwalUpendra Kumar ShuklaAbhishek Kumar Tripathi Akanksha GuptaTarun Kumar Ranjit Singh Vinay PanditRohit Kumar ShrivastavaRibha UpadhyayAbhishek Kumar TripathiBhanu Pratap YadavAnil Kumar SinghAmit Kumar SinghAnik Kumar DasMonu Kumar ShuklaDeepak KumarLalit SharmaSuchita TripathiAlok MukerjeeNishi GuptaMuskan SharmaVishal Kumar YadavArchana KumariSumit SainiPramil TiwariShakti SharmaSonali SinghIshan DurvashaMehak Sharma Shweta AgarwalDivya Rani Sharma Shanti Bhushan MishraVishal YadavUpendra MauryaMuskan SharmaSunil SinghRiya SinghVarun PanwarYashvardhanArpita KapilaMukesh SharmaManish KumarNitin KumarRishab SharmaVijay JyotiEra Prashar Vishav KiranVandana ShyamShivam SharmaAnil KumarDiksha KaushalSachin BhardwajAmarjeet KaurAnil ThakurSakshiRisha KumariPayal Priya ThakurRahul HernotLatasha ShonklaSomnath Rana Daiwakshi ShandilChanchal VermaRam GopalPriyanka SenAmreen AaraMohd. Mustaffa KhanEkshikaVarunVijay PrakashAnkit ThakurVinayPallaviHarishYogeshRohit Lalit KumarShruti PathakPriyal SharmaKuldeep KumarMonikaSonali Sharma Priyanka SenNarender BhartiDimple Tarun KumarPoonam Sharma Deepak PrasharPoonamNaveen KumarPriyankaPayal Negi Satyam KapilShivani ThakurKomal Pritika RanaKanikaBhiresh KumarAkruti ThakurPankaj KumarRubeeya Lodhi Nilesh J.PatelPrachi PandeyAjay Kumar GuptaNikhil SharmaAmardeep AnkalgiM.S.AshawatMehakBhanupriyaPankaj KumarKajalDev Raj SharmaVinay PanditM.S AshawatShipra MahalAshish JainSubh NamanAshish BaldiSonker DivyanganaSrivastava Arvind KumarLal Arnica FVivek KumarDaiwakshi ShandilBrajesh SinghSadhana YadavShradhanjali SinghMeenakshi VermaPravin KumarManishaC.P.S VermaPooja KaushalKusum MahantPooja SoodAvneet GuptaAnkitaAmardeep AnkalgiKamya JindalMd Naushad AlamShiwani SinghParas GuptaShweta AgarwalPriya ThakurVivek Kumar
Copyright (c) 2023 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2023-02-012023-02-01Proceedings of International Technical Postgraduate Conference 2022
<p>This conference proceedings contains articles on the various research ideas of the academic & research communities presented at the International Technical Postgraduate Conference 2022 (TECH POST 2022) that was held at Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 24-25 September 2022. TECH POST 2022 was organized by the Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya. The theme of the conference is “Embracing Innovative Engineering Technologies Towards a Sustainable Future”. TECH POST 2022 conference is intended to foster the dissemination of state-of-the-art research from five main disciplines of Engineering: Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Chemical Engineering. The objectives of TECH POST 2022 are to bring together innovative researchers from all engineering disciplines to a common forum, promote R&D activities in Engineering, and promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge and research know-how between researchers, engineers, and students.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> International Technical Postgraduate Conference 2022<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> TECH POST 2022<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 24-25 September 2022<br /><strong>Conference Location: </strong>Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia (Hybrid Mode)<br /><strong>Conference Organizers: </strong>Faculty of Engineering, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.</p>Cia Yik NgWan Zurina Wan JaafarFaridah OthmanSai Hin LaiYiwen MeiJuneng LiewFaizatul Syazwani ZulkifiliNorhaslinda NasuhaSiti Wahidah PuasaHawaiah Imam MaarofMd Abdul MominMohamad Haniff JunosAnis Salwa Binti Mohd KhairuddinMohamad Sofian Abu TalipAkira TaguchiNur Athirah Zailan Khairunnisa HasikinUswah KhairuddinNaveenkumar S.Paras Rawat Aditya GaneshAshwath RamakrishnanSuresh SankaranarayananParikshit Kumar Vighnesh AnandGowtham RajasekaranLithicka AnandavelAnsh SharmaMuhammad Izhar KairiYosri Mohd SiranNabilah Hanani HiderMuhammad Zakhwan Mohamed RafikNoraisyah Mohamed ShahHasanathul Bashariyah Bt KamaludeenWan Nor Liza Binti MahadiAima Mariaty AhmadSabariah JulaiIswadi JauhariIkra AhmedSee Khai ChewWen Hui TeohSok Lai HongRozita YusoffPei Lin KhorWong Jee Keen RaymondEn Xin NeoKhin Wee LaiMohd Istajib MokhtarMuhammad Mokhzaini AzizanSarah Abdul RazakHanee Farzana HizaddinYuen Theng CheongAdeline Seak May ChuaGek Cheng NgohW.Z.GohB.FongH.Hussin S.F. Wan Muhamad HattaDhevisha Sukumarran Romano NguiWan Yusoff Wan Sulaiman Indra Vythilingam Paul C.S DivisRamizah Rozaimay Tuan Zaharinie Muhammad Nur Luqman Tadashi Ariga Salman TariqMohamed ShaabanHazlie MokhlisNurulafiqah Nadzirah MansorFatimah Fawzi HashimTariq Bin Abdul Latef Mohamad Ariff Bin OthmanShiou Xuan TanAndri AndriyanaSteven LimHwai Chyuan OngYean Ling PangGek Cheng NgohAida Normardiana AyobChe Rosmani Che HassanMahar Diana HamidSiti Nurliyana Che Mohamed HusseinZulhelmi AmirBadrul Hisham Md JanMunawwar KhalilFathiah ZaibP. GanesanTuan ZaharinieNoor Ezzah Rahimah Ahmad SamsuriG.Y.A TanAhmed Faozi RabeaMardiyah BillateahEffariza Binti HanafiPutri Humairah Monashofian PutraShaifulazuar RozaliMuhamad Fazly Abdul PatahAida IdrisKazi Zehad MostofaMohammad Aminul IslamMostafa NagahMohamed ShaabanHazlie MokhlisHusna Abdul RahimSulaiman Wadi HarunAnis Salwa Mohd KhairuddinWei Ru WongWan Nor Liza Wan Mahadi
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2022-12-282022-12-28Abstracts of the International Chemical Engineering Conference 2021: 100 Glorious Years of Chemical Engineering & Technology
<p>This book presents the selected abstracts of the International Chemical Engineering Conference 2021, hosted from the 16<sup>th</sup> to 19<sup>th</sup> of September 2021 in virtual mode by the Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Jalandhar, India.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> International Chemical Engineering Conference 2021<br /><strong>Conference Acronym: </strong>ICheEC2021<br /><strong>Theme:</strong> 100 Glorious Years of Chemical Engineering & Technology<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 16-19 September 2021<br /><strong>Conference Location: </strong>Online<br /><strong>Conference Organizer: </strong>Department of Chemical Engineering, NIT Jalandhar, India</p>Rekha SharmaRinku MalhiFarah Manzer ManhasJaswant KumarBhahwal Ali ShahAnup PardeyAvijit BhowalPapita DasSudhanya KarmakarAsif SaudMehwash AneesAkanksha GoyalPiyush Pratap SinghTarak MondalAnnapurna BoruahKuldeep SinghTarun Pratap SinghAkash SharmaAwanish SinghShubham KumarAjo SebastianJessa Elizabeth JoseJoji AugustineDhanya GeorgeAadil BharuchaAbhilasha MaheshwariVijaysai PrasadRavindra D. GudiAfreen NissarM. HaniefFasil Qayoom MirSharon Achamma AbrahamDeepti MishraSourabh MishraK. K. PantXiu Song ZhaoAkshay R. MankarArindam ModakSuryanshu MukherjeeAbhishek GangulyAvijit GhoshN. MalikV. K. BulasaraS. BasuRahul KumarRamakrishna D. S.Akshata RamtekeUma DwivediKamal PantDivesh BhatiaShashi Kant MishraPawan Kumar PatnaikAmit ThakurRaj Kumar AryaAnurag Kumar TiwariN. VasumathiD. SowmyaM. Sai KumarT. V. Vijaya KumarS. J. GopalkrishnaM. VenkadeshT. HemalathaAjita KumariD.S.V. AbhishekRajdeep KaurDebarpita Ghosal
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2022-12-242022-12-24Abstracts of the 9th International Organisation of Physical Therapy in Mental Health Conference
<p>This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at the 9<sup>th</sup> International Organisation of Physical Therapy in Mental Health Conference, Organized by the International Organisation of Physical Therapy in Mental Health and Greek Scientific Section “Physiotherapy in Mental Health” of PanHellenic Physiotherapists’ Association, held on 4–6 May 2022. It is the biannual conference of the International Organization of Physical Therapy in Mental Health (IOPTMH), and we answered with success the question: <strong><em>Physiotherapy</em> in mental health; what’s next?</strong> The highly qualified scientific program, the reputable presenters, and the venue altogether form a powerful motivation for both physiotherapists and other mental health professionals to attend this conference.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> 9<sup>th</sup> International Organisation of Physical Therapy in Mental Health Conference<br /><strong>Conference Theme:</strong> Physiotherapy in mental health; what’s next?<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 4–6 May 2022<br /><strong>Conference Location: </strong>Crowne Plaza Athens - City Centre Hotel, 50, Michalakopoulou Str. GR 11528 Athens<br /><strong>Conference Organizer: </strong>International Organisation of Physical Therapy in Mental Health and Greek Scientific Section “Physiotherapy in Mental Health” of PanHellenic Physiotherapists’ Association<br /><strong>Conference Secretariat - Public Relations:</strong> Alpha Public Relations and Integrated Marketing S.A., 55, Pytheou Str. GR 11743 Athens</p>Stavros StathopoulosKyriakatis Georgios MariosLykou Prokopia MirkaKitixis PavlosMichailidou TheanoBesios ThomasArnaud DelafontaineSylvain GautierFrançois-Régis SarhanGabriel SaiydounNicolas PinsaultAnke ArkesteynVéronique CornelissenJean SteyaertTine Van DammeYamamoto TaiseiMisu YukaHayashi ShintarouGeorge PloutarchouChristos KaragiannisKyriakos PavlouChristos SavvaVasilleios KorakakisBerki Stir AlexandrouLouise DanielssonStefan PernerSotiria VrouvaVasileios PapatsimpasAlexandra NikolopoulouEvangelia KoutsioumpaVarvara SopidouPelagia TsakonaMarianna Papadopoulou George PapathanasiouChristina BouzinekiDaphne BakalidouMads PoulsenBenjamin Rosenberg EdelmanGunnhild Lien KjaerLidia Carballo-CostaElena Alfaya-LamasDitte LarsenAnni B. S. NielsenJulie W. GjelstrupLouise SvendsenRopafadzo GunduzaSandy LordMonique KellerAnne-Mette KarrerApril Christine Gamble Dimitra MoutafiGeorge KrommidasAristi TsokaniVasiliki StefanouliEleni Argyroula TsouniaKonstantinos ChandoliasNikolaos StrimpakosEleni- Argyroula TsouniaFilitsa TsentidouGlykeria TsentidouBouzineki ChristinaGeronikola NikolettaKanellopoulou SophiaChristakou AnnaSakellari VasilikiGeorgios MitsikarisGkouvas NikolaosProbst MichelVancampfort DavyBertilsson IngridCatalán - Matamoros DanielDanielsson LouiseKouloumpi MariaSkjaerven Liv-HelvikMangoulia PolyxeniMazzarotto DeborahMichael - Vargiamidou PolyxeniPaschou FaniPatsaki IriniRosa MarleneStavros StathopoulosCristina StaubVanderlinden JulieVera-Salazar RobertoVerikaki OlgaHaselwander MarenBarbara LimbergMatthias WeisbrodGudrun DiermayrAnna VarytimidiMegi GoxhoAnna ChristakouEmanuel BrunnerWim DankaertsDavy VancampfortSoultana Apostolidou Ioanna GiannopoulouAristomenis KarmirisStephanos PatsirisStefania KontadakiIsmini KamariElena PapamichaelDemetris SolouChristina MichailidouMarios PapamichailLizbeth Rodríguez MárquezNorma Elisa Gálvez OlveraElizabeth Rodríguez SantillánSergio Palacio CastañedaArely Guadalupe Morales HernándezWeeranan YaemrattanakulPhanprapa RungritHelge GillmeisterJoanna JacksonTheodoros ChatzidamianosNarayan PrabhuJames SelfePanagiotis ZikosErin ByrdLaura HemmingsSamantha McIverApril Gamble Ilona FrickerMette KraghJane MaglebyMarietta MylonopoulouVasliki ZisiMayia KorkokiouAnoushka ThoenKaat AlaertsTracey PonsZambo - Anderson EllenBeker EstherSlootweg LindaLene NyboeIoulia Gidarakou
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2022-11-302022-11-30Abstracts of the 1st International Colloquium in Mine & Society
<p>This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the First International Colloquium on Mines and Society (CIMS) organized by The Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Boke. The theme of this colloquium was "Mining and Sustainable Development, a major challenge for an Emerging Africa<strong>" </strong>which aims to bring together teachers, researchers, and Professionals from different backgrounds in order to exchange the results of their research work, share their points of view on the issue of mining and sustainable development. It also aims to define, in a collaborative and inclusive manner, research prospects or future projects between all the actors involved in this field.</p> <p><strong>Colloquium Title:</strong> 1<sup>st</sup> International Colloquium in Mine & Society<br /><strong>Theme:</strong> Mining and Sustainable Development, A Major Challenge for an Emerging Africa<br /><strong>Colloquium Date:</strong> 20-22 May 2022<br /><strong>Colloquium Location: </strong>A L’Hôtel Rio Nunez de Boke<br /><strong>Colloquium Organizer: </strong>The Higher Institute of Mining and Geology of Boke</p>Mahamoudou BamogoIssa SoryYélézouomin Stéphane Corentin SoméAdèle Dramou Marie Constance BeavoguiDaouda KeitaSékou TraoreAbdoulkadri Oumarou TouréFatoumata MaigaBaba Faradji N'diayeIssa OuattaraMoussa DialloAhmed Amara KonatéMory KouroumaFassidy OularéAllou Elvis AdjaffiKouassi Ernest AhoussiKonan Hervé KouassiYao Blaise KoffiTohouegbeu Kevin PeheKakou François NogbouAissatou Bobo DialloMarc Ephrem AllialyMyriam TessiaAlpha Issaga Pallé DialloAllou GnanzouAlpha Mamoudou DialloYacouba CoulibalyKouadio David KoffiN'guessan Nestor HoussouBaco TraoréGbélé OuattaraViktorovna Loginova IrinaAbdoulaye Kadiatou DialloMohamed Samuel Moriah ContéOumar Barou KabaAly SoumahMohamed CamaraKonan Bertin KouadioIbrahim KonatéLaïla Sbabou Kouassi Ernest AhoussiEléonore Resongles Angélique DesoeuvreKouakou Alphonse YaoDavid BaratouxAbdoulatif Abass SaleyNoémie FayolOdile BruneelDaouda KouroumaDebatoh Solange DouzouoMamady CisséAhamadou DiyaThierno Maiga Naby Souleymane FayePatrice BrehmerAdama MbayeBienvenu SambouDiaka SidibéFodé TounkaraOumar SoumaréMory SidibéGnanzou AllouInza CoulibalyBoya Kakeu Tokpa LionelIbrahim Eric BambaGoumou Jean BaptisteMarie Constance BeavoguiPohn Martial AdingraKouadio Jean-Luc Hervé Fossou Ibrahima Kalil DoumbouyaModou MbayeAnna DessertineJuliette CerceauMarc VinchesIbrahima Kalil KouroumaIssa SambAbakar Mahamat HaggarBrou Delphin Koffi Soumahoro GueuGouesse Henri Briton BiKouassi Benjamin YaoKouakou Séraphin KonanKouassi Serge GbaméléM'min Marie Florence KadjoKoukou Benoit KouaméKouakou Lazare KouassiKouamé Alfred KouassiLydie Marcelle ThieblessonKouadio Cyrille YaoJean Michel GbangbotImad-Eddine CheddadMamadouba SyllaSaran CamaraAmirou DialloMohamed Kadiatou CisséMarie GuittonnyBruno BussiereArn KeelingMoriba KouroumaMory KouroumaGlèb VictorovN'dji Dit Jacques DembéléGbélé OuattaraGnammytchet Barthélémy KoffiMarie Paule Emmanuela BedaPatrice EbahPierre Tamba OularéClaire LallemandJulien CouturierClément LevardRashid Ali Isdine DaoHermann IlboudoSeta NabaDaouda KonatéAhmed GuisseAbdoulaye BahNouhan SidibéSaa Ernest MoundekenoNifababé Jean SoméJacques KonkoboOuango Maurice SavadogoYélézouomin Stéphane Corentin SoméSouleymane Fanta KonatéBi Dje Aristide VanieKouadio Cyrille YaoEric DiangoneSylvain MondeZéli Bruno DigbehiLoukou Victor N'daYaya Kenda Baïlo DialloOumar Barou KabaZana Yaya OuattaraMohamed SackoSoumaïla CondéVéronique Vilgué KoivoguiAhmadou Sadio DialloAmadou KakeSidikiba SidibeBéchir MahamatIsmael Gnié TetaLanfia Toure Hissein Siessil MahamatDemba MagassoubaTaliby Dos CamaraCheick Souleymane CamaraMaimouna DialloN'famoussa MagassoubaBarry OumarFodé Laye TraoréKayumov Odiljon AbduraufovichAhmed Amara KONATE
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2022-11-092022-11-09Abstracts of 2nd International Symposium on Plastic Pollution
<p>This book presents the abstracts of the selected contributions to the Second International Symposium on Plastic Pollution, hosted from 3<sup>rd</sup> to 4<sup>th</sup> of November 2022 in hybrid mode by the “Plastic Free” Specialized Graduate School, University of Seoul. The symposium covers “Challenges and Possible Solutions of Plastic Pollution” and “Toxicity Assessment of Plastics”. The symposium was special as it brought together researchers from multidisciplinary fields, bringing new research ideas and creating collaboration in the field of plastic pollution. With 20 experts from 7 countries and two special sessions with different themes, the symposium offered a perfect platform for attendees to share their research ideas.</p> <p><strong>Symposium Title:</strong> 2<sup>nd</sup> International Symposium on Plastic Pollution<br /><strong>Theme:</strong> <em><strong>SYM-1~2:</strong></em> Challenges and Possible Solutions of Plastic Pollution. <strong><em>SYM-3:</em> </strong>Toxicity Assessment of Plastics<br /><strong>Symposium Date:</strong> 3-4 November 2022<br /><strong>Symposium Location: </strong>Hybrid (online and offline – Jeju-Island Pacific, South Korea)<br /><strong>Symposium Organizer: </strong>Plastic-Free Specialized Graduate School, University of Seoul, South Korea<br /><strong>Symposium Sponsors: </strong>Ministry of Environment & KEITI, South Korea</p> <p>Previous Year Abstract Book: <a title="2021 Symposium on Plastic Pollution" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Abstracts of 1st International Symposium on Plastic Pollution</a></p>Sun Kyoung ShinKim Jae WooHyoyoung LeeDahee SeoYejin ChoiSunku ParkChangseok HanYoung-Min KimHyein KimJihye KwonJuhye KimHeejeong KimAtushi WatanabeDae Woong LeeJi Hong KimJu Seok LeeJeong-Jae KimKyoung-Min ParkIngyu LeeHyunook KimRobert J. MitchellAnish Kumar WarrierHefa ChengTariqul IslamYanliang LiMd Mahfuzur RobSun-Hyung KimAgamuthu PariatambyWoo-Teag KwonSeung-Jun WooIngyu LeeYeojoon YoonChihhao FanShu-Yuan PanYu-I LinChin-Hao YehYupo J LinYuta SakamakiCheng-Di DongChiu-Wen ChenChang-Mao HungJustin Chun-Te LinLin-Chi WangTa-Kang LiuChiu-Wen ChenTrisia FarrellyShimelis KebedeJui-Yen LinJing Hua TzengChin-Pao HuangHyunook KimSunghee JooMonu VermaIngyu Lee
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2022-11-032022-11-03Book of Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences (ICAMCS-2022)
<p>It is a great privilege for us to present the abstract book of ICAMCS-2022 to the authors and the delegates of the event. We hope that you will find it useful, valuable, aspiring, and inspiring. This book is a record of abstracts of the keynote talks, invited talks, and papers presented by the participants, which indicates the progress and state of development in research at the time of writing the research article. It is an invaluable asset to all researchers. The book provides a permanent record of this asset.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> 2<sup>nd</sup> International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> ICAMCS-2022<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 12-14 October 2022<br /><strong>Conference Organizers:</strong> DIT University, Dehradun, India<br /><strong>Conference Mode:</strong> Online (Virtual)</p>Seema YadavFateh SinghOluwole Daniel Makinde P. G. Siddheshwar Dumitru BaleanuG. P. Raja SekharR. C. MittalAli AkgülDharmendra TripathiNaresh M. ChadhaMahesha NarayanaKanchana C.Rajesh Kumar PandeyHarendra SinghAbhay dhadwalR. K. pooniaAbhisekh ShekharNawin Kumar AgrawalAjay SinghSneh RachnaRajesh KumarAnil KumarAlaa A. AbdallahA. A. NavlekarKirtiwant P. GhadleBasel HardanAman SinghVineet Kumar SinghA. P. AwasthiAnchal BhatiaNishi GuptaAnkit KumarPramod Kumar YadavAnkush WaliaBhagat SinghAshish KumarSangam KumarSantosh KumarAshwini AngadiN. B. NaduvinamaniAvtar SinghR. N. PrajapatiBhagwan KumarKunwer Singh MathurBhaskar PandeyV. UpadhyayBhawini PrasadRekha BaliChandraketu SinghSumant KumarB. V. Rathish KumarS.V.S.S.N.V.G. Krishna MurthyDeepika ParmarDeepesh Kumar ThakurDhirendra KumarPankaj MishraDivyaPankaj SaxenaVineeta SinghB. S. RawatJogendra KumarFriday Ighaghai OyakhireLouis OmenyiEdekin M. J. E. EvbogbaiFurqan IrshadNaveen KumarJagadeesha B.Jebapresitha B.Jessica PereiraTarkeshwar SinghS. ArumugamJ. HarrisA. PaulB. GhoshJoydev HalderSuman Kumar TumuluriJ. Singh JuniasJoseph ClementKalaivani KamalakkannanKamakshi SharmaPankaj PandeySeema YadavKanika NarangAastha SinghKarishmaHarendra KumarKeerthi G. MirajkarPriyanka G. SthavarmathKm. NeetuHarish NagarKomalDevendra KumarKomal ChhokerRajkumar YadavKrishnanjali MagadeAmit SharmaKshitish Kumar MohantaDeena Sunil SharanappaKumbinarasaiah S.Lata ChanchlaniMahadevswamy B. S.Manoshi KotokyManpreet KaurVineet BhattMatam Santoshi KumariShrivalli H. Y.B. MallikarjunaMausam KumariVijay Kumar YadavMegha SainiMokshikaNishi GuptaNajmu NissaSanjay JamwalNived Krishna PrakashSonia BhallaNivedita KadianKalpana ShuklaVinay SinghPaltu HalderAnup BandyopadhyaySandip DaluiSankirtan SardarPervinder SinghVinod K. GuptaPooja MauryaVirendra UpadhyaySurya Kant ChaturvediDinesh KumarPooja RaniAshish Kumar SharmaPooja SharmaRam ChandraPrajjwal Gupta Anupam PriyadarshiPrabhat KumarVineet SrivastavaM. M. DixitPragyaJogendra KumarPranshu AroraPratibhaDaxesh RohitPreeti BhushanS. N. GaikwadPriyanka JainStuti GuptaVipin KumarPriyanka SahniRajeev KumarRahul M. P.Rajat BharadwajRakesh G.Ram Naresh YadavA. K. AgrawalP. N. PandeyRamandeepRashmi PrasadRenuReshu GuptaDeepak AgrawalRoopamNishi GuptaM. Sumanth DattMansoor Ali K. S.RubayyaVarad DeshpandeS. MeenakshiB. ElavarasanG. MuhiuddinD. Al-Kadi Arti SalatAmit SharmaSandeep Kumar HegdeRajalaxmi HegdeSangam KumarJoydip GhoshJeeb Dyuti PrasadSavitaC. SulochanaG. P. AshwinkumarShashikant KumarSumitSunil KumarShivani KhareR. K. GangeleShivaniShreya BhawraShiv Kumar SharmaShruti TomarSantanu RautShweta SinghSimranjeet KaurSacheendra ShuklaS. K. MauryaSoniya GuptaDheeraj Kumar JoshiRajesh VermaGopal Kumar GuptaSuchitra BudaniaAsha JainSudeep KumarRitu GuptaSuman Kumari SinhaJayantika PalKumari JyotsnaSuneel Kumar BairwaSatyabhan SinghSuvankar MajeeSoovoojeet JanaDhiraj Kumar DasT. K. KarSwapnil KaleDebasish PradhanSyed Shafi AhmedAkash AsthanaTabinda NahidTarumay GhoshalRakesh MohanArun ChakrabortyUmair UjalaS. N. PandeyV. KeerthikaY. B. JunVarshini SandrasekaranBanupriya KandasamyVipul KumarU. S. RanaAnita TomarVyshnavi D.Chaluvaraju B.Yashveer KumarVineet Kumar SinghYasir RashidJavid Iqbal BhattKapil KumarAbhishek Kumar MishraVikas KumarRahul KumarPriyanka GuptaRam K. PandeyPooran Lal PrajapatiJogendra Kumar
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2022-10-102022-10-10Proceedings of The HKIE Geotechnical Division 42nd Annual Seminar: A New Era of Metropolis and Infrastructure Developments in Hong Kong, Challenges and Opportunities to Geotechnical Engineering
<p>This seminar proceedings contain articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at The HKIE Geotechnical Division 42<sup>nd</sup> Annual Seminar (<em>GDAS2022</em>). <em>GDAS2022</em><em> </em>was organized by the Geotechnical Division, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers on 13<sup>th </sup>May 2022.</p> <p><strong>Seminar Title:</strong> The HKIE Geotechnical Division 42<sup>nd</sup> Annual Seminar<br /><strong>Seminar Acronym:</strong> GDAS2022<br /><strong>Seminar Date:</strong> 13 May 2022<br /><strong>Seminar Location:</strong> Hong Kong<br /><strong>Seminar Organizers:</strong> Geotechnical Division, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers</p> <p><strong>Link to the GDAS2021 Proceedings:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Proceedings of The HKIE Geotechnical Division 41<sup>st</sup> Annual Seminar</a></p>J H YinW B ChenD Y TanP C WuRaymond W M CheungSam H S LiuGavin S H TohSteven JenkinsM K ChongMichael ChakIvan H H ChanY K HoCarrie CheungDaman LeeK T HungSamuel LeeVictor LiM S K HassanV H LooAlvin K M LamAndrew T F WongK P ChanA CunninghamY SitanggangK M ChiangD RemusD VossSamson LeungGeoffrey PookMing KwokCloud LoMichael Wright S Y N ChengL LiuW HouJ R HartY M T YongP K K WuJ ChinC NgR TsuiY T A ChanL LiuW HouR TsuiRegine TsuiJonathan HartWenzhu HouAlan NgVictor SheaDazhong LiDora ShumFreda ChuMindaugas ZakarkaŠarūnas SkuodisZhang ZhenK M ChiangLeo ManSimon LeungElton M Y KoL JeanneV TricotR B StorryY.B LiuT XiaoL M ZhangH W M LiR H L LiC C J WongF L C LoMartin M K KwongH G ZhuEric X R ChenIvan M L ShamIvan H H ChanChris C W ChanS N GohPhilip ChungFlorence ChuHenry CheungC H YanChris CheungAnthony WongDominic O K LoRaymond S L NgKian Y K ChiuVicton W L WongDennis K F LauQ ZhaoY ChenG MaS T G NgNorman M H LeeYassine Bennani BraouliIeva LekstutytėGintaras ŽaržojusSaulius GadeikisGisela DomejŠarūnas SkuodisPhilip W K ChungFlorence L F ChuZ X CaoY ChenJ ChenQ XuPetra LeeCollette TseFrancis LeeGeoffrey PookKevin StylesHenry CheungC H YanChris CheungAnthony WongDerek YungRicky PangAlex ChanThomas S K LamKathy LauSongye ZhuGoman HoPaul TsuiVincent LeungSimon LeungKevin ChanAnthony HuiI LiE H Y SzeF L C LoS Q LinD Y TanA Y F LeungA W Y ChanE Y M ChanRyan YanW H TsangY K HoClayton Y K ChanG X GuanX WangWeyman C T NgaiP L NgA K H KwanP K K WuJ ChinR TsuiC NgAndrew K W SetoAlan K L KwongJoel Y F WongT M S SacaduraN TaylorJ GaudonK SevecekR B StorryX MoninL W WongRaymond W M CheungSam H S LiuGavin S H TohSteven JenkinsM K ChongMichael ChakEndicott L JohnFranklin K L ToAndrew K W SetoT C W WongLEUNG Yat Fai AndyLEE Siew Wei
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2022-09-172022-09-17Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Faculty Senate Research Conference: Higher Education During Pandemics
<p>This proceeding contains articles on the various ideas of the academic community presented at The 2<sup>nd</sup> Annual Faculty Senate Research Conference organized by the University of the District of Columbia (USA) on 05<sup>th </sup>February 2021. In February 2021, the exponential spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the effect of systemic racism resulted in dramatic changes in colleges and universities. These changes were extremely difficult for students, requiring faculty and institutions to stand in the gap to help students complete their studies. Moving to a completely online format was especially difficult for students traditionally served by UDC, but the institution and its faculty were better prepared than most to address this challenge. However, COVID-19 issues facing minority communities loomed larger, were more complex, and required a deeper societal dialogue. The permeations of these issues ranged from vaccine hesitancy to social disparities that created impacts on social justice. As the only public, land-grant university in and for the capital city of the United States of America, and a Historically Black College and University, UDC was uniquely positioned to convene this discussion as a part of its 2021- 2<sup>nd</sup> Annual Faculty Senate Conference.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> 2<sup>nd</sup> Annual Faculty Senate Research Conference: Higher Education During Pandemics<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 05 February 2021<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> University of the District of Columbia, USA<br /><strong>Conference Organizer:</strong> University of the District of Columbia</p> <p><strong>Related Proceedings: </strong> <a title="3rd Annual Faculty Senate" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Proceedings of the 3<sup>rd</sup> Annual Faculty Senate Research Conference</a></p>Andrea AdamsAnthony MazzaChristopher AnglimB. Michelle HarrisArlene King-BerryBryan HiggsWilliam A. Hanff Jr.Pier A. BroadnaxLisa Sechrest-EhrhardtRosie A. SneedNathalie MizelleJames MaidenQuintin BostonAnthony AndrewsAlbert A. Pearsall IIILaurence CovingtonAparajita DeHelene KrauthamerCherie Ann TurpinAda Vilageliu-DiazPhronie Jackson
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2022-09-082022-09-08Abstracts of Scientifica 2022
<p>This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at Scientifica 2022, Organized by the Sancheti Institute College of Physiotherapy, Pune, Maharashtra, India, held on 12–13 March 2022. This conference helps bring researchers together across the globe on one platform to help benefit the young researchers. There were six invited talks from different fields of Physiotherapy and seven panel discussions including over thirty speakers across the globe which made the conference interesting due to the diversity of topics covered during the conference.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> Scientifica 2022<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 12–13 March 2022<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Sancheti Institute College of Physiotherapy<br /><strong>Conference Organizer:</strong> Sancheti Institute College of Physiotherapy, Pune, Maharashtra, India</p>Shruti DumbhareRazia NagarwalaRaghuraj JajuKapil GargPurva ToshniwalSnehal JainVenu MohanRucha AgnihotriGoutami KatagePadmashree ChaudhariPriyanaka IyerSanket MungikarVidhi BhanushaliAshutosh MalpaniGoutami KatageSayali BhalgeGauri SamalMukta DeshpandePournima PawarSameeksha RajoreShyam Krishnan KAshish John PrabhakarMeghaKhushboo GandhiSanket MungikarHiral SupeSiddhi R. PokleMayura P DeshmukhNidhi ViraNikita DodwadThomas AnahitaKolke Sona SShah Riddhi DRadhika SabuSantosh DobhalRenuka KhedekarHarish S KrishnaAnaz AKrishna VedMugdha OberoiIndrayani N. TalokarUmanjali S. DamkeKapil GargShweta Ashok SononeSarath.V BabuMrugnayani PatilSarath BabuShriya Jitendra SharmaSarath VSurabhi S. ShindeDrashti ShahDarshana Pravin FursuleSanket MungikarSurendra K. WaniDhvani PrajapatiKinjal TrivediKrutika SharmaAngela GabrielHarshada R. PatilAvni JainDinesh ChavhanGargi KulkarniRachana DabadghavPriyanka KshirsagarFranny NathaniSanskruti ModiSharvari SamantPreeti GazbarePranjali PhulgirkarPrajakta SahasrabudheApurva PardeshiAnjali AwachatPrajakta SahasrabudheGeeta A. SahanePoonam R. NavbadeJaimala V ShetyeMohini Nilesh KamatAmruta D. AcharekarVaroon C. JaiswalSnehal GhodeyZoha Badiuzzama AlviManish Prannath ShuklaSweta AgrawalBharat TiwariPooja ShahTanmayEva KatbaHarda ShahDamini AglaweBela AgarwalBhoomika SawantJignesha HulawleSuroshree MitraApurv ShimpiSarvaiya ViralSemira HussainiEden MehdiabadiSayali BanoleRachana DabadghavBhakti Chandrashi ChavdaFarheen PatelTasneem VadiwalaRasika KaluskarPrajakta Prashant PatweRima MusaleNidhi Shrenik ShahKomal ShahLekha RRajitha AlvaHamsa VPinal MunotMukta DeshpandePournima PawarDhwani ShahDhruti ShahFenny MakhaniyaDrashti PatelSakina J. TyagiAastha ShahShivani ChutkePooja SharmaSwati BhiseHiral JainShweta PachputeVaidehi PatilNeha GotmareShiwani Anil ShiwankarKartik ShahChhaya V. VermaKevin ThakkarHitav SomesharPriyal YadavShyam ChaudhariSamriti SharmaVidhi ShahBaani ChathaHina JainShreya SardeshmukhVaibhav KapreTejaswini JaiswalSaumya PrajapatiAlpa PurohitShubham Shailesh TawadeFarheen PatelVedika MohiteSuroshree MitraMadhuri RajbharRasika KaluskarIshita JoshiBhagyashree KambleMedha DeoMerin ShajiDivya GohilBharati D. AsgaonkarChaitali S. KodamJalpa Hardik ParikhYagna Unmesh ShuklaShweta PachputePooja PatilAjit DabholkarBhavana MhatreSummaiya Zareen ShaikhTejashree DabholkarSanjay PasoriaAjit DabholkarMukesh ShindeMahesh MitrRisha KambleNeha GogateKiran SatputeToby HallNikita MorankarRahul BisenAbha KhistyTushar. J. PalekarAshwini S Kalsait Jaywant M NagulkarTrupti SiddapurShilpa KhadarePratibha SalkarJui DaveMedha DeoGharote GauraiSuraj B.KanaseSawant Nikita VishnuAsmita KarajgiVandana Indraprakash PattniHardini PrajapatiKetki Ponde -PonksheRonika AgrawalShimaz KhanIsha ShripadRazia NagarwalaVijayendra RajguruZehra DholkawalaLakshman IyerVaishali KAbraham Samuel BabuAnkita MerchantShilpa ChourasiaKomal TajneVaishnavi EkboteAmita AggarwalAmit Murlibhai PatelPriyadarshani KatalkarPooja YadavShilpa V. ChourasiaPriyamwada HingeAnushree NarekuliIndraneel ShejwadkarManeesha DeshpandeChhaya VermaHitav SomeshwarRamesh BharmalJayanti ShashtriSuresh KakaniSachee AgrawalMarwaha Ravinder KaurAnulucia Augustine YPriyadarshini KatalkarDivya KokalNithin Ravindran NairVrushali Prashant PanhaleShruti Prabhakaran NairDsouza JTitiksha PolAfreen NaikNidhi LadhaKomal MaheshwariMeenakshi KhapreRupinder DeolNilima BedekarRachana Dabadghav
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2022-08-192022-08-19Research in Tourism and Hospitality Management
<p>The tourism and hospitality industry makes a significant contribution to a nation’s economy. It also plays a vital role in the geographical, cultural and political advancement of the region and is one of the fastest growing sectors of the globe. According to the latest research by World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC), the sector is on a speedy recovery phase from the devastating impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and is projected to contribute $8.6 trillion to global GDP in 2022. In the contemporary times, which entails a change in consumer expectations and behaviour in the post-pandemic era on one hand and the impact of Industry 4.0 technologies on the other, the tourism and hospitality industry is all set to embrace the transformation required for the Hospitality 4.0 revolution. This edited volume is being published for the benefit of researchers, academicians, and Industry stakeholders in the field of tourism and hospitality. It contains sixteen different chapters covering a wide range of topics on tourism and hospitality management. This book explores the emerging trends in tourism and hospitality management and covers a wide range of research in the areas of consumer behaviour, human resource management practices, sustainable tourism, marketing strategies, the impact of social media, eco-friendly practices, factors influencing job satisfaction of employees, employee motivation, the impact of COVID -19 on Tourism and hospitality and so on.</p>Yashwant Singh RawalHarvinder SoniRakesh DaniYakup DurmazSatish JoshiSonam Kapoor SemwalRicky GuptaSoyal Khan MansuriShikha AhlawatSomya TakuliSundeep Singh TakuliPurva TawadeSangeeta DharSagar BhattMeera MathurAbhinav PipliwalAyush TahailyaniChetan Vilas PatilAditiAnu ChaudharyDharmender Singh RawatAkanksha SenguptaRagini Gupta
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual chapter
2022-08-082022-08-08The Potential Influences of Social Media among Nursing Students at the Undergraduate Level
<p>This review is the first of its kind to examine the impact of SM on nursing students at the undergraduate level, assisting in the establishment of a solid research foundation for this innovative teaching tool. Teachers and students will benefit from this since it highlights the SM platforms presently in use, the potential effect of each platform, and the capabilities of this modern technology and learning process. SM platforms are conducive to learning as they encourage them to learn, share, communicate and increase their confidence. They are an effective method for exam and assignment preparation. A future agenda for nursing research may benefit from the review's conclusions and recommendations, which could help to change higher and continuing education learning. Based on these results and recommendations, future research projects may be developed to improve learning at post-secondary educational institutions.</p>Huda Alamri
Copyright (c) 2022 Huda Alamri
2022-07-012022-07-01Proceedings of the 4th Conference on Language Teaching and Learning
<p>This conference proceedings contains articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at the 4<sup>th</sup> Conference on Language Teaching and Learning (LTAL-2022). LTAL2022 was organized by the Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Vietnam on June 19-20, 2022.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> 4<sup>th</sup> Conference on Language Teaching and Learning<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> LTAL-2022<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 19-20 June 2022<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Vietnam<br /><strong>Conference Organizers:</strong> Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry, Vietnam.</p>Hanh Vy LeNguyen Thi Mai HuongPhan Tuan LyNguy Van Thuy Tran Thanh NgaThach Thi QuyenHoang Thi Kim OanhUyen Tran Tu NguyenYen Hoang PhamThanh Thanh ToDong Hoang MinhNguyen Thi Minh NgocVi Thanh SonLanh Dang ThiDang Thi LanhKieu Thanh UyenH. Marie EvangelineHye-Kyung LeeThao Thi Ngoc NguyenSy Thi ThomLe Thi Giao ChiNguyen Van DatPhat Dinh DacHan Nguyen MinhLe Thi Minh PhuongDoan Phan Anh TrucNguyen Thi Kim ThoaTran Tin NghiLe Thi Hong NgaMai Thi Hong HanhNguyen Ngọc Uyen MyBui Thi Bich NganPham Le HieuNguyen Thụy Ngọc TrucPham Thi Huynh Nhu
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2022-06-192022-06-19Proceedings of The HKIE Geotechnical Division 41st Annual Seminar: Adapt to Challenges, Create to Thrive
<p>This seminar proceedings contain articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at The HKIE Geotechnical Division 41<sup>st</sup> Annual Seminar (<em>GDAS2021</em>). <em>GDAS2021</em><em> </em>was jointly organized by the Geotechnical Division, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, & The Hong Kong Geotechnical Society on 18<sup>th </sup>May 2021.</p> <p><strong>Seminar Title:</strong> The HKIE Geotechnical Division 41<sup>st</sup> Annual Seminar<br /><strong>Seminar Acronym:</strong> GDAS2021<br /><strong>Seminar Date:</strong> 18 May 2021<br /><strong>Seminar Location:</strong> Online (Virtual Mode)<br /><strong>Seminar Organizers:</strong> Geotechnical Division, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers, & The Hong Kong Geotechnical Society.</p> <p><strong>Link to the GDAS2022 Proceedings:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Proceedings of The HKIE Geotechnical Division 42<sup>nd</sup> Annual Seminar</a></p>TOH Seng-Huat GavinLEE Siew WeiA.N. Al-Nuaimi J. CunninghamH.L.K. FuG. LiK.A. StylesC. GarciaC.K. LohC.M. WarnestJian ChenL. Tony ChenYuen Ping ChanC.E. ChoiKelvin Y.M. ChoiVictor LiAlan Y.S. TamRicky Y.S. Choi Arthur K.O. SoDevanthery N.Garcia-Boadas E.Giralt A.Le-Goff D.Lam B.I. S. HaryonoA. L. SawS. W. LeeLewis C.K. WongW. HouJ. R. HartR. TsuiA. NgC. CheungH. C. HungY. Y. LiuJ. F. ChangC. R. ChouKenny HungLeo LeeH. S. KanWilfred SoK. M. ChiangWillie AngDavis LeeJoley LamKenneth PakW. H. LeeL. M. K. FungC. K. LaiM. T. WongChih-Min LiouChen-Wei HungCheng-Hsien ChangChien-Ming LaiLiuChengLeeYi-TingSungShang-PingTsai Yuan-YaoLinHeng-TzuD. Y. Y. MakS. W. MillisP. LiL. C. M. TangA. MartucciA. PicklesS. M. NgM. A. M. IsmailDimitri PLANTIERNorman M. H. LEEGavin S. H. TOHSai Shun TOKim C. H. KWANT.M.S. SacaduraL. LeeO. HayeFranklin K.L. ToBridgesG.D.CAndrew K.W. SetoJ. HartDr WONG Hong-yauL. W. WongR. N. Hwang
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2022-04-092022-04-09Abstracts of the 4th Annual Graduate Entry Research in Medicine Conference
<p>This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at The 4<sup>th</sup> Annual Graduate Entry Research in Medicine Conference (GERMCON 2021) Organized by Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick in collaboration with Swansea University Medical School, Swansea University, Wales, UK held on 11<sup>th</sup> September 2021. This event has been designed with the intention of supporting students to develop their interests and skills within academic medicine. This was especially important for Graduate Entry Medical (GEM) students, who have less opportunity and time to engage in research due to their accelerated medical degree.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> 4<sup>th</sup> Annual Graduate Entry Research in Medicine Conference<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> GERMCON 2021<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 11 September 2021<br /><strong>Conference Location: </strong>Scarman Conference Centre, The University of Warwick, England, CV4 7SH, UK.<br /><strong>Conference Organizer:</strong> Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, UK<br /><strong>Co-organizer:</strong> Swansea University Medical School, Swansea University, Wales, UK</p> <p><strong>Other Abstract Book of GERMCON:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Abstracts of the 3rd Annual Graduate Entry Research in Medicine Conference</a></p>Olivia Betty EllardChristina DennisonHelena TuomaineAnna ScottAlexander C. ReynoldsSanjay Asopa MDAmit Modi MDNicola KingAbbie TuttClaire McGregorJared Charlton-WebbDr David RawlinsonAmy HaddockMelina Vasileiadou PellingGauri AngHope RowdenRenata PavličMaja PušićMaša SinreihTea Lanišnik RižnerJoanne IgoliTasmin NicholsonFelicity AndrewsEmily R ReidIlyas M KhanFrancesco P Cappuccio
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2022-03-232022-03-23Abstracts of 1st International Conference on Computational & Applied Physics
<p>This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at the International Conference on Computational & Applied Physics (ICCAP’2021) Organized by the Surfaces, Interfaces and Thin Films Laboratory (LASICOM), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University Saad Dahleb Blida 1, Algeria, held on 26–28 September 2021. The Conference had a variety of Plenary Lectures, Oral sessions, and E-Poster Presentations.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> 1<sup>st</sup> International Conference on Computational & Applied Physics<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> ICCAP’2021<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 26–28 September 2021<br /><strong>Conference Location: </strong>Online (Virtual Conference)<br /><strong>Conference Organizer:</strong> Surfaces, Interfaces, and Thin Films Laboratory (LASICOM), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University Saad Dahleb Blida 1, Algeria.</p>Faiza BouamraRoberto DovesiFabien PascalePhilippe D’ArcoFrancesco GentileValentina LacivitaRobert M. HansonMichel RératFrédéric LabatBennacer BadisS. CasassaPascal PernotAndreas SavinMaddalena D'AmoreGentoku TakasaoHiroki ChikumaToru WadaToshiaki TaniikeAnna Maria FerrariBouhafs BachirBAADJI NadjibSchäfer RudolfJana K. VejpravovaMartin KalbacLoumafak HafaifaFatiha DaoudiRadia BoudairaOmar MeglaliNadhir AttafAssia BouraiouAmel BenmansourSmaine BekhechiBadr-Eddine Nabil BrahmiBenattou HalimaBessi AssiaB. Laidi BayaLakhal NoussaibaNadir BelgrouneMZ AhmedNabil KhelifatiBaya Palahouane Brahim MahmoudiHakim AmroucheDjoudi BouhafsSeddik-El-Hak AbaisiaNassima MeftahAmina HaniS. LimamA. GuittoumR. Krause-RehbergZ. MokraniM. IzerroukenU. YashiImane BouelkrebAbderrahim Guittoum Messaoud HemmousNadia BoukherroubChahra YounsiManel BouloudenineRafik ChemamAmel YoucefiKarima BouakazAbdessamad AbadaWafa Hadj KouiderTayeb Youcef Belabbas Abbas BelfarLakhdar SekMokhtar FalekMustafa MoumniIlhem BenaistiNacir GuechiMourad DehbaouiZahi SouilahSamia DilmiFadhila KhalfaouiF. BouamraM. RératAbdallah BelhaddadAbdelghani BouabdallahAbla GuechiMohamed ChegaarAmria BencherifAhmed BaariEssaid BousbiatAbdelyamine NaitboudaAssia BouraiouBenbaier KouiderBedrane ZeynebLiani BachirZoubir ChaiebLyes ZougarSamira.SaliNawal BenyahiaH. MazariA. BoumesjedK. AmeurN. BenseddikZ. BenamaraBoumediene BakhaddaMohamed Bachir BouiadjraFouad BouradaAbdelmoumen Anis BousahlaAbdelouahed TounsiS.R. MahmoudRima CherrounAfak MeftahBoudjenane F ZChouaih. ABahmani. ABelakfouf. NBoukabcha NMegrouss. YKara IlhamMostefa ZahiraMahi fattimaKhadidja KetroussiRabah CherfiHadj Yahia SebaSonia TataLamia ChabaneAbla RahalSaliha KherisBadra BouabdallahA. KhireddineB. TahirA. BouhemadouN.S. LabidiYamina LakredMokhtar ElchikhSoumia BahlouliSamira Hamaili louaifiAmina MataouiMohamed AksouhH. MegherbiA. ReffasMimouna OukliNoureddine MehnaneHafida BelghoulIlias SbahiBaya ZebentoutRaouia DjemaiZineb BenamaraKamel KhirouniZerradi AmalAbdelmalek Ahmed Bedrane ZeynebAbdellah Reguieg YssaadKrour BaghdadLaib Salah EddineDjamila KebciNoureddine BendjeddaM’hamed Hadj MoussaN. BouchelaremF. BouamraM. DerbalImane LanezBrahim RekikAmina KezzimMourad DerbalBoudjemline IhcenLydia ChabaneN. NaimiB.RekikM.DERBALMustapha YahiBrahim RekikKawther M’HammediNoureddine GabouzeElaid OuadahNasr-Eddine HamdadouAbdelkader AmmariLeghighane BillelGuerbous Lakhdhar Taibeche MohammedDiaf MadjidAicha.BOUHLALASabah ChettibiFatiha SaadaouiMostefa ZemouliFatima-Zohra Driss-KhodjaTayeb DjaafriMohammed Driss-KhodjaFatima Zahra BoualiliMessaoud NemouchiMichel GodefroidPer JönssonIkram YssaadFatiha HamidiBouraoui HazemBenmilat AhmedBenouatas AssiaBoudjada AliRedha. AouatiA. NouiriH. DjaaboubeA. BouabellouAhlem BoukhenfousMalika ChikhiNadia BenseddikAmina LouhadjFouzia BoukabrineM.E.A. BelhadjM.Belmekki A.BentouafAmirouche TouatAsma KadriSaid HiadsiMokhtar ElchikhAbderrahmane BekaddourSchahrazade TiziBaya ZebentoutZineb BenamaraBoudali AkkalLina Linda BechohraRoya MajidiSafia Kellou-TairiAsmaa BahlouliLeila Harkat Nabil KhelifatiGhania FortasSeddik-El-Hak AbaidiaBoudjemaa BouaouinaFaouzi KezzoulaOum Keltoum NebegMohamed BouchenafaAbdennour BenmakhloufGuesmia NesrineHamzaoui MajdaBeghdadi LinaMohamed Amine BenelmouazSid Ahmed BeldjilaliSabrina Messaoud AberkaneKenza YahiaouiDjoudi BouhafsNabila BelkhirBenslafa NaceraBelmekki MohamedDiallo Mouhammad Affoh Ahmad MoctarFatma BedrouniMohamed OuchabaneNadia Saidi-AmrounFateh AlmabouadaFatima Allouche Tahar Benlecheb Nabil BenyzaManal GoudjilDjaffar KheffacheMaammar RekisMaroua BenlembarekAli BoulahouacheZoubir BenmaamarMohamed TrariRafik BenrabaaNassima SalhiIkram BellouatiHouda BakhchiSamia BahlouliHouaria RianeFatima HamdacheHanane. LachenaniSouad.OuirNourdinne. GabouzeBounaas FaizaAmina HaouiLabbani AmelAsmaa Hireche BaghdadHanane ArioumlilFaiza BouamraMichel RératA. BenamerA. Roumili Y. MedkourBessi AssiaHamza kahinaBoudine BoubkeurBoudaren ChoukiBillal BrahimiElhadj MekatelMounir MellalNadia HadjilaNouha BouzanaSelma TouamImene KhelilHocine MeradjiSebti GhemidDjehiche Nour el houdaSaidi HnaneAttaf AbdallahHalima HamadaKadda AmaraFriha KhalfaouiFatiha SaadauiSamira HamadaLabdelli BoutalebMedani SoniaHamidi SamiraAbdelghani BouchehamDjelloul AbdelkaderBenharrat LyesSamira BoukachabiaFatima Zohra BentayebAbbès BeloufaDriss BouguennaKhaled HebaliAbbes MarefChahinez NasraouiLyes BenharratBoutaleb Labdelli Abdelkader DjelloulOuld Arab HalimaBoumeddiene Abdelkader Ouagued AbdellahHanane IbrahimDalila HammicheAmar BoukerrouAbdellatif CherifiBenamar Bouhafs
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2022-03-082022-03-08Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Advanced Science
<p>This conference proceedings contains articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at the International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Advanced Science (<em>ICETEAS-2021</em>). <em>ICETEAS-2021 </em>was organized by the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Department of Mechatronics Engineering, World University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh on July 4<sup>th</sup>-5<sup>th</sup> November 2021.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Advanced Science<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> ICETEAS-2021<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 4-5 November 2021<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Online (Virtual Mode)<br /><strong>Conference Organizers:</strong> World University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.</p>Sharmin SultanaMd. Sad Salabi SawravMd. Bokhtiar RahmanSimoMd. Shohorab HossainMd. Azizul HaqueMd. Niaz Morshedul HaqueTamanna HossainSelim MollaMd. Istianatur RahmanRejaul IslamMd. Emran HossainSyed Bayazid HossainMd. Sha Alam TutulShamsun NaharMd. ForkanAmit HalderMst. Nazmun Nahar RipaH.M. KamruzzamanA K M Mahmudul HaqueMd. Rakibul HassanJharka Akter JhumurAyesha SiddikaKazi M. Amanat KamalMd. Nazmus SakibMd. MohsinProshanto Paul Md. ShahabuddinShibu Debnath OviAyesha SiddikaRajib MondalSnygdha Rani DasMehfuz AlamMd. Riyad TanshenMd. Abdul AzizMd. MohsinAmit HalderMd. Al-Amin HossainOmar Farrok
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2022-02-142022-02-14Abstracts of 1st International Conference on Machine Intelligence and System Sciences
<p>This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at the International Conference on Machine Intelligence and System Sciences (MISS-2021) Organized by the Techno College of Engineering, Agartala, Tripura, India & Tongmyong University, Busan, South Korea, held on 1–2 November 2021. This conference was intended to enable researchers to build connections between different digital technologies based on Machine Intelligence, Image Processing, and the Internet of Things (IoT).</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> 1<sup>st</sup> International Conference on Machine Intelligence and System Sciences<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> MISS-2021<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 1–2 November 2021<br /><strong>Conference Location: </strong>Techno College of Engineering Agartala, Tripura(w), India<br /><strong>Conference Organizer:</strong> Techno College of Engineering, Agartala, Tripura, India & Tongmyong University, Busan, South Korea.</p>Indranath ChatterjeePartha Pratim DebAbhishek BansalAvishek SharmaPranta SutradharParijata MajumdarS. Kiruthika deviSubalalitha C. NKhurshedjon FarkhodovSuk-Hwan LeeJin-Hyeok ParkKi-Ryong KwonAnamika DasSankha Subhra DebnathJoydeep BhowmikSrestha MajumderBiswaraj RoyTanusree PodderBisma HilalIndranath ChatterjeeRabin BhaumikDejee DebSarmistha BanikVidesha BansalDivyaKujaYaashi MadanLubhani AgarwalVibha PratapArvind Kumar GautamaAbhishek BansalN.A.S. VinothA. RajeshPalash Sukla DasDipan AcharjeePartha Pritam DebSangramjit PalManidipa DebnathNibedita MallikPartha Pratim DebAbhi MitraSujan NahaDebajit RoyTanudeep GangulyL. Steffina MorinP. MuraliKoushik SarkarBalaji NatesanChuan-Ming LiuSubhadeep KarmakarShubham BhandariMohd. ZubairAnirudh PareekSajal JainAbhimanyu ShankarHarsh KadiaSrijan ThakurParamanand V. NandihalD.V. JeyanthiB.Indrani Ayesha SenSankha Subhra DebnathIndra KumariArjun SarkarHimani BhathejaN. JayanthiBarsha DasRayeswari DharAmit Kumar MandalProsenjit DindaSagar ChakrabortyRashmi DeshmukhShital GaikwadAjay KumarFaiyaz AhmadBarkha SahuAbhishek BansalKhanh Ngoc Bao Le Gyusung ChoHoang Nguyen Viet Ravi Kumar GoanBimlesh KumarPradeep SinghAnindita DebSamrat KarAstam SahaSrirupa Datta ChoudhuryDebasmita PalRuchismita MajumderGaurav SarkarJagrita PaulTrishna DasSourabarna RoyDebankita MukhopadhyayShirshendu DattaDebankar GuhaRayeswari DharSouramita BhowmikProsenjit DindaAmit Kumar MandalSweta ShuklaT.V. Vijay Kumar Arnab PaulAvijit ChakrabortySaranya RoySuchanda DeySourav BardhanDipjyoti DebSujit RahaTanmoy ChakrabortyDharmendra DangiAmit BhagatDheeraj Kumar DixitRavi Kumar GoanAmal KumarUdeecheePallabi SarkarSankha Subhra DebnathAnjani Kumar SinghaSwaleha ZubairMoutushi ShilUshnita DebSaptarshi DhaliSaugata ChoudhuryArijita BhowmikPratya BhowmikSrijan RoyAnkan ChaudhuriSagar ChakrabortyArpan GhoshalSumit Kumar Shailender SinghSusmita DasSankha Subhra DebnathDiksha Chakraborty Mary Ifeoluwa Olawuyi Dipan AcharjeePalash Sukla DasSahil BaruaAmili DebPurba DasSumana DattaMousumi AktarDipa DasTania DattaAnamika Datta
Copyright (c) 2022 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2022-01-282022-01-28Proceedings of National Conference on Relevance of Engineering and Science for Environment and Society
<p>This conference proceedings contains articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at the National Conference on Relevance of Engineering and Science for Environment and Society (R{ES}<sup>2</sup> 2021). R{ES}<sup>2</sup> 2021 was organized by Shri Pandurang Pratishthan’s, Karmayogi Engineering College, Shelve, Pandharpur, India on July 25<sup>th</sup>, 2021.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> National Conference on Relevance of Engineering and Science for Environment and Society<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> R{ES}<sup>2</sup> 2021<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 25 July 2021<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Online (Virtual Mode)<br /><strong>Conference Organizers:</strong> Shri Pandurang Pratishthan’s, Karmayogi Engineering College, Shelve, Pandharpur, India.</p>Chetan C. JadhavS. S. KulkarniSarika SharmaShreyas JoshiVidyanand JakukoreSachin ShindeAvinash D. SapkalAkash A. PawarShridhar V. KulkarniUmesh B. AndhDigambar T. KashidVikram R. ChavanChetan C. JadhavNilesh Sanjay KadamAbhijeet Sunil KhoteSantosh Hanamant PatilAkshay Balasaheb PansareSandeep S. WangikarSubodh SalunkheBalasaheb GandhareSwanand KulkarniPraddyumn BhosaleAshutosh BhosaleAjit KulkarniNavnath JagtapUday KarvekarAditya MotewarRushikesh PatilRohit KhandagaleDnyaneshwar BansodeSandeep S. WangikarV. B. PandhareS. S. KulkarniPradnya K. BhuseAbhijeet A. ShindePavan S. ParkamRohan A. PandharePratiksinh S. MandwaleKiran ManeVidyanand JakukoreAvinash R. KulkarniFarook B. SayyadAvinash K. ParkheAmol Dhondiba SulPrathmesh Ramesh KirgatAtharv Santosh JoshiPrakash Bhimrao GhadageVijay RahanePopat B. AsabeShrikrushn B. BhosaleSonali S. PatilAvinash K. ParkheManthan M DixitSaurabh G WadekarHarshal R NagtilakNitin D. HingmireNitin ChoudhariAmol PatilVikram GhuleSwapnil S. BandgarSuhas D. JagtapYogesh S. SheteS. A. PawarS. S. GaikwadDevmare A. D.Karvar N. A.Chavan K. H.Gavali S. A.Gaikwad S. S.Wagaj V. B.Kadam R. H. Ghaytidak V. M.Kale Y. B.S. V. JadhavS. S. WangikarA. M. KulkarniM. K. PatilA. A. BansodeA. A. MulaniSatish Uttamrao MuttalwadS. B. JadhavVikas GhanwatJivan MuleSaurabh TeloreVijay BhosaleSudarshan PataleNitin D. MisalHemant Rajgopal KhandekarAbhishek Ashok JumaleAkash Dattatray PatekariAvinash Mahadev KambleVinod RanavareSudarshan PataleKiran ManeAkash Prasad AjgarAvinash Sandipan LondheAvinash Basavraj DhabadeParas Mahavir MuleDigambar T. KashidSubhash V. JadhavMahesh GundR T VyavahareMadhura J. JagtapAshwinqi V. ManeAashish A. JoshiPatil NikhilMane DipakDeshmukh Manoj JYogesh Shankar GhodakeDipak V BhosaleSushil S KulkarniKadam Akshay APatil Rohit DShaikh Saliya SPatel Akram APravadha Deshmukh PawarShaikh Rubana POmkar KulkarniPoonam PatilAsama SandeKajal SalunkheSnehal ChavanP.S. KambaleSohan ZadbukeNagesh KumbarSanket MalshetteVrushali GuravPriyanka JagtapShradha KakadePooja PawarSwapnali PatilSwapnil PawarPravin KambleShilpa JagtapJ L MudegaonkarSomnath M. LambeKailash J. KarandeSushil KulkarniNikhil DeshpandeYogesh GhodakeKomal PawarPratiksha KumbharNikita PawarPratidnya SawantAkash PatilU.V. JagtapAayesha ShaikhPrajakta SolankarMonali MaskePriti TakikNayna RandivePrajakta P. SolankarJaymala K. HipparkarSwati M. PatilPoonam V. GaikwadS. M. KulkarniM. AwatiR. KadereN. ParicharakT. BabarS. R. BhuiteO. H. GangamwarS. S. RandiveSneha KshirsagarLaxmi LimbaleMeera PawarPranita GiriPrajakta SolankarAjinkya A. BabarManoj G. DhanwaleSwati PatilRatnamala R. SalePoonam R. SalunkeDipak BhosaleMahendra SawaneShankar M. Sawant Vikas T. Ligade S.L. JadhavA.L. JadhavV.S. JamdadeK.R. KharatA.A. DeshmaneA.V. KadamJ.L. BhosaleT.S. MagdumK.R. KharatS.L. JadhavMulani Tabssum TayyabR. B. BhosaleD. J. SalunkheSaurabh KulkarniS. S. KadamP. B. ZambareRupali Suresh DesaiUpendra R. SaharkarAtul SutarAnil BabarSagar M. PawarAnil T. BabarMahesh ChavanDnyaneshwar KapaseManish ParachandeShambhu HingmireMahesh GundR. S. AutadeSandip Datta BavacheSameer Dattatray KatekarDipak P ShindeV R KaveriA B GaikwadA A UtpatSanjay PatilDinesh BhoyarArvind G. DhekaneAbhay A Utpat Jagdish L Mudegaonkar
Copyright (c) 2021 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2021-12-142021-12-14Abstracts of 1st International Symposium on Plastic Pollution
<p>This book presents the abstracts of the papers presented to the International Symposium on Plastic Pollution held on 28th and 29th October 2021 with the theme of Removal, Analysis, and Risk Assessment of Microplastics. The symposium was organized by the University of Seoul & Hanyang University, South Korea with the support of the Ministry of Environment & KEITI, South Korea.</p> <p><strong>Symposium Title: </strong>1st International Symposium on Plastic Pollution<br /><strong>Theme:</strong> Removal, Analysis, and Risk Assessment of Microplastics<br /><strong>Symposium Date:</strong> 28–29 October 2021<br /><strong>Symposium Location: </strong>Online & Offline (Maison Glad Jeju Island, South Korea)<br /><strong>Symposium Organizer: </strong>Post Plastic, a specialized program of the Graduate School, University of Seoul, South Korea<br /><strong>Co-organizer: </strong>Hanyang University, South Korea<br /><strong>Symposium Sponsors: </strong>Ministry of Environment & KEITI, South Korea</p> <p>Other Abstract Book: <a title="2022 Symposium on Plastic Pollution" href="">Abstracts of 2nd International Symposium on Plastic Pollution</a></p>Filippo GiustozziMarie EnfrinHuadong ZangJie ZhouZhaohai ZengSurbhi SharmaSoumen BasuBupe G MwanzaM. EnfrinL. F. DumeeJ. LeeChihhao FanYa-Zhen HuangJhen-Nan LinJunwei LiSun Kyoung ShinTejraj M. AminabhaviMegha M. NadagoudaSaquib HasnainCarol MaioneGabriela FernandezChristian Ebere EnyohWang QingyueAndrew Wirnkor VerlaTanzin ChowdhurySarper SarpA. SundaramanickamA. NithinHuahong ShiBowen LiWeiwenhui LiangCuizu MaLei SuNaveenkumar A. YaranalS. SenthilmuruganKaustubha MohantyJui-Yen LinJing Hua TzengChin-Pao HuangIngyu LeeJusung OhSunghee JooHyunook KimNirban LaskarShu-Yuan PanTing-Kai ChenHung-Pin HuangSanjay MohantyVera S. KoutnikJamie LeonardAlina ZehraSadasivam AnbumaniSunghee JooHyunook KimByoung-In Sang
Copyright (c) 2021 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2021-10-252021-10-25Proceedings of International Conference on Women Researchers in Electronics and Computing
<p>This proceeding contains articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at the international conference, “<em>Women Researchers in Electronics and Computing</em>” (WREC’2021). WREC'21 was organized in online mode by Dr. B R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar (Punjab), INDIA during 22 – 24 April 2021. This conference was conceptualized with an objective to encourage and motivate women engineers and scientists to excel in science and technology and to be the role models for young girls to follow in their footsteps. With a view to inspire women engineers, pioneer and successful women achievers in the domains of VLSI design, wireless sensor networks, communication, image/ signal processing, machine learning, and emerging technologies were identified from across the globe and invited to present their work and address the participants in this women oriented conference.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> International Conference on Women Researchers in Electronics and Computing<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> WREC'21<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 22–24 April 2021<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Online (Virtual Mode)<br /><strong>Conference Organizers:</strong> Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology, Jalandhar, Punjab, INDIA</p>Ruchika AroraIndu SainiNeetu SoodRadhika MalhotraJasleen SainiBarjinder Singh SainiSavita GuptaVikasPrabhpreet KaurMitali V. ShewaleRohin DaruwalaAnkita SoniKirti RawalVijaya KambleAnkita GuptaLakhwinder KaurGurmeet KaurAkanksha BansalGunjan VermaManoj KumarVipasha AbrolSabrina DhallaAjay MittalSukhwinder SinghMayank Kumar SinghAnshika AroraPinaki ChakrabortyM.P.S. BhatiaNikita AggarwalB.S. SainiAshish SharmaGaurav SethiKriti DwivediAparna Gupta Ritika OberoiRibu MathewKirti SinghAbhinav PanwarRamesh K. SunkariaAnterpreet BediPankaj JadhavDebabrata DattaSiddhartha MukhopadhyayPrerna BhallaRamesh Kumar SunkariaAnterpreet Kaur BediAmishi VijayPragya ShuklaAditya SinghKavya SaiJinder KaurGurwinder KaurAshwani KumarSimran KaurSimranjit SinghPavan Kumar VermaJagbir KaurSuyeb Ahmed Khan Sapna Yadav Satish ChandKanika SainiSheetal KalraPriyanka GuptaLokesh YadavDeepak Singh TomarRamandeep KaurSimranjit SinghAsma JameshSneha SinghalDheeraj Kumar SharmaHarminder KaurSharvan Kumar PahujaDeepti KakkarAditi BharmaikAnkita SharmaEshwari S.S. DagarParul Rattanpal Shefali Sharma Ankita AggarwalKirandeep KaurSatinder KaurAshish PrasharMehar LatifAitraiyee KonarKishan KumarAmitabh Tripathi K.RaghavendraTejaswita KumariPrabir GhoshAtanu ChowdhurySimerpreet SinghGaurav SethiJaspal Singh Khinda Shrishti GaurMansi FulzeleAnamika SinghAvinash KeskarFaizan Nazir Amarah ZahraFarhana ShahidHritwik TodawatVaishnawi SinghVidhya SagarAvinash SarojNitesh KashyapGurpreet KaurShreya. R. MehtaSneha. S. PatilNikita. S. ShirguppiVahida AttarKirsilyn C. HarrisJesse M. RedloAartiAmit KumarGagandeep KaurAnurag SharmaN Dinesh KumarA Sushmitha MalaSonali Beri Arun KhoslaSnigdha DangeParampreet SinghNadeem Ahmad KhanSimarjeet KaurMeenakshi BansalAshok Kumar BathlaFeyaz BakerArunava MukhotiB. R. ChandavarkarShelja KaushalAshwani K. RanaAnchal ThakurRohit DhimanVindhyali SoodMPR PrasadAenakshi SircarParveen KumarBalwinder RajAkash KumarTarun Chaudhary Vijay Kumar RamParvesh KumarSoumya SenAshish RamanMamta KhoslaVineeta SahaniTulika ChawlaSanjeev Kumar SharmaAbhijeet SahuGirish WadhwaRahul GuptaPrateek AsthanaGargi KhannaSahil SankhyanKanika SharmaVandana NiranjanAshwni KumarShilpa C LaluAishwarya TomarAK ShankhwarNikita KanchanRitu ThombreBabita JajodiaJasmine BajajGirish PujarMamta KhoslaIndu Saini
Copyright (c) 2021 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2021-09-222021-09-22Abstracts of Tanzania Health Summit 2020
<p>This book contains the abstracts of the papers/posters presented at the Tanzania Health Summit 2020 (THS-2020) Organized by the Ministry of Health Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC); President Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG); Ministry of Health, Social Welfare, Elderly, Gender, and Children Zanzibar; Association of Private Health Facilities in Tanzania (APHFTA); National Muslim Council of Tanzania (BAKWATA); Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC); & Tindwa Medical and Health Services (TMHS) held on 25–26 November 2020. The Tanzania Health Summit is the annual largest healthcare platform in Tanzania that attracts more than 1000 participants, national and international experts, from policymakers, health researchers, public health professionals, health insurers, medical doctors, nurses, pharmacists, private health investors, supply chain experts, and the civil society. During the three-day summit, stakeholders and decision-makers from every field in healthcare work together to find solutions to the country’s and regional health challenges and set the agenda for a healthier future.</p> <p><strong>Summit Title:</strong> Tanzania Health Summit<br /><strong>Summit Acronym:</strong> THS-2020<br /><strong>Summit Date:</strong> 25–26 November 2020<br /><strong>Summit Location:</strong> St. Gasper Hotel and Conference Centre in Dodoma, Tanzania<br /><strong>Summit Organizers:</strong> Ministry of Health Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children (MoHCDGEC); President Office Regional Administration and Local Government (PORALG); Ministry of Health, Social Welfare, Elderly, Gender and Children Zanzibar; Association of Private Health Facilities in Tanzania (APHFTA); National Muslim Council of Tanzania (BAKWATA); Christian Social Services Commission (CSSC); & Tindwa Medical and Health Services (TMHS).</p>Jasmine ChadewaChrisostom LipinguIssa GarimoLeila BungireDeoZawadi MaranduMiriam KombeAhmad MakuwaniRita NoronhaRita Noronha LusasiAlice ChristensenKennedy NgowiFrancis PimaBlandina MmbagaRob AarnoutsePeter ReissPythia NieuwkerkMirjam SprangersMarion Sumari-de BoerKarin Anne WiedenmayerRegina Joseph RichardMajaliwa MtorokiFiona ChilundaDenis MbeperaNtuli Kapologwe Allykebby AbdullahMatthew MgangaSunday DominicoPaul ChaoteNguke MwakatunduAlex MputaSamantha LobisAgnes MbanzaJohnson YokoyanaLiberatha ShijaAnunsiatha MremaJonia BwakeaTheodora KiwaleNeema MassaweAndreas ChrysanthouMecklina W. IsasiRenae StaffordLucas HilleGiulia MelfiAisa MuyaExpeditho MtisiFrida Ngalesoni Edwin KilimbaVictor MponziSerafina MkuwaFlorence Temu Henri Garrison-DesanyEmily WilsonMelinda MunosTalata Sawadogo-LewisMaiga AbdouulayeRosemary MorganAnna MassaweJane LyimoAtje HenkeMboka JacobHanne StotesburyJamie KawadlerDawn SaundersRaphael SangedaClara ChambaRamadhan KazemaJulie MakaniJulie KirkhamChris ClarkBrenda KitillyaErica SangaGeorge PrayGodRobert PeckKia DitlesvenMette Frahm-OlsenFrijenia Sumbai Dorice DamasMelita OlekuneyAsia HemedSweetness LaizerRehema Maro Perry MsokaSanjura BiswaroSanjura MinjaBlandina MmbagaAtuganile Benedict MusyaniGrace MosiErik KinyenjeRogath KishimbaMucho MizindukoLeonard SubiMeshack ShimwelaAngela Thomson-PaulWaziri NjauKylie GyubiLena MfalilaCharles MushiBujiku ButolwaSwaumu MwangaGetrud Joseph MollelMarceline FindaDickson Msacky Felister KiweluKioneneema KoshumaMaja WeisserAlly OlotuFrancis PimaAlan MtengaBenson MteshaSalim MsangiManase ChelangwaKennedy NgowiKennedy De BoerAlfred KajirungaJoseph J. JosephHumphrey R. MkaliShabbir LaljiAbdul-Wahid Al-mafazyAbdullah S. AliFaiza B. AbbasChange KitojoNaomi SerbantezNaomi NgondiMike McKayTauta MapiEusibious MaroBenjamin ShayoJackeline KwayuAngel DillipNandini SarkarKoen GrietensJafary LianaSuleiman KimattaRachel HofmannAshely ThomasFrancis M. PimaSalimu MsangiBlandina T. de-BoerWilliam NgellaAlex MsumanjeNtuli MwaingwisyaSaidi MgataLali ChaniaGeorge KabonaKerry LaurinoEmma EdwardsMgolegrace MabusiBernard KivumaAugust KuwawenaruwaFabrizio TediosiEmmy MettaBrigit ObristKarin WiedenmayerVicky-Sidney MsambaKaspar WyssFiona ChiludaMoh'd RashidPeter Ernest MangeshoElibariki MwakapejeMohamed SeifMark CaudellNyasatu G. ChambaKenneth C. ByashaliraPaul EliakimuPeter DaudPendomartha J. ShayoKaushik L. RamaiyaRachel N. ManongiIb C. BygbjergIb C. ChristensenStellah G. MpagamaAngela ShijaJudith MsovelaCalister ImeldaErick MginaAidat MugulaAnnastazia EgidioSadock MathiasAgnes KosiaDeodatus KakokoAve Maria SemakafuTumaini NyamhangaGasto FrumenceGerald RobiDenis KailemboVeronica KabonaAndreas NshalaAlistidia SimonOscar KaitabaAbdel DirenyAbdel LinehanJeremiah NgondiNateiya YongoloAisa ShayoKhalifa Munisi Pai ChambongoGodfrey PhilemonAnna MahendekaFrank ChackyAlly MohamedChange KitojoErik ReavesErik JosephSamwel LazaroPatrick TunguDismas MwaimuPeter MwaimuWilliam KisinzaRose FaustineFabiola MoshiEmilian Ngw'anduMichael BajileCosta NduguruSalum MbaruokFaraja LyamuyaKerry DirenyMary LinehanSsanyu Nyinondi Raya IbrabimMohamed AliErik KitojoTolbert B SondaLyidia MasikaBlandina T NieuwkerkRob E AarnoutseDaud Dunstan PeterShabani Ramadhani MzirayIsack LekuleRiziki KisongaBruce Baird StrumingerVeneranda M. BwanaLeonard E.G. MboeraSayoki G. MfinangaEdgar SimulunduCharles MicheloAngelo NyamtemaJohn LeBlancGodfrey MteyElias KweyambaOmary KilumeJanet BulemelaHeather ScottZabron AbelAllan ShayoMohamed Habib Al-MafazyArnold Gideon LumbeStephen M KibusiPaul KazyobaMary DirenyJosh WestVictor MwingiraSubam KathetPatrick TunguRobert MalimaSeppo MeriAyman KhattabJacqueline JosephMwantumu Ally FerejiJane B. MhandoGladness KiyayaIsrael John MsangiWilliam N. KisinzaEdward SambuRebecca LitnerElizeus RwezauraSiddharth SrivastavaBoniface MarwaSia TeshaManfred StoermerLeoncia H. KibaniDeodatha Atugonza DamaseniNaomi ReavesElizabeth PeterSaada SeifGenerose MulokoziMargret PaulTumaini MikindoKirk DeardenCresencia MassaweJoseph MagashiAbel KinyondoPeter RishaPiensia NguruweMwanaali Haji AliCharles ShijaDavid IsayaErica Samson SangaGeorge PrayGodZahara NampewoLinus PaulGokce AkanIsmael AdolfErick MagorosaInnocent MoshaNazima DharseeLucy NamkingaLucy LyantagayeFatmahan AtalarWahida Shirazi HassanMohd H. AliMwatima Ali Suleiman Raya Ali IbrahimSalum Othman MassoudPius KagomaChidiebere IrechukwuChineye Ujagbor Chibuikem OgbuIlori TomisinOlayide SoetanMichael OchemGod’spower MicaiahMwita RangeMary LyimuFortihappiness MumbaBernardo BuluguJohn YudaElfrida KumalijaLauren GalvinMary Pat KiefferRoman EvaristH. AthumaniT. SavchenkoE.PopovaA.A MtanT.B NyamboE.V. PopovaN. M. JonesJane SempehoOmari KimbuteSingle BenjaminLinda Simon PauloBruno SunguyaEdith TarimoDavid UrassaGodfrey KabadiAnna-Grace KatemboLupyana KahemelaB.MatogoPhilimina ScarionWinfrida BuchardsF.P MassaweEligius Francis LyamuyaOlesya Yu. GrechkoOmary ChilloMartha BasyagileDominick Tibyampansha
Copyright (c) 2021 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2021-07-242021-07-24Proceedings of Intelligent Computing and Technologies Conference
<p>This proceeding contains articles on the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at the Intelligent Computing and Technologies Conference (ICTCon2021). ICTCon2021 was jointly organized by Assam Science and Technology University (ASTU), and Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar (CITK) on March 15th–16th, 2021.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> Intelligent Computing and Technologies Conference<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> ICTCon2021<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 15–16 March 2021<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Online (Virtual Mode)<br /><strong>Conference Organizers:</strong> Assam Science and Technology University (ASTU) and Central Institute of Technology Kokrajhar (CITK).</p>Priya GargDeepti AggarwalMrityunjoy MidyaRanjan MaitySandipan RoyApurbo MandalDebraj DeyJyotirmoy HazarikaO P RoyAnupam Sen T EsakkimuthuMarykutty AbrahamS AkilaNibedita RoyApurbalal SenapatiS S SuryakrishnaaK PraveenS TamilselvanS SrinathPrasanta MandalNeda FatimaSalman Ahmad SiddiquiAnwar AhmadMwnthai NarzaryGwmsrang MuchaharyMaharaj BrahmaSanjib NarzaryPranav Kumar SinghAmarjeet Singh ChauhanDayal NigamMohd Jawed KhanPankaj Pratap SinghUtpal Kumar SikdarKrishna M KumarKoyel GhoshArijit GhosalRanjit GhoshalBitopan DasRajdeep GhoshRanjan Kumar RoyKoyel GhoshRene Avalloni de MoraisBaidya Nath SahaQozeem Adeniyi AdeshinaTanjimul Ahad AsifAdeola Adetokunbo AyandeyiLekhasree NarayanagariVictor CheruiyotAmitava NagApurbalal SenapatiPranav Kumar Singh
Copyright (c) 2021 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2021-07-122021-07-12Proceedings of International Web Conference in Civil Engineering for a Sustainable Planet
<p>This proceeding contains articles of the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners accepted at the "International Web Conference in Civil Engineering for a Sustainable Planet (ICCESP 2021)". ICCESP 2021 is being Organized by the Habilete Learning Solutions, Kollam in Collaboration with American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, and Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala, India.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> International Web Conference in Civil Engineering for a Sustainable Planet<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> ICCESP 2021<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 05–06 March 2021<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Online (Virtual Mode)<br /><strong>Conference Organizer:</strong> Habilete Learning Solutions, Kollam, Kerala, India<br /><strong>Collaborators:</strong> American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), TKM College of Engineering, Kollam, and Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering, Kollam, Kerala, India.</p>Anna MathewSeema K NayarSanthosh SathyapalAlan Verghese IttyeipeAnu V. ThomasSayiba SElias B. SayahKishor PKrishna B. ChavanN. A. HedaooAlka Susan MathewRegi P. MohanSurya SSSajeeb RManu NoushadNeethu Elsa AnilReshma KassimSinu Philip VargheseV P JishnuN SankarS ChandrakaranFarhan Rafique KhanBhumika DasR.K MishraAleena SamArunima Anil ASmitha Anna KurianSujina KabeerJayamohan JAarya J NathAthira SSubaida E.ASindhu A RMinukrishna PB.M. AbrahamMehdi AskariJaber MamaghanianHamid Reza RazeghiS. Mustapha RahmaninezhadChandni SRekha AmbiRegi P. MohanAdarsh PAnjali AJayamohan JRageena S SG. Surya Narayana KurupLuthfa USona P. S. Varsha ManuAmal Azad SahibSatpute RushikeshKhare KanchanNiranjana J SFeba PaulHridya D NambiarAshly JoyNeethu RoyRashmi Ranjan BeheraArakshita MajhiDeepty Ranjan SatapathySayanti GhoshSaswati ChakrabortyGemi Maria MathewsPrashanth H DAlthaf MShishirakrishna SJayakrishna Bhat D Silpa SChinsu Mereena JoyAjimi SLakshmi S ShajiKeerthy M SimonC SharonBharati RajRita Maria JosephAlna D ManjalySreeram UnniAble E CVinitha SharonVishnu B SKeerthy M SimonBharati Raj JR. AmalJ. NarendraM. SivakumarArya Bharath T KM.V.L.R. AnjaneyuluNisha A.SAbhishek KurianAdarsh SElvin SunilduttSajeeb RNourin NArchana SHazeena RParthiban PAsif BasheerSamson MathewMeghna VNisha A.SMohd. Minhajuddin AquilBindhu. K.RMir Iqbal FaheemJisha AkkaraAbiya BAnitha JacobHasna HaneefSubaida E AJinu DavidDona JoyJustin Mathew JosephS. S. SnehaK. P. RamaswamyAnu PhilipSreelakshmi K SBushra M. AHanna C. JoshyY K RemyaMansoor Ali KRameez ZAnitha JacobSarath SE A SubaidaRamaswamy K. PSebastian AnjuAravind S KumarBharati Raj JJisha AkkaraKeerthy M SimonKshitij UpadhyayJinesh K. JSamir BajpaiJose P. TherattilAjith MSwathy P MohanBharati RajArchana SArvind Kumar SwarnakarEbin Sam SRugma SunilIshtiyaq AhmadGayathri K.BParvathy Panicker LJiza JamesJoseena JosephR. MeghaAyyappan UAngel SebastianIndu M.SAthira K. VijayanAjmal Khan RRamaswamy K. PRekha AmbiAdithya G MurickanAmala Michal Balagopal JSneha BinoyAmal AArun S KumarAkshay MohanPriya K LAlisha AMohammed ThowsifRamaswamy K. P.Rishma JasminK. AiswaryaA. A. AlfiyaR. DeepakNamitha SMuhammed Nabil KV. S. DevadathMohammed Rafeeque N. VK. P. RamaswamyChinnu Mariam NinanGetu YokaReshma SundharK P RamaswamyAjay BhartiThushara RajuR SajeebRamaswamy K. PSaraswathy, BAnjana SSajith Chandran TDiya Elizabeth IsaacAjith M S Sahana HashimNeelanjana SM SirajuddinAswathy GShankar H. SanniRatnakala. S. BidreddySeema K NayarKavitha MadhuArun Baby ZachariaMohammed ThowsifSreeja BalakrishnanIndu M. SAnusha S.P.Kishor P Susha Lekshmi S.U.D.N. SinghP. RajayoganSimon ShimNarayanan Neithalath
Copyright (c) 2021 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2021-04-112021-04-11Abstracts of National Conference on Biological, Biochemical, Biomedical, Bioenergy, and Environmental Biotechnology
<p>This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at the National Conference on Biological, Biochemical, Biomedical, Bioenergy, and Environmental Biotechnology (NCB<sup>4</sup>EBT-2021) Organized by the Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology Warangal, India held on 29–30 January 2021. This conference is the first of its kind organized by NIT-W which covered an array of interesting topics in biotechnology. This makes it a bit special as it brings together researchers from different disciplines of biotechnology, which in turn will also open new research and cooperation fields for them.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> National Conference on Biological, Biochemical, Biomedical, Bioenergy, and Environmental Biotechnology<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> NCB<sup>4</sup>EBT-2021<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 29–30 January 2021<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Online (Virtual Mode)<br /><strong>Conference Organizer:</strong> Department of Biotechnology, National Institute of Technology Warangal, India</p>Korrapati NarasimhuluThyageshwar ChandranSubhashish DeySk. Rabbani bashaKurapati RajagopalY. S. ReddyCh. Obula ReddyM. Shree RamaD. Divya BharathiD. GracyR. MahimaB. BharathNivedita PatelKrushna Prasad ShadangiDushyanth R VennapuShashank KumarPrem Prakash KushwahaSubhrajeet DashAnjireddy BhavanamPoonam GeraG. Pavan KumarV. RajenderK. BramarambicaG Sai BhavaniAnbumathi PSafia SyedaSandeep GuptaE. Sathish KumarR. UshaNabanita ChakrabortyK P BiswasTarun Kumar DeGhazanfar SheikhParamjeet SarojManasa PKorrapati NarasimhuluPraveen Krishna VeernalaN.M. YugandharVaddadi SumanVinod Kumar NathanSukanya V KPiyush Kumar YadavAjay Kumar SinghSuchitra SinghAanandhalakshmi RB. VanavilD. SravaniKeerti Kumar YadavSumit Kumar KhanS. N. RoyYogita ThakurMeenu SinghMohit ChowdhrySusmita PanditReshmi DuttaLilly M SaleenaSuvankar GhoraiP.S. GowthamPrasanna Jyothi DVeera ManikantaSree raj AkhilJ. VarshiniE Aman RaoM RajeshV RakeshAgnik HaldarRadhakrishnan RSomashekar KSwathi GMoni Philip Jacob KAshutosh MishraKirti PandeyDebosmita SharmmahG. Srinivas ReddyK. Vinay Kumar ReddyB. Sreenivasa ReddyB. Linga ReddyM. Sreenath ReddyTP. Prasanna KumarThupurani Murali KrishnaVivek SinghDeepak MailkTirtha TarafdarD. RathnaprabhaRikhia MajumdarMarianne IlbertYukeswaran LShreeranjana SSubhashini TSuresh Kumar MJithin S. SunnyAkash-SamuelPrem-SanthoshRavichandran JayasuriyaAmin KaranGautham V GaneshKunka Mohanram RamkumarMounika SarvepalliK. NarasimhuluMaddirala ShivaniVarsha K MMotru VineelaSurajbhan SevdaKushi YadavMonika Prakash RaiKunwali DasAshutosh KumarMohammad. Momina ShanwazPerugu ShyamJothieswari MVigneshhwaran GSwarnalatha SRitambhara PriyadershiPrgya GuptaVikas GuptaSiddhartha Shankar SharmaN. PrabhakaranSomnath DasDipankar GhoshShrestha DebnathPalash GhoraiKamalendu DeRajnikanth CheriYash Kumar RathoreSandeep GardasuP Venkata Varaha MahadeshB SreenivasuluNisha GaurSakshi BagiyalJitendra Singh VermaA. Bhuvaneshwari JananiDivakar. KKumari RhaevaAbhinav KumarKiran KhandareSaswata GoswamiK. SujanaK. Vamsy VaishnaviM. Sai Soumya SriSayantani PaulBikash Kumar RajakPriyanka RaniPranabesh MandalDurg Vijay SinghRushikesh ManeS. Shiva Durga ReddyGodavarti RahulKandula RamanaiahA.V. Ratna PrasadShaik Galshid ValiShobhaRaksha SrivastavaAnanya VermaAbhilasha ShourieCh. SatyavathiM. Sai KeerthanaP. Tanmai Mani P. AkhilaU. VijayalakshmiAnne BhambriSantosh Kumar KarnParul SharmaJitendra Singh VermaKiran Kumar. AGujjari SreehithaAnumulapelli RavaliErelli PallaviPolapalli NikhilGanji SangeethaSnijesh V. PMaanasa. MBhuvaneshwari SIllakiyabharathi KVarsha KSowmya HariKonakanchi SrilekhaY. Ravi KumarAnjanaEkta SinghAlicia Nyla LewisReshma U RVipul MadhavanSree Parvathy Babu ReenaRohini SamadarsiHarshdeep RanaM. AryaCalmly M KoshyAnbu Malarmathi
Copyright (c) 2021 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2021-03-162021-03-16Abstracts of National Conference on Research and Developments in Material Processing, Modelling and Characterization 2020
<p>This book presents the abstracts of the papers presented to the Online National Conference on Research and Developments in Material Processing, Modelling and Characterization 2020 (RDMPMC-2020) held on 26th and 27th August 2020 organized by the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Science in Association with the Department of Production and Industrial Engineering, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> National Conference on Research and Developments in Material Processing, Modelling and Characterization 2020<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> RDMPMC-2020<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 26–27 August 2020<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Online (Virtual Mode)<br /><strong>Conference Organizer:</strong> Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur<br /><strong>Co-organizer:</strong> Department of Production and Industrial Engineering, National Institute of Technology Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, India<br /><strong>Conference Sponsor:</strong> TEQIP-3</p>Mayuri BaruahRenu KumariPoulami MajiRahul Mitra Jyotsna Dutta MajumdarSwarup BagC P PaulLaxmidhar BesraSoumitra TarafderBharat Bhushan JhaNehem TuduMayuri BaruahShashi Bhushan PrasadM.V. Sai KumarY.N.V. Sai RamA. A. KRISHNA VAMSIS. DHEERAJ KUMARYNV Sai RamC. TarasasankaJ. PrabakaranVandana Kumari JhaSoubhik Kumar BhaumikSurendra Kumar LaderRaj BallavPradeep RRathnakumar KKarthickumar PDhrumil M. PurohitAshish B. DeogharePravin Kumar SinghSanjay KumarShashi B. PrasadD. PatelKasif AnsariSachin KoreAdithya GarimellaSmanyu SawhneyArnab DasAshish B DeoghareDhanashree SonawaneArati LaleNamrata ParvatVaishnavi LakheriChetan C. JadhavSamadhan J. ShindeKuldeep S. PukaleRameshwar D. SolageKapil B. JundaleSanjay N. MoreSriparna DasKumari NamrataAkshit SamadhiyaNikita SinhaAmaresh KumarManish Kumar GuptaNaveen KumarVikas Kumar ChoubeySushant Kumar PradhanPrakash Chandra MishraAmit MalakarAwadhesh Kumar YadavAmbuj KumarNaveen KumarMohd. Sameer SiddiquiRishabh SrivastavaVivek KumarJitendra KumarRitam SarmaSajan KapilS. N. JoshiAvinash K. ParkheSandeep S. WangikarYash KhandelwalRajneesh Kumar GuptaK. K. VermaAmitava MandalAnjana DevaSnehangshu RoySomnath KumarVikash KumarAbdhesh KumarKiran Kumar KeshariAyan BanikSwagataa DuttaAshok G. MataniG VERMAS SENGUPTAS MAMMENS BHATTACHARYAKuldip PukaleSandeep WangikarAvinash ParkheShrikrushna BhosalePradnya PatilChetan JadhavPromod Kumar PatowariRahul Dev MisraRanjit GiddeSubhash jadhavSachin SonawaneDebtanay DasSukhomay PalDilip Kumar BagalAntarjyami GiriAjit Kumar PattanaikSiddharth JeetAbhishek BaruaSurya Narayan PandaAnil Kumar PatraDulu PatnaikD. B. Naga MurugaSomnath KumarK K KeshariA K BandhyopadhyayAbdhesh PrasadVikashKumarN. Sen K ChoudhuryR KumarR GuptaB K JhaEilene BasuProjjal BasuMunmun DattaSikta PandaSubhakanta NayakGaurab Kumar GhoshR.U. RoshanR. HariniT. AnandPankaj SharmaAshish KhinchiAnkit JainJailani. SChidambaram TNC.K. DhanapalAmbrish SinghManas DasPawan Kumar SainiRishav SaraswatSangeeta KulkarniBishnu Kumar DasDebdas RoyU K MondalMahadeo RoyFaladrum SharmaUday Shanker DixitSasikala Kaustubh Kumar ShuklaT. MuthumanickamT. SheelaSivasankara ReddyMeruva Manikanteswara ReddyMohammad Sarfaraz ahangerShubham SharmaDasari TharunMohammad MursaleenA. Sirisha BhadrakaliK. L. NarayanaT. Ram PrabhuRenu KumariPriyanka BhartiPromod KumarRaghunath KodiObulesu MopuriSiva Prasad racharlaRaju malraju ChangalJ. JhansiaV. TejaswiniBhomikKetariDeogadeP.V.S. Lakshmi NarayanaS. SanthiA K HalderA ChakrabortyVandana B. ParmarA. M. VoraShalini JaiswalUC JhaShwatiSudhaAnkita SinghL. Malleswara RaoJ Rama MohanAPV Appa RaoP Rama Krishna RaoCh. SundarSinghDhirendra PrasadBikash Kr. ChatterjeeMazhar AliAmit Kr. Singh Surajit SinhaShanjul ShrivastavaPranoti R BhosaleKeval GadaniP.S. SolankiN.A. shahSaurav SumanPankaj BiswasDarshan P ShettyRayappa Shrinivas MahaleShamanth VSharath P CR ShashankaSerfraj AlamRatnesh GuptaGhanshyam DasVinod KumarN. Rajesh M. Yohan P. VenkataramaiahKushagra GoyalApeksha SharmaNeha SardanaO.Y. Venkata Subba ReddyP SrikarV.VenkateshA L S Brahma ReddyRahul KhatriRahul GoyalRavi Kumar SharmaShyam Sunder SharmaM. Maruthi raoNVVS SudheerAbhishek ChoudharyAbhishek UpadhyayBir Bahadur SherpaSanjeev KumarSoumyajit DasMantra Prasad SatpathyBharat Chandra RoutaraSusanta Kumar SahooSudhir Kumar GhoshSarmistha GuhaGopes Chandra DasRajib DeyShubhayan MukherjeeAdvaita GhoshAnkita MitraRakibul BiswasS SadhuS B SinghBandi RamanjuluNahom MekisoDebashis MishraUdit KumarRatnesh Kumar GuptaPuspanjali MohantaNitu RaniAvik MondalArun kumarAshish AgrawalAshok KumarBikash Chandra Behera Sudarsan GhoshP. Venkateswara RaoBiraj K SahooaSuman SadhuAvanish K ChandanaGaurav K BansalaV C Srivastava S G ChowdhuryAmbar ChoubeySabir AliC. S. MandloiC. P. PaulK. S. BindraAman kumarMatruprasad RoutS. GopikumarS. UmaY. Harold RobinsonR. DharmarajN. KaruppasamyAnirban DasShiv B SinghRavi RanjanSurjya K PalLopamudra PalodhiPratik K. RayBiswajit DasHarpreet SinghSiuli DuttaAshis K. PandaSubrata ChatterjeeRajat K. RoyA.R. VhanmaneC.V. PapadeRahul RajbharNiranjan C. AVikram Kumar S. JainM. SadhasivamT. RaghavendraSrikanth SalyanKishor K. S. BharadwajVSM Ramakrishna RAdirae DineshSuresh Babu G N Chikkanna O.Y. Venkata Subba ReddySoma VivekanandaSuresh KumarS. RajpalS.R. kumarMehraj ShivenduSaurabhkumar jhaShailesh kumar PrasadSudhanshu Shekhar patiKumari KanchanRavi BhushanRavi ShankarSatyam SrivastavaM. A. Boda RaviGugulothuRatna Kumari JiluguShamas U Din HajamMohammad MursaleenPradyumn K AryaAnil GovekarPrasanna RanadeDinesh NavaleMukesh Kumar YadavTapas Kumar BandyopadhyayMd ShahwazSekhar DiddeR.S. DubeySampad Kumar PandaRajendra RoulAwadhesh KumarP V S LakshminarayanaJai Prakash GautamP. MastanaiahG. Madhusudan ReddyK Bhanu Sankara RaoVaibhav GaurPabitra MajiRanit KarmakarRahul Kanti NathR.K. Bhogendro MeiteiSubrata Kumar GhoshAditi ManikpuriIndrani SenG.K. BansalA.K. ChandanChiradeep GhoshV. RajinikanthV.C. SrivastavaMonojit DuttaS. Ghosh ChowdhuryAlok kumar AnsuPooja SinghRavi kumar SharmaSamit Kumar SinghSadanand A. NamjoshiMd Serfraj AlamK.K SinghP.K ThakurKundan PrakashR SudhirVinod KumarRahul Kanti NathPabitra MajiAtosh Kumar SinhaRanit KarmakarJohn Deb BarmaD.DhanunjayaB. Om PrakashR. GanapathiI.G. JhalaJ. D. BaraliyaA. R. TannaH. H. JoshiSatyendra Kumar PatelAshwani Pratap Priyabrata SahooBinayaka NahakTej PratapAmit Kumar KunduPrabhash GokarnShazee RahmaniFaisal RahmaniAtosh Kumar SinhaRahul Kanti NathJohn Deb BarmaMitali SahaNaveen RMathivannan KAjay Kumar MSTSwetha NNaveen RSwedha NShashikant RajpalSuresh KumarS.R. KumarAvanish Kr ChandanGaurav Kr Bansal Biraj Kr SahooJay ChakrabortyRahul SharmaRoshan SharmaNihalRahul Kumar SinghDevender SinghS. SowmyaM. Sindhu KaviArunKannan.CMatin A. ShaikhGeetanjali V. PatilBasavraj M. AngadiSayed Abbas AliTavneet KaurM. M. SinhaSonal RattanManpreet KaurMamta SharmaS K TripathiJ K GoswamyMageshwaran SubramaniRajeshkumar SelvarajManoharan RamamoorthyJai SinghS. K. NathAdil WazeerK.S. SrikanthShrikant VidyaP. MathiyalaganRashmiMunesh KumariManoj KumarNadeem FaisalMukesh Kumar PandeySrilali SiragamR. S. DubeyLakshman PappulaKaushal KishoreR Gaurav KumarAvanish ChandanShashikant RajpalS.R. KumarHimanshu Shekhar MishraRina SahuD S PadanNeha ChoudharyPriya ChoudharyNihalSangita K. SwainG. PhaomeiS. K. TripathyTrilok ChauhanGaurav VermaMd FarrukhDheeraj KumarArthita DeySanjay KushwahaSubodh PatelSuman MukhopadhyayManashi AdhikaryAnup KumarMohd Bilal Naim ShaikhSufian RajaShujaul HasanMobin MajeedT VenugopalP ChandramohanV Ranjith KumarAbhishek Kumar JhaShitanshu Shekhar ChakrabortyMd. Mofeed AlamKashif Hasan KazmiPrakash KumarSumanta MukherjeeSrinivasarao NathaniSambasiva Rao MukkolluAmitesh KumarSujith BobbaPurnanand PathakGhanshyam DasSanjay Kumar JhaAtosh Kumar SinhaSameer RanjanKrishna Priya YagatiSachin PawarHrishikesh JugadeBraj Bihari PrasadGoutam MukhopadhyayAnup KumarS. K. SahooP. K. SwainS. AnandSushant PatilVishaldatt KohirPreeti VermaBindu PvManager SinghAnkit JainSahebagouda SanganagoudarRahul RaiPoulami MajiViranshu KumarManohar Kumar SinghRatnesh Kumar GuptaGhanshyam DasGirijesh KumarElango MurugappanAdithyan AnnamalaiBikash KumarSwarup BagA. K. SahuDama Y. BBhagwan F. JogiYash KhaturiaDulari HansdahBudhram BoipaiTushar BanerjeeS. Deepak KumarShailesh DewanganS. K. ParidaAjit BeheraDilip Kr SinghKaushik SenguptaArpan Kumar MondalDebtanu PatraArindam DharAmit Kumar KunduPrabhash GokarnRajesh R. RautChandrakant S. UlheVrushali P. HinganeNamrata KumariAkshit SamadhiyaAkash SatlaPavan Kumar GuntupallyYelamarthy Sai NishanthMd. AhsanP. ChandA. R. VhanmaneK. NamrataC. V. PapadeSuresh KadamDeepak Kumar SethiKaushal JhaKamal Bhadur YadavSantosh KumarSoumyaR N SinghG K DeyRuban WhenishAshish DasArunkumar PalaniappanArivazhagan SelvamBoopathiraja Kunnathur PeriyasamyRupesh Kumar KhuteyChhabi Ram MatawalePreeti Singh Bahadur
Copyright (c) 2021 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2021-02-062021-02-06Abstracts of the 3rd Annual Graduate Entry Research in Medicine Conference
<p>This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at The 3rd Annual Graduate Entry Research in Medicine Conference (GERMCON 2020) Organized by Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick in collaboration with Swansea University Medical School, Swansea University, Wales, UK held on 12–18 October 2020. This was especially important for Graduate Entry Medical (GEM) students, who have less opportunity and time to engage in research due to their accelerated medical degree.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> 3rd Annual Graduate Entry Research in Medicine Conference<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> GERMCON 2020<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 12–18 October 2020<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Online (Virtual Mode)<br /><strong>Conference Organizer:</strong> Warwick Medical School, University of Warwick, UK<br /><strong>Co-organizer:</strong> Swansea University Medical School, Swansea University, Wales, UK</p> <p><strong>Other Abstract Book of GERMCON:</strong> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Abstracts of the 4th Annual Graduate Entry Research in Medicine Conference</a></p>Jennifer ReayFrancesca Claridge-OwenIsa HassanDilan ParmarSamson ArokiyanathanRosie HallMary Rose HarveyJade WilmotKarar AliChloe ArgentEleanor DewhurstJishoden PadiachyOmair ShabirMihari de SoysaJordan MossJohn MacArtneyLouise Elizabeth EdwardsVictor ZammitSophie HopkinsTabitha FrancisEvangelos VryonisTracey LanghamVjeran CajicAlice EatonLina HasisenCellan Liiv Heather MorrisAndrews NketiahStephanie OparaRobert HooperVrinda OhriHannah MorganAbbie TuttAdrian McGrath Rhiannon WhiteEmma ScottJeremy DaleRani IssacFavian NarrainenGabriela Anna BarzykSandeep SolankiGopiga ThanabalasundaramAmy SewellLucy ChapmanEmily WadeGeraldine HartshorneMannOliver NBrosensJan JBrightonPaulStefani EamesTabbasum ZamanJoshua OdendaalBassel WattarSiobhan QuenbyLaura WheelerNatasha BechmanRhiannon WhiteAoife MoffattBeth AgnewVivek FurtadoEmma BrandstatterGursharun Kaur HayerSaran ShantikumarIsobel Roberts RajooVanashree SextonAli RidhaJasmine ZanelliSubashini ChandrapalanAbhilasha PatelRamesh ArasaradnamJoshua ClaytonMaxwell RennaGeorgia GrayTodd James CooperBeth WoodwardKatie McLeanSeung Gwan RyooLincoln Leehang LauElena WhitemanHannah BladesJayne WardSerkan CakirCyprian MendoncaSallu DawoBirgit FruhstorferCaleb R JohnsonNigel E DruryDawn R CollinsChloe HaynesKatie-Louise BerwickAnne-Marie SlowtherLaura SkeldonJennifer R ShoneHelen NolanAdrian McGrathTommer SpenceFrances GriffithsCassandra X BaianoJennifer H NobesMadeleine M CavenIain MacPhersonJohn F DillonJessica QuimpoZohaib SajidJames Michael BarrettAndrea SargentHelena Coker Cassandra X BaianoOana Ciocanel Emma FletcherAnn EriksonRonald MacDonaldCassandra BaianoElinor ClarkeThomas Dale MacLaineRhiannon WhiteAdrian McGrathEmma ScottJeremy DaleCameron MeadesFelicity DaviesSuvarna AlladiGeorge HawkerRogan DeanTehreem KhanFrancesco CappuccioLidia CilcicEmily Róisín ReidYasmeen Hassan Al SadekRichard Motley Stela ZiajImogen McMurrayKayleigh NicholsonCharlotte TaylorEmma ScottEmma Andrews Clarissa BrierleyLeila EllisLauren GrahameAndrew MacFarlaneCallum GeorgeJoseph GarnettThomas Dale MacLaineNicholas LoweJeremy DaleAdrian McGrathEmily R ReidCharlie D G CunninghamIlyas M KhanFrancesco P CappuccioAndrew Gadie
Copyright (c) 2020 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2020-12-302020-12-30Abstracts of the First Eurasian Conference; The Coronavirus Pandemic and Critical ICT Infrastructure
<p>While the world is struggling with COVID-19, the ICT industry seeks to play a constructive role in combating the spread of the virus. This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at The First Eurasian Conference; The Coronavirus Pandemic and Critical ICT Infrastructure (PANDEMIC-ICT-2020) organized by AMIR Technical Services LLC, Tbilisi, Georgia held on November 28-30, 2020.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> The Coronavirus Pandemic and Critical ICT Infrastructure<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> PANDEMIC-ICT-2020<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 28-30 November 2020<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Online (Virtual Mode)<br /><strong>Conference Organizer:</strong> AMIR Technical Services LLC, Tbilisi, Georgia</p>Prof. Vugar AliyevAyat AssemovGulzada SeitovaAlnura BabayevaMedet KurmanovAliona TihonVladimir BelopasovZhuzuna TsotsonavaMarina SamotruevaSpînu ConstantinCibotari SvetlanaSpînu IgorSajin OctavianVolneanschi AnaDonos AlaLiliia TodorikoIhor SemianivInga YeremenchukOlena PidverbetskaVictor SlyvkaAmir AliyevAliyar SarvarovBotur ShodiyevAltynay SadykovaKassymzhan TashmetovZhazira NysanbekovaAlexandr GrigorievElshad AliyevKulbaram TemirovaBolatbek AyaulymSayat TurgynbayE. KirasirovaN. LafutkinaR. MamedovR. RezakovM. UsovaE. KulabukhovZhanyl KaliyevaM. RomanovaLyudmila SushkovaNargiz GuseynovaShirin MamedovaBokhodir AskarovShukhrat GulamovBekhzod BatirovIhor SemianivGalina ZhumagalievaSvetlana KimSvetlana DavidovichErlan SultangereevElvira ZulfikarovaEvgeny DuplyakinSapar RakhmensheevEkaterina RotmanovaAngelica PenkovaZhanat AbdikadyrAsemgul KaipovaAigul AltayevaGaliya OspanovaAsel MukhamedzhanovaNasrillo KhakimovRuzikhon KhakimovaImdat EfendievErsin ZhunusovAnargul MansurovaAnna SutorminaGalina ProkopenkoDumanbek DaulbekovElvira IsabaevaNatalia MozgalevaP. VedyapinY. ParkhomenkoEvgeny DuplyakinMayra UrazaevaAnastasia KoptelovaN. Bogacheva Ilyas MukhamedzhanOlga KutumovaE. PukhovaVadim ChursinArdak ArynovHayat Aliyeva Kyubra ZohrabovaYagut HajiyevaNigar AgayevaSavinj AliyevaKyzgaldak KuanyshbekovaN. AmangeldiBayan KurmanaevaToydyk UtarovaAliya KanatbaevaFariza KasymbekovaAynur AlmaganbetovaSergey FedotovLeonid PisarenkoSergey GumenyukVladimir PotapovSofia ZeynievaElena ZotovaNazira KhodzhaevaJamila KarimovaMakhbuba RavshanovaKhushnud BobokulovTokhir Musaev
Copyright (c) 2020 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
<p>This book is a thesis monograph in which Ayurvedic view, regarding the disease Sweta Pradara Nidana (causes) along with Samprapti or etiopathogenesis has been discussed. The Prodromal symptoms, cardinal symptoms, complication, treatment principle, Upshaya-Anupshaya, Sadhyata-Asadhyata has also been described. Further, different types of Srava (discharges), whether physiological or pathological has been described along with their causative factors & correlation with relevant modern symptoms.</p>Meenakshi Shukla
Copyright (c) 2020 Meenakshi Shukla
2020-08-232020-08-23Proceedings of International Conference on Applied Mathematics & Computational Sciences
<p>This proceedings contain articles of the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners presented at the International Conference on Applied Mathematics & Computational Sciences (<em>ICAMCS 2019</em>). ICAMCS2019 aimed to provide a platform to discuss ideas, issues, challenges, findings, opportunities, and applications of Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences in various fields. It is a great privilege for us to present the proceedings of ICAMCS2019 to the authors and the delegates of the event. We hope that you will find it useful, valuable, aspiring, and inspiring.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> International Conference on Applied Mathematics & Computational Sciences<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> ICAMCS-2019<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 17-19 October, 2019<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> DIT University, Dehradun<br /><strong>Conference Organizers:</strong> DIT University, Dehradun, India</p>Jogendra KumarSeema YadavFateh SinghJitendra BinwalAakanksha BaberAliyu AbbaS. AthithanAriba ArshadR.C. MittalSeema SharmaM Enamul KarimM Abdus SamadGarima VermaSandhya AdhikariVaishnavi KhanduriShubhi TandonShubhadika RawatPalak SinghO R JimohY M AiyesimiM M HasanM A SamadM M HossainPhanindra Prasad BhandariShree Ram KhadkaPradeep KumarRituraj SinghRoman TrobecS A SommaN I AkinwandeP GanaJervin Zen LoboY S ValaulikarDeepali KhuranaRaj KumarSushma GuptaSukhjit SinghBrajesh Kumar SinghSaloni AgrawalNatasha AwasthiSurbhi Sachdev
Copyright (c) 2020 held by the author(s) of the individual article
2020-08-082020-08-08TEQIP - III Sponsored First International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Computing, Analytics and Security
<p>This book contains abstracts of the various research papers of the academic & research community presented at the International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Computing, Analytics and Security (ICICCAS-2020). ICICCAS-2020 has served as a platform for researchers, professionals to meet and exchange ideas on computing, data analytics, and security. The conference has invited papers in seven main tracks of Data Science, Networking Technologies, Sequential, Parallel, Distributed and Cloud Computing, Advances in Software Engineering, Multimedia, Image Processing, and Embedded Systems, Security and Privacy, Special Track (IoT, Smart Technologies and Green Engineering). The Technical and Advisory Committee Members were from various countries that have rich Research and Academic experience.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> TEQIP - III Sponsored First International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Computing, Analytics and Security<br /><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> ICICCAS-2020<br /><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 29-30 July 2020<br /><strong>Conference Location:</strong> Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry – 605014, India (Virtual Mode)<br /><strong>Conference Organizer:</strong> Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Pondicherry Engineering College, Puducherry, India.<br /><strong>Conference Sponsor:</strong> TEQIP-III NPIU (A Unit of the Ministry of Human Resource Development, India) </p>K. VivekanandanP. SaliniM. ThenmozhiR. SaralaS. Sai Satyanarayana ReddyS. Laxmi SunainaPriyadarshini ChatterjeeSuresh ShanmugasundaramAditya SinhaRajveer Singh ShekhawatR. BuvanesvariK. Suresh JosephS. SanthoshIsaac Maxwell DurairajJerlin ALetitia SD Betteena Sheryl FernandoA B Sri VarshaM SathyaG VikramM KirubhaPrinitha.RAiyswarya.SPavithra.MC. KaviyazhinyP. Shanthi BalaA. S. GowriIndhuja VSuganandhiniThenmozeVinodhiniKowshika MNaveena KPurni VA. MoshikaRamyadevi IyyanarJanani PatchaipillaiNivisa KalaimaniPavithra MVelivela GopinathChithralekha TMegha Sri GYashaswini UNamratha VAnanya ManjunathKishore G RHarshvardhan TiwariM. Chandra VadhanaP. Shanthi BalaImmanuel Zion RamdintharaA. MoshikaGowsalya DNandhini SRamya RSubhasri SRajesh SaturiC AmbhikaC. MurukeshKshitij PawarR. SeetharamanRakesh Kumar MishraTamilarasi AJunestarfield Lyngdoh KynshiK.S. KuppusamyP. KarthikS. DhivyaC. Uma RaniAparna BannoreSatish DevaneR. SrideviP. DinadaylanG. BalamuruganJ. JayabharathyB. SathiyaprasadK. SeetharamanB. Satheesh KumarD. NageswariK. SeetharamanAravindan. CHemamalini.VTerrance Frederick FernandezCathirine Madhu Vidha.JAiswaryaK. MuthumanickamM. SubbiahK. DeepakS. DharunkumarK. SaruladhaM. SwathyC. P. IndumathiS. GowsalyaP. HariniC. AmbhikaC. MurukeshRahul GopanR. SeetharamanArokiaraj Christian St HubertPragash. KNivetha. GSerene. ASushmitha Lakshmi. KMadhu Priya. MMichlin Ruby. I. A. SR. SaralaM.SarumathiRooshan M JTony Thomas AMahesh Kumar K VSathiyavathi SC.KavithaV.GeethaM ThenmozhiLakshmipriyaa PonnusamyD. KavithaMaheswari MAishwarya MRevathy RSonia PrakashLaavanya KSangeerani Devi. AMani NS. HemavathiK. Jayasakthi VelmuruganS. SrinidhiS. RubasriYashika PSalini PP. ThulasiB. AdithyaG. SanthiSubham GhoshPramod Kumar MauryaSarala RVigneshwari KV. PrasathR. BuvanesvariS. SanthoshK. SaruladhaMathuru VishnupriyaB.S.S.L.SoundaryaThirumaran MSashmithaa MSamirabanu M
Copyright (c) 2020 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2020-07-292020-07-29Abstracts of The IX Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference; Medicine Pressing Questions
<p>This book contains the abstracts of the papers presented at The IX Annual International Scientific-Practical Conference “MEDICINE PRESSING QUESTIONS”, III Satellite Forum “Public Health and Healthcare Politics” and The III Simulation Training “LAPAROSCOPIC SURGERY” organized by NGO “Young Doctors of Azerbaijan” held on May 6-8, 2020, Baku, AZERBAIJAN. This abstract book contains few abstracts in English language and few abstracts in Russian language.</p>Assoc. Prof. Amir AliyevRyabokon EVoropaeva LDolia EZhdanova NVolkov OKruchko AAliyev A. VSarvarov AChobanov RHajiyeva YAliyeva DShukurova ShZinovkina V. YuGlinskaya T. NLappo L. GYeryomenko GIliukha SSheshukova O. VBauman S. SKuz I. OFakhoury AhmadOlga BurduniucSaduakas A. EMakkamov R. ODemeuov T. NShamshiev A. STajibayev T. KKamal M. BMatkerimov A. ZBaubekov A. ATergeussizov A. SZhakubayev M. ABlyalova D. BBaydurin S. AAbdrakhmanov A. SBakytzhanuly AKadyrova G. ADilmagambetov D. STanzharykova G. NDosbaev A. SBaisalbayev B. SAlmagambetova A. SAdilova A. UIllyasov E. NTangarikova G. NZhanpeissova A. АTukbekova B.TSafina A. IKodirov M. DShadjanova N. SLiakh ASvidlo OGrigorov SKomiljonov D. AMakhamadaliev E. YTukhtapulatov A. B Alimov A. VBerdykulova D. MAlimova N. UHaydarova F. ASadikova A. SYuldasheva F. ZUlinici MAbdullaeva S. DKarimova N. MKhaybullina Z. RCēderštrēma Z Kapanova G. ZhZhumabayeva G. BZhumabayev R. BBakasheva M. KVenera AbdullaШматова Е. АЛях А. ИКамина Т. ВШехаб Л. ХСмирнова Л. ЕНаджафова Г. ТАлиева Г. ДУмурзакова А. ОАяганов Д. НУтегенова А. Б Аренова Ш. БТусупкалиев А. БНурланова Г. НЖумагалиева Г. ДБайгулиева А. БИскакова А. НКульбаева Ш. КМусина А. АТургамбаева А. КИскакова А. НКурмангазин М. СЖумагалиева Г. ДНурланова Г. НИванов А. НРотару М. МГургиш Р. ИКолтук О. ИШалашвили КСутиашвили МСагареишвили ТКавтарадзе НАлания МЯкимцова А.ВПесоцкая М. ВКуницкий В. СКурабекова Н. АЖаркин Н. АМатвейчик Т. ВОнищенко А. ВМаксименко А. ИФайзиев А. АМусина А. АЕрденова Г. КСулейменова Р. КАмирсеитова Ф. ТАбильдаева А. КАязбеков А. КНурхасимова Р. ГРаманова С. ТТоргаутова Ж. ЕЮнусова С. ТПрилипко Л. БГорленко О. МАрхий Э. ЙМоскаль О. НМусаходжаева Д. АЯрмухамедов А. СФайзуллаева Н. ЯАзизова З. ШОтарбаева М. БАманбекова А. УАкынжанова С. АФазылова М-Д. АБаттакова Ш. БКожахметова К. ММамараджабов С. ЭБаймаков С. РРисбоев Р. СМуаззамова М. МРизаев Ж. АМамараджабов С. ЭШарипов Ю. ЮРисбоев Р. СЁмгирова Д. ХНапалкова С. АМазур Л. ИБаймаков С. РЮнусов С. ШХудойкулов А. УАсатов Ф. ШЗиганшин М. ИБаймаков С. РБолтаев Ш. ШРасулов Х. КНазырова Л. АКаримова Н. МХайбуллина З. РМаматкулов Ш. ММирзахмедов М. МКосимов МРахметуллина А. КИвашева В. ВЕмельянова О. СЗаклякова В. ДРотару ТБучинский ВРотару ЛЖирнов В. А Владимирова Ю. ВУсманов М. МРузиметов Х. ФАшхацава Т. ИТатаринова М. ЮКогония Л. МБаттакова Ш. БОтарбаева М. БФазылова М. АКожахметова К. МКозлова С. НСадикова А. СРахимова Г. НОсманов О. ММагомедов А. АГасанова Г. СИсмагилова А. РМагомедов М. МХамидов М. АМагомедов Х. МЖундыбай С. БЖундыбай А. БЖатканбаева Г. ЖИманбаева Ж. АУтебаева Ж. АСансызбаева Р. ЖМасуди АСыздыкова М. ММоренко М. АСагандыкова Н. СБайбусунова А. ЖРыспаев Ч. ЕМамбетпаева Б. СДжамаева Г. АЖаналиева Ж. РОспангалиева С. МКадырова Р. АЖатканбаева Г. ЖАбдужабарова Ш. АМасуди АКим А. ЛКапанова Г. ЖАнаркулов МҚұдабаев БСаипов ДТолеген СТлепбаев КЖаутикова С. БАринова С. МЖиенбаева К. МЖамилов У. РБаймаков С. РБолтаев Ш. ШБабажанов А. БАбдуллаев И. ААбдуллаев И. АБаратова М. СНеккадамов Ш. АЖамилов У. РХодиев Х. СЖамилов У. РБаймаков С. РАсатов Ф. ШХудойкулов А. УАхадова К. ЗМавлонкориева С. ДКенарская М. ВИванов С. АКорымасов Е. АТихон А. СТурсунов Х. ШФозилов С. ФБольтаев С. А
Copyright (c) 2020 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2020-05-062020-05-06Abstracts of The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium
<p>This abstract book contains abstracts of the various research ideas presented at The Second Eurasian RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium.The RISK-2020 Conference and Symposium served as a perfect venue for practitioners, engineers, researchers, scientists, managers and decision-makers from all over the world to exchange ideas and technology about the latest innovation developments dealing with risk minimization.</p>Vugar AliyevAmela AjanovicReinhard HaasAmin RashidiDenys DutykhZaher Hossein ShomaliNasser Keshavarz FarajkhahAkhmetkal MedeuViktor BlagoveshchenskyTamara GulyayevaSandugash RanovaDaria ChernykhOlga TaseikoMilosevic HranislavStefan PanicVugar AliyevSabina MagerramovaAisha BalaevaLeyla AzeryarBranimir FarkasIvo GalicAna HrastovIdris BayrakovVladimir MoskvichevPavel SmolyanovOlga SuslovaNozer SingpurwallaSubrata KunduKaushik JanaDebasis SenguptaMargan AstamirovaAminat AbdurzakovaRaisa MagomadovaSacita IsrailovaBirlant KhasuevaKheda KhanaenvaAleksey KoshelevElena TikhomirovaOlga AtamanovaKamchibek KozhogulovOlga NikolskayaDali MagrakvelidzeZurab GasitashviliMerab PhkhovelishviliNatela ArchvadzeNato JorjiashviliNataliia HuliievaViktoriia PasternakUlyana IvanovaIrina FilimonovaVasiliy NemovIrina ProvornayaCatherine ZemnukhovaAnna KomarovaMikhail MisheninVache TokmajyanRene GriesbachVesna TunguzVera PetrovicNatasa KontrecNikolay MakhutovDmitry ReznikovAhmed AbdalazeezPetr DenissenkoIra DidenkulovaLeszek KucharDavid SatseradzeSlavko NesicAnatoly ZolotukhinAliona TihonYuri MazhayskyTatyana SereginaOlga ChernikovaLarisa AmpleevaVirgilio AnselmoNikolay PetrovInna NikonorovaElena DushevaOtilija MiseckaiteArvydas PovilaitisArun DaukaevAbdul AbumuslimovRustam GakaevVladislav ZaalishviliDmitry MelkovVladimir AvdotinVadim PlyushchikovJulia AvdotinaMirashraf FatievElchin OrujovRustam GakaevNagao KazuyukiSawano KokiHaga NatsumiKamura AkiyoshiKazama MotokiAlexey SobisevichDaya ShankerShubhamErdal AkyolMete HancerAli AydinMaria MyasnikovaEliza AbubakarovaGurban YetirmishliSabina KazimovaOlga BurdzievaVladislav ZaalishviliAleksandr KanukovTamaz ZaksBoris DzeranovRandell StephensonChristian SchifferSoren Bom NielsenYuri MazhayskiyLubov HertmanMargan AstamirovaMusa TaysumovMukhadin UmarovFatima OmarchadgievaLimin ZhangMykhailo RomashchenkoMykhailo YatsiukIvan VoitovychGivi GavardashviliAdam UjmaDavid GurgenidzeMikhailo YatsukEmil GafarovIrena CigleneckiJelena DautovicMilivoj KuzmicValery LesnykhTatiana TimofeevaSviatoslav TimashevAbdul AbumuslimovMusa TaisumovFazil AlakhverdiyevIndira AbumuslimovaOksana DakhovaBuzgigit HuchunayevSvetlana BekkiyevaPalma Orlovic-LekoIrena CigleneckiMathieu Dutour SikiricSarah MatesaStefano VignudelliTimur EzibraevElina ElsunkaevaTamila OzdievaMohamed Salem OudeikaAli AydinErdal AkyolMete HancerSuat TasdelenAliakbar RasouliRamiz MammadovGulten PolatAli AydınFatma Figen AltinogluSofiya GrakhovaPetr DergachNikolay YurkevichDmitry KucherAnna GumenyukMarina VishnevskayaTatiana LuchinaEvgeniya GoryushinaAleksey RyzhenkoAliona TihonDmitry ShprekherGennady BabokinEvgeny KolesnikovMikhail LebedevKirill RomanevichMikhail LebedevVladimir MaslakKonstantin BezrodnySahiba KalaevaVladimir MakarovNadejda MarkelovaRamil KalaevDmitry KonyukhovE.A. KorolA. G. PolyankinIgor HadjamberdievViktoria DidenkoIbragimjon DamilojanovViktor ProkhorenkoHadiya KhalilovaVagif MammadovOlga SaevaNataliya YurkevichSvetlana BornikovaKonstantin ChernyNikolay ChernyNataliya YurkevichNikolay YurkevichSvetlana BortnikovaYuriy KarinNataliya LagutinaLeonid NeupokoevAlexander NovikovAnatoly PukhovskyOlga SumarukovaVladimir GurevichIhar ChesykNatallia PuzanAleksander NikitinMarina SuslovaDinara UspanovaOlga NechaevaNatalya ShurshalovaMikhail GelfgatAlexander OganovVladimir SledkovPetr DergachAnton DuchkovSergey YaskevichIgor YeltsovAndrey BalenkovAnastasiya MashkovaMarat TeregulovLeonid ZemlerubОleg IvantsovVladimir NadeinIgor FomenkoOleg ZerkalAleksey EdelevNikolay YurkevichNataliya YurkevichOlga SaevaAnatoly MakarovElena PisarenkoGennady VorobyevVyacheslav GusevAlexandra KichiginaEmil KharasovOleg GorbunovIbragim KerimovZulfira GagaevaUmar GairabekovLyubov MakhmudovaMikhail MatveevOlga AntonovaAnna BushinskayaAnton AleksashinYana KrukhmalevaThomas MazzuchiRefik SoyerNeville RobinsonKhalid AbouraAlexander BochkovOscar FriedelBoris AleksandrovAslambek ElzhaevEvgenia ZakharchenkoLudmila OksMalik GaysumovSalavdi Badaev
Copyright (c) 2020 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2020-04-122020-04-12Abstracts of International Conference on Innovations in Business Management
<p>This book contains abstracts of the various research ideas of the academic community and practitioners of management presented at the International Conference on Innovations in Business Management (ICIBM 2020). The researchers have contributed toward various themes of the conference such as sustainable economy, supply chain, women-empowerment, export-import, microfinance, government policies, etc. We strongly believe that it will open up further scope for in-depth research in various disciplines of business management. Best wishes to the participants to have detailed discussions on the above-said wide range of areas.</p> <p><strong>Conference Title:</strong> International Conference on Innovations in Business Management<br><strong>Conference Acronym:</strong> ICIBM 2020<br><strong>Conference Date:</strong> 16-17 January 2020<br><strong>Conference Location:</strong> ICFAI University, Dehradun, India<br><strong>Conference Organizers:</strong> ICFAI Business School, ICFAI University, Dehradun, India & University of Derby, United Kingdom</p>Ankita SrivastavaRaghvendra Kumar SharmaAlireza GoliAnthony PapoDavid KawageKamalakanta MuduliJohn PumwaDario BurgioVikas KumarAnil KumarFredrick SaweJose Arturo Garza-ReyesMd. Abdul MoktadirYogesh Kumar SharmaSachin Kumar ManglaYigit KazancogluPradeep KumarAbhishek VishwakarmaDebasis MohantyAyushi MittalNeeraj AswalAyyappanNipun GargChikatimalla BaalarkDivya KhatterPriyanka YadavSakshi VashishtRavi VashishtPooja MathurNeha GuptaSatyendra P. SinghPriyanka SadhnaPratima DaipuriaRanjana RawatTanushree GuptaVijay Kumar JainAditi DhiyaA SridharK RajendraAnkita MandoliyaAmit JoshiAnubha Maurya WaliaAnusuya BiswasKalpana SinghBharathi S. G.N. ElangovanDeepti KiranItisha SharmaAishwarya KumarAtul BamraraDilip KumarRajeev P.V.Jaspreet DhaiyaSagar KhanijoKaki Venkata RaoPNVV SatyanarayanaRashmi ChoudharyPooja Prakash SrivastavaRubee SinghPriyanka SinghSanjana TakkarSonal PundhirSumanjit DassShradha KabraVN SaxenaT. AparnaFrancis Lazar PuthiryM. Shuaib AhmedS. Abdul SajidMahadev OtaVarun MohanMohd SajidR. S. BhardwajMonisha BahugunaUdit NautiyalPankaj ChaudharyDhanashri S. HavaleChetan ChaudhariHem Ritu VermaMeenakshiGurleen Kaur ChahalRimple SharmaYuvika SinghGurleen Kaur AnandYuvika SinghPreeti Lata SinghAnamika MuyalAshima MuyalRajesh KumarVinita AgrawalVaishaliPrachi PathakArshiYogita PantLaxmi NegiManish Kumar SrivastavaA. K. TiwariNithya Sree RRashmi ChaudaryM. Vishnu NarayananNitikaRatnesh ChandraDesh PalBrigadier Rajiv SethiSanjeev MalaviyaP. VenkateswarluMuddu VinaySaumya SharmaNeeraj AswalSonia GambhirVijay Prakash SrivastavaMini SrivastavaAvneesh SinghAbhishek PandeyPratiksha DixitUsha PathakVani RameshRamanathanAnkita SrivastavaRaghvendra Kumar Sharma
Copyright (c) 2020 held by the author(s) of the individual abstract
2020-01-162020-01-16Investigation of Electrical and Optical Properties of Novel ZnO Nano Structures
<p>The main objective for this book to successfully synthesis of ZnO nanostructures with the investigation of the electrical and optical properties in detail by the methods of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM) etc. The entire book has been divided into six chapters, each of which is a self-contained unit in itself.</p>Islam Uddin
Copyright (c) 2019 Islam Uddin
2019-08-232019-08-23Combined Hardening Behavior for Sheet Metal and its Application
<p>Our major goal in this book is to better simulate the stress strain curves for tension-compression test by proposing a modification of combined hardening behavior, and then predict fracture and optimize the press formability for applications. At macroscopic level, one of the most popular phenomenological models, the combined hardening model has been implemented into ABAQUS/Explicit and a user subroutine (VUMAT) has been developed. This model was used in order to determine whether peculiarities observed in the experimental results can be predicted. The number of material properties to express the hardening is based on easy testing. A simple method to identify the required parameters is introduced. The capability of the proposed hardening model is demonstrated by three case studies: predict ductile fracture and improve press formability of door hinge, study of Incremental forming for complex shape and its improvement, and case study for magnesium alloy sheet to predict ductile fracture of rotational incremental forming. The proposed model shows more accurate results in the prediction of stress strain curves for all kind of material, as well as the stress and strain distribution. For the ductile fracture prediction, door hinge simulation is done by all the three hardening models and given the best way by using combined hardening model; simulation for incremental sheet metal forming of complex shape is combined of both CAM and FEM then implemented and evaluated from the histories of stress and strain value and ductile fracture value (I) by means of finite element analysis, the prediction and optimization of press formability is implemented for negative incremental sheet forming and then investigate by experiment; To simulate the effect of the large amount of heat generation at elements in the contact area due to friction energy of rotational incremental forming for magnesium alloy sheet, Johnson-Cook model was applied and also compared with equivalent stress-strain curves obtained by tensile test at elevated temperatures. The effect of process parameters e. g tool down-step and tool radius on the ductile fracture value and forming limit curve at fracture (FLCF) were investigated using (FE) simulation results.</p>Nguyen Duc Toan
Copyright (c) 2019 Nguyen Duc Toan
2019-08-142019-08-14Bayesian Analysis and Reliability Estimation of Generalized Probability Distributions
<p>This edited volume entitled “Bayesian Estimation and Reliability Estimation of Generalized Probability Distributions” is being published for the benefit of researchers and academicians. It contains ten different chapters covering a wide range of topics both in applied mathematics and statistics. The proofs of various theorems and examples have been given with minute details. During the preparation of the manuscript of this book, the editor has incorporated the fruitful academic suggestions provided by Dr. Peer Bilal Ahmad, Dr. Sheikh Parvaiz Ahmad, Dr. J. A. Reshi, Dr. Tanveer Ahmad Tarray, Dr. Kowsar Fatima, Dr. Ahmadur Rahman, Dr. Showkat Ahmad Lone, Mudasir Sofi, Uzma Jan, Aaliya Syed, and Dr. Humaira Sultan. It is expected to have good popularity due to its usefulness among its readers and users.</p>Tanveer Ahmad TarrayPeer Bilal AhmadSofi MudasirAhmadur RahmanAfaq AhmadUzma JanKawsar FatimaShowkat Ahmad LoneAliya Syed MalikS P AhmadJ A ReshiHumaira Sultan
Copyright (c) 2019 held by the author(s) of the individual chapters
2019-03-262019-03-26Proceedings of First Conference for Engineering Sciences and Technology
<p>This volume contains contributed articles of Track 1, Track 2 & Track 3, presented in the conference CEST-2018, organized by Faculty of Engineering Garaboulli, and Faculty of Engineering, Al-khoms, Elmergib University (Libya) on 25-27 September 2018.</p> <ul> <li>Track 1: Communication and Information Technology</li> <li>Track 2: Electrical and Electronics Engineering</li> <li>Track 3: Oil and Chemical Engineering</li> </ul> <p>Other articles of Track 4, 5 & 6 have been published in volume 2 of the proceedings at <a href="">this link</a></p>M A ElalemMohammed Bin SaeedMohamed Otman TwatiMosbah Mohamed ElssaediAbdelkader Salama AlrabaieMarwan M M El marmuriEmhimed SafforKhdega A.Yosef GalalaHamza EldenferiaJamal ElbergaliBurnhan Mustafa TanisMelvin A. BalleraSamira Abu SherntaAli A TamtumSalim AloudOsama A. S. AlkishriwoAli A ElgharianiAydin AkanHanan Salem AlzreghiIzziddien AlsogkierFadel A. M. AlaswadMarai M AbousettaMohamed A. S. AlshushanMohamed AlahemarAbdullah MasrubAbdulSalam AddeebGuzlan MiskeenAya H. S. AbdelgaderRaneem A. AboughaliaAbdurahman Alsonosy AltawilMohamed Youssef Ahmed Abou-HussienAbdelbaset Karem OmranMajdi Masoud AlrajhiOmar AbusaeedaSalah NaasNasar Aldian ShashoaIbrahim Ahmed El-SharifMahmoud Mansour El- FandiHesain Milad AlfrdA. KagilikS. MousaI. EnageemAdnan S KrzmaMahmoud Y KhamairaMaruwan AbdulsamadA M AlnassAlseddig ElzowawiIslam SaadMustafa ElsherifI S NaserAhmed M AlnajehOthman E AburasYoussef Amer ArebiAli M A AlmaktoofAbdulsslam M Ashoor ShaoufAbdulbaset A Salem WddanKhairi M AbusabeeKhalid M AlajelSalem O ElhamaliMohamed Altaher Ben MouhsenAbdalhamed A. E MusbahSalah M AlgoulAbdalbaset M. R AlgishEisa A AbdalaslamYousif A AlsadiqAbdelrazag AzizTariq BasherEssa TabarAli OmranAli K MuftahMabruk M AbugderahHakem S DakhelAli Omran NasarJibriel AbusaleemEssa M TabarAli Ramadan ElkaisMohamed K ZambriAsma Mustafa Husin MiladSoud Saad AwitilMohammad B KassimWan Ramli Wan DaudAlmadi A AlhwaigeAli S EbshishSalem M AbdusalamAhmed M Bshish
Copyright (c) 2018 held by the author(s) of the individual articles
2018-11-302018-11-30Proceedings of First Conference for Engineering Sciences and Technology
<p>This volume contains contributed articles of Track 4, Track 5 & Track 6, presented in the conference CEST-2018, organized by Faculty of Engineering Garaboulli, and Faculty of Engineering, Al-khoms, Elmergib University (Libya) on 25-27 September 2018.</p> <ul> <li>Track 4: Industrial, Structural Technologies and Science Material</li> <li>Track 5: Engineering Systems and Sustainable Development</li> <li>Track 6: Engineering Management</li> </ul> <p>Other articles of Track 1, 2 & 3 have been published in volume 1 of the proceedings at <a href="">this link</a></p>M A ElalemMukhtar M AburawiHamza Mohammed Al-MadaniGhassan S EL-MASRYMustafa EL-MUSBAHIBenur MAATUGMohamed Ali KarimAbdualraouf MohamedMohamed Ali MiladAyad AlwaerJasson GryzagoridisBashir M AburawiKhalid A ElbkoryFathi A Al ssahlyAbdel Hameed M SalemMagdi A MountasirHusam Abdussalam R ShamesSaad GhidhanMoamar HamedMansor BenarosM ElrawemiF GuA D BallM HamedAbdulaziz AbodenaMuhannad AlrzageIbrahim K HusainIssa A MohammedSuleiman A KhatrushAwatif Othman TwilMusbah A HasanGumaa Abdelazizi HasanHesham BaejAdel AkairAdel DiyafSalem AdeillaAbdurahman KraiemAli R KwedikhaAbdul Azeam A ElgayedAbelmalek N AlgaaoudMohamed I AlowaGassem AzzainOsama HassinUsama HabaFengshou GuAndrew BallGumaa A HasanMohammed A ElsageerMusbah A HasanAnour ShebaniWael ElhrariAbdalah KlashAbdelkader AsweiKhalid OmranAbdalbary RhabKhalid AlmadhoniSabah KhanSamieh Abu SaadAmani ElmahjubiAyad Abdelmoula MohammedMohammed Ali Abdalla ElsageerOsama A TerfasArwa M ElambroukAhlam Y ElraqiqNurdeen Mohamed AltwairSaad Jaber Abu JarirGhusen Al-KafriMd. Shahnewaz SarkarMd. Shaizuddin SarkarHaithem ElderratElganidi ElsaghierAdel AlkilaniAhmed HamruniAli Mohamed ZaltuomSalem ElsheltatAbdulbaset AlsharaWalid ElsharaAbdelhamed GanawBasel MeghariAbdulnasir AlkoumMohammed AlawigWisam Elhmali MansourHamad Suliman AbulaajNajeeb A YahyaOthman M DaasNureddin O. Fahel AlboumAhmed H KhalileKhairi AlgradAbdulghani RamadanAbdulhakim Muhammad EssariUsama Ahmed EzzeghniMohamed AbduljawadMahdi EsmieoMoad ShaklawonOmar ShanebMohamed ShagloufElJaroshi DiryakAhmed AbugaliaKhaled AbdusamadSalhin M AlaudKhalid M. H JaballaAbdulghani M RamadanIbrahim A AmarAbubaker SharifNajat A OmerNaght E AkaleFatima AltohamiMabroukah A AbdulQadirMustafa ZariganLutfi SenanMuftah OmemanMatouk M ElamariIslam Kamel ShahbounSalem Omran AdeillaHusein AL deraweAshraf LaswadLatefa WafaFawzi Mohamed AgaelMahmoud MatougAbdulbaset FreferHaleema OmerAbdulbaset A FreferMahmoud M MatougFatma L Haddada
Copyright (c) 2018 held by the author(s) of the individual articles
2018-11-302018-11-30Abstracts of International Conference on Scholarly Communication, Open-Access Publishing and Ethics
<p>Academic education, research, and development intensify the nation socially and fiscally competitive. Institutions have a greater role to enhance their intellectual infrastructure facilitations to help in the process of building an institutional academic and research culture through means of scholarly communication and publication. This book covers Abstracts of various peer-reviewed papers presented in the International Conference on Scholarly Communication, Open-access Publishing and Ethics (SCOPE-2018) held at SPA Vijayawada during 25 -26 October 2018. Indeed, these papers are divided into four important subject areas viz. academic research and development; scholarly communication; open access publishing, copyright and ethics; and academic library, preservation facilitations.</p>Y. Srinivasa RaoAmit TiwariAmrita RastogiShiva Santhan RajAnanya SarkarArchana BaghelAsheesh KamalBaby Sowjanya U.Banani BanerjeeBuntarika NunthaChandrakumar V.Bijay Kumar ChoudhuryDhara DaveGauri Y BhagwatHaseena V.K.K.M.Himanshu AgarwalKamala MohantyKarunakar GN Laxman RaoMallikarjuna AManalan JManu T RMinaxi ParmarNabi HasanNagarajan MNamtip WipawinPanna ChaudharyPrabakar SPrangya DasPrasanna Kumar MuduliRamaiah C KRamesh YernagulaRaonak Salim ST Sambasiva RaoSampath Kumar B TSanghamitra DalbeheraSatyabrata GaranayakSelvaraj RShashikumara A AShipra AwasthiShreya ParikhSivasamy KSouvik KonerSrinivas LakkojuK G SudhierS SujathaSubhajit ChoudhuryS SumadeviSurendra Babu KA ThirumagalTrupti BarotUdaya VaradarajanViral Asjola
Copyright (c) 2018 held by the author(s) of the individual articles
2018-10-242018-10-24Laser Irradiation Effect & Photoconductivity in Amorphous Semiconductor
<p>Laser irradiation effect on optical properties of Se-Te based chalcogenide thin films with different metallic additives has been studied using TEA N<sub>2</sub> laser as an irradiation source. Melt-quenching technique has been adopted to prepare all compositions of the investigated glassy systems. The as-quenched glassy alloys have been grounded and the resulting fine powder has been used to prepare the thin films by PVD method on the pre-cleaned glass substrate. The optical absorbance (<em>A)</em> and transmittance (<em>T) </em>measurement have been done using Camspec (model M550) UV/VIS/NIR double beam. Laser irradiation has been carried out using pulsed transverse electrical excitation at atmospheric pressure (TEA) nitrogen laser (wavelength 337.1 nm, peak power 100 kW, and pulse width 1 ns) with peak average energy density of ~3.5 x 10<sup>5 </sup>W/cm<sup>2</sup> for different times. Effect of Al and Hg metallic additives on photoconductivity of Se-Te based glassy alloy has also been studied. Thin films of Se-Te-Al and Se-Te-Hg alloy have been used for photoconductivity study. Observed photoconductivity effect and laser irradiation effect on optical properties, thermal properties have been reported in this monograph.</p>Adam Abdullah Bahishti
Copyright (c) 2018 Adam Abdullah Bahishti
2018-07-042018-07-04Natural Radioactivity along Red Sea Coastline, Egypt
<p>It is necessary to characterize the radioactive components in marine sediments to understand the dynamics of radionuclides in natural ecosystems. This information also provides important information needed for assessment of public health risk from ingestion, inhalation, and external exposure. Studies and surveys of natural radiation and radioactivity in Upper Egypt conducted since 1990 included monitoring of the concentration of natural radionuclides in environmental samples. Eighty-four samples of sediment have been collected from Red Sea coastline. Samples collection was considered the locations throughout four cities (Quseir, Safaga, Hurghada, Ras Ghareb,) in Red sea governorate, Egypt, 27 samples have been collected from three region in Qusier city named (El Edua area (south town), Qusier Harbour (Middle town), North Flaminko villager (North town)). 18 samples have been collected from three regions on Safaga city named (Km 17 Mangrove area, Abu Tartour Harbor and Touristic Harbor) from south to north respectively. 21 samples have been collected from three regions on Hurghada City (North Safier Hotel, Hurghada Harbor and NIOF area) also from south to north. 18 samples have been collected from three regions of Ras Ghareb City named (El Sakala area, General Beach and General Company of petroleum) with an aim of evaluating the environmental radioactivity and radiation hazard.</p> <p>The activity concentrations of <sup>226</sup>Ra, <sup>232</sup>Th and <sup>40</sup>K have been measured by NaI (Tl) detector connected to Multichannel Analyzer (MCA), with Genie 2000 software from Canberra (USA). The present status of grain size analysis, total organic matter, organic carbon, carbonate and heavy metals were assessed to study its correlation with concentrations of <sup>226</sup>Ra, <sup>232</sup>Th and <sup>40</sup>K in sediment accumulation, to identify sediment source in the area, and to evaluate their concentrations with respect to anthropogenic activities and natural impact. Also, the results of analysis for physical parameters (pH, Temp., salinity, TDS, and conductivity), of surface water samples are used as fingerprint to identify pollution sources, their amounts, and their effect on sediments and marine water in the areas under study to help managers to identify anthropogenic impacts, and better assessing the needs for remediation by detecting any changes, from the existing level expected with operation of future activity.</p> <p>The average activity concentrations of <sup>226</sup>Ra, <sup>232</sup>Th and <sup>40</sup>K in deffrent areas under investigation are :</p> <ul> <li><strong>Qusier city</strong>, equal 26±2, 21±2 and 287±32 BqKg<sup>-1</sup>, respectively.</li> <li><strong>Safaga city</strong> are 22±3, 19±2 and 478±44 BqKg<sup>-1</sup> respectively<strong>.</strong></li> <li><strong>Hurghada</strong> <strong>city</strong>, have 19±3, 15±2, and 432±57 BqKg<sup>-1</sup></li> <li><strong>Ras Ghareb City</strong>, 28±2, 24±3 and 381±25 BqKg<sup>-1</sup></li> </ul> <p>The radiation hazard index [radium equivalent (BqKg<sup>-1</sup>), absorbed dose rate (nGyh<sup>-1</sup>), Internal radiation hazard (H<sub>in</sub>), External radiation hazard (Hex), Gamma index (I<sub>?</sub>), Annual gonadal dose equivalent (AGDE), annual effective dose rate µSvy<sup>-1</sup>, and excess lifetime cancer risk] to which tourest were calculated.</p>Hesham Mahmoud Hamed Mohammed
Copyright (c) 2018 Hesham Mahmoud Hamed Mohammed
2018-06-302018-06-303rd National Conference on Image Processing, Computing, Communication, Networking and Data Analytics
<p>This volume contains contributed articles presented in the conference NCICCNDA 2018, organized by the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, GSSS Institute of Engineering and Technology for Women, Mysore, Karnataka (India) on 28th April 2018.</p>Vijayalakshmi M. NAndhe DharaniS. Meenakshi SundaramManjuprasad BKhateeja Ambreen Chinmayee CKeerthana N SManikya SNitya Hegde MAnusha RAsha PBhargavi YBindu JayaramSushma SSwathi STulasi GVinutha MNandakumar A NSanjana KSindhu GSiri MSripriya RShivani S PatelSwati Bhaskar BhatTanuspoorthi M SVandana B VBhumica M JInchara SM R Spoorthi RajNeha M RP RavirajAnushree S AChandana SPallavi M HegdePooja M MPramoda Devi BPriya M OVarsha S SannurVinutha C KHarshitha DKavya RLavanya MKomal GGururaj KSKavya PManjula SNeethu KuwarNikitha RBhagyashree SMeghana KNisha H NManjunath SBindu SVani WalvekarSwathi T ShettyShruthi NYashaswini B RManasa I RPriyanka S GPallavi MSuma BMadhu M NayakPriya PShravani Reddy RVaishnavi SSushma H DBhargavi S SwamyHarinishree M SHarshitha RSankeerthi VenkateshRummana FirdausAshwini M PMeghana S RRakshitha DSushmitha SPooja M PPooja V SPoonam SYashaswini K KRajshekar M BS Aishwarya RaoSahana SPriyanka N SInchara GAishwarya MoreMonisha SP SahithiVarshini Vinay VittalRajatha USheema WazirSheetal RBi AmeenaTejaswini R MungodSowmya H SKavitha MRuhi KhanumPunitha C CAsha Rani MJasna Susan AliasManasa MPallavi Krishna B RSwathi M CDilnavincentNavya S. RMuhajira U PUsharani JFathima Huda SirurHarini PJaveriya SajjadNoor Fathima FUsha Rani JMadhura S PatilPriyanka R MegharajSindhu VSushma H SSowmya MSanghavi VSanjana B MohanShreya MSwathi JainRajath A NAkshatha M NChaitra SMonisha B SAishwarya D SMadhumalathi SManisha U ASushma K MRavikumar V GSushmaSushma MRachana Raj A NZoya FathimaShruthi B MApoorva SAashika RajeshHarshini GKeerthana YadunathShruti B MAnusha SShobha C NannojiRanjini PTejashwini T VVishwesh JSanjana Reddy BSmitha H BPriyanka Aryan M PShradha JanibRajath A NPruthvi P RAkhila C VNavya SChaitra M NMadhuri C AMegha S RSowmya M CTejakshi N SVyshnavi M KGeetanjali A NArpitha TDeepti V BhatKavya L RKavya M SMadhurya TKarthik VShubhavardhini P NSrinidhi M SSwathi P SVindya BhatVidya N LRavi PNithin KumarGagana SParamesha KAnkit MaheshwariAnuradha KumariAnjali KumariNeeraj KumarNandini B MSavithashree MSadhana U SPrajwal MVarsha NKavyashree E DSaharshShubham SrivastavaLavanya M CVijeet RastogiShivamPrajakta MBhagirathi Bai VAishwarya PAkhil GKevin TShardulGagan N ReddyHemanth NK SathvikKarthik A BhatMahanth M VNagavarshiniShalini GNandita YambemShreesha MSrikara S BManjesh RVarun KaundinyaShubham JainSumanth SaligramC K VanamalaAvinash BAnupriya K RAshwiniVikas B OSaniya KhanJuliyana NManjula SRoja Y MAkshatha MSadaf FarheenShafiya SChandini A HNagana Devi G JKruthik M SD Khasim ValiSmruthi K MTejas RArpitha P MJanhavi VSameena Banu YRavi Kumar VShilpa RRadha RAdithya GuptaAnkitha ASubramanya RajuVidya B HRumana AnjumSuneetha K BChaithra T SHarshitha K SYashaswini H JNithaksha NLavanya M PNandini B MInsha SirurKarthik BSharath PMohan Kumari MSuraj B SChaitrashree RAbhishek JRaghavendra S MaiyaPrerana ChaithraShantharam NayaArpitha Y CBhargavi A GMahima K TNagavi K KMeenakshi H NAshwini S KK ThippeswamyAishwarya T
Copyright (c) 2018 held by the author(s) of the individual articles